View Full Version : Biphobia from a Lesbian-youtube video

Jul 12, 2011, 1:20 AM
Big surprise! This lesbian is being biphobic and practicing bisexual erasure.

Someone should educate her about bisexuality.


How do you know if you're gay or bi?
From: lesbiananswers

drugstore cowboy
Jul 14, 2011, 5:05 PM
I watched the video.

It's not surprising that a lesbian is being biphobic and claiming that you have to be equally attracted to men and women to be bisexual and everyone else somehow isn't bisexual in her mind. :rolleyes:

Jul 14, 2011, 5:57 PM

If I were given the choice to either fuck her or Danny DeVito, I'd do her 100% of the time.
If it was her or Alex Marte, she could fuck off back to Lesbia 100% of the time.:rolleyes:

So I'm completely straight! No I'm gay! No I'm going through a phase.:bigrin:

Jul 14, 2011, 6:15 PM
She doesn't know what the fuck she is talking about. Just like you can be straight and enjoy hetero sex without an emotional involvement, you can be bi and have sex with whomever without an emotional involvement and you can be gay and have same gender sex without an emotional involvement.

Where is this kid coming from?

Jul 14, 2011, 7:01 PM
...Just like you can be straight and enjoy hetero sex without an emotional involvement, you can be bi and have sex with whomever without an emotional involvement and you can be gay and have same gender sex without an emotional involvement. Where is this kid coming from?

precisely, Naked !

It was all I could do to watch that all the way through. kid indeed!

and just think: her peers will watch her and think that she has all the answers.

Jul 14, 2011, 9:24 PM
Don't trust everything you read on the internet.. <stabs ears with sharp object repeatedly.>

She did have one good point about sexuality - current thinking that I've heard is that sexuality and gender identity are very fluid. No, that doesn't mean that I'd rather sleep with a toaster or a sheep - but I we seem to have proven over and over again that labels do more harm than good sometimes.

She is speaking from her own experience, which is all she knows - just like I can speak from my experience and say that I like a good sausage one day, obsess over sausages..and then one day see a commercial for sushi on the TV and think to myself - gee, that sushi makes me very excited..

Besides..if you want to be insulted read this...



Emotional Masochist
Jul 14, 2011, 10:01 PM
Wow... So i thought i was kind of insulted by the video and then i read the craigslist post and wow. I can't really understand this sort of thinking. At the end of the day who or what(I would so date a poster of keanu reeves) i am going out with at the moment . I am bisexual because i know I am. I honestly don't understand how not wanting a relationship with a certain gender can make you suddenly not bi. Like personally I don't see myself in a lasting relationship with men. Mostly cause I've never really met a guy i could actually stand for longer then a day or two. I don't think I can handle being with a guy..... I'll leave that for another thread. But yea I've heard you guys talk about biphobia from gay and lesbian people and I agree that it does exist, but really I've only met one person who thought like that.Is this really that common???? Am I being sheltered from reality by great people?

Jul 14, 2011, 11:07 PM
Big surprise! This lesbian is being biphobic and practicing bisexual erasure.

Someone should educate her about bisexuality.


How do you know if you're gay or bi?
From: lesbiananswers

She's 18 and she claims to have all the answers. A lot of kids at that age think that they know everything. I wouldn't take her too seriously.

Jul 15, 2011, 2:10 PM
People who know so little are always the most vocal in sharing what they do not know....and unfortunately, like Rethuglicans and Christian Coocoos, once a bit of their mental flotsam gets out it's like trying to kill a house full of cockroaches. Eventually you just want to burn the house to the ground because it's so frustrating to deal with.

Obviously, anyone going to a Lesbian for advice on bisexuality needs to get their head examined. It's like visiting your dentist for to get information about your appendix. It's not smart, they aren't really experienced, and no amount of delusional knowledge is going to let them see out another persons eyes or feel their feelings.

I'd leave miss whacko to her own devices, but I'm not that nice anymore.

Something Else
Jul 15, 2011, 7:37 PM
Why did I listen to that???
Can I get my 6 minutes & 10 seconds back?!

Agree with the poster above, having a Lesbian speak about what makes a Bisexual a Bisexual is just all kinds of logistical wrongs.

The irony within her own vid is that: she uses stereotypes to explain how and what makes a bisexual a bisexual; then at the tail end of her video, tries to dispel stereotypes of how and what people expect a lesbian woman is supposed to look like - and says that "there is no stereotype anymore...because...they have this cookie cut image of what a lesbian should be...and it's odd for them when I don't fit their description".

Of course, attempting to point out the hypocrisy would be lost on her, not surprisingly.


Jul 15, 2011, 10:11 PM
I had a different impression of the very end - to me it sounded as if she was saying "it doesn't matter" When I was that age I didn't know very much about sexuality, just a bunch of feelings..so...

Jul 16, 2011, 11:16 AM
I do find the whole "I came out as bi first" idea incredibly annoying, but like I said, this woman is still a teenager. Maybe in a few years she'll think differently.

That Craigslist ad is offensive, however, in particular because of the "tuna/hot dog" reference.

Jul 16, 2011, 7:56 PM
She is talking to peers her own age, not old farts like some of us here, me incl, I didn't see anything wrong with what she was saying.I wish I had the same kind of information when I was 20.:bigrin:

Jul 16, 2011, 9:37 PM
I dunno, I've heard the whole "I came out as bi first" thing before, not just from young people. If anyhting young people are usually more flexible/receptive than this.

Jul 13, 2012, 9:01 PM
By far the worst biphobia I have ever experienced has come from lesbian women. They've told me how I'm confused and really hetero, that I'm really lesbian but just not ready to come out yet, and some have told me to my face how they think that bisexual women are whores and that they'd never get involved with a bisexual woman. I have been websites that are supposed to be for lesbian and bisexual women and of course the lesbian women will say that it's only a "lesbian" site and trash us bisexual women saying how we're damaged goods, will just cheat on them with a man or leave them for a man, and that since we've had sex with a man that we're now "dirty". The funny part is that they also say this about lesbian women who came out later in life who had sex with men, had boyfriends, or who were even married to men.

Jul 13, 2012, 10:02 PM

If I were given the choice to either fuck her or Danny DeVito, I'd do her 100% of the time.
If it was her or Alex Marte, she could fuck off back to Lesbia 100% of the time.:rolleyes:

So I'm completely straight! No I'm gay! No I'm going through a phase.:bigrin:

Excellent response.

Jul 13, 2012, 10:03 PM
This is just another example of how gay people don't understand bisexuality any more than straight people do.

Jul 14, 2012, 2:30 AM
The girls name is Jenna Anne and her Youtube site, "Lesbian Answers" is not associated nor affiliated with any LGBT group. If one would read or view some of the comments and ancillary video's she's putting out, she appeals to a female audience between the ages of 14 to 24. It's been around since August of 2010 and has a young but cultish following. If you ask me, it's attention whoring.

I don't consider her, her guests and their opinions to reflect any mainstream LGBT thought. Some of the stuff is terribly wrong but...to each, their own.

Jul 14, 2012, 7:51 AM
At 18, what do we know? Bugger all 'bout life.. she will learn or she wont.. much of what she says can be considered biphobic but isnt that something which can be addressed as she experiences life? She prob is biphobic but 2 hammer an 18 yo for misunderstanding the world is a bit like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut.. sure correct what she says but don't get so uptight bout it... all kinds of phobia's on this site by nice older and old peeps who should know better...:bigrin: A few bits an pieces on this thread alone...;)

Jul 14, 2012, 10:04 PM
Well Fran, some of us can't remember the last time we hammered an 18yo, and that's the closest we're likely to get.:tongue:

Long Duck Dong
Jul 14, 2012, 10:28 PM
speak for yourself gearbox...... I hammered a 18 yo old bottle of whisky a while ago.....lol.....oh.. you mean ..... oh never mind lol