View Full Version : Professional massage

Jul 11, 2011, 11:02 PM
When it comes to massage (and i dont mean anything shady), do you prefer a man or woman to massage you? I like both if course, but was windering if your willingness to be massaged by a member if the same sex is at all related to your bisexuality?

Would a straight guy allow a man to massage him?

Jul 11, 2011, 11:08 PM
When it comes to massage (and i dont mean anything shady), do you prefer a man or woman to massage you? I like both if course, but was windering if your willingness to be massaged by a member if the same sex is at all related to your bisexuality?

Would a straight guy allow a man to massage him?

Your title makes the question superfluous, they are going to a professional for a service so it shouldn't make a difference in the sex of the professional. It's not like preferring a male or female for things like urologists, gynecologists or proctologists. Any male can get aroused by a professional massage and they are trained to "ignore it" kinda like a chiropractor is trained to ignore people farting when they get adjusted.

Jul 12, 2011, 12:28 AM
I suppose that it wouldn't matter but I have only had female registered massage therapists. In my situation, the massages are not for pleasure but neuro muscular issues. I have developed a relationship with my therapist so that I am very comfortable with her hands on all kinds of parts of my body. She does a deep muscle massage that can be painful as she relaxes the muscles. There is no way that it is erotic. I can sweat and also have tears come down my cheeks from the massage as she releases toxins in the muscles. I know that when she was pregnant and had another female RMT do my body that it felt odd. The woman did things slightly differently and it felt uncomfortable. It felt a bit invasive as she wrapped and exposed my body differently. The relationship becomes very personal,intimate and non sexual for me at least.

She has told me though that RMT masseurs that she knows have more difficulty getting clients. (straight) Men tend not to go to another man for a massage as they don't want a man's hands on their body. Women tend not to go to masseurs for the same reason. That is what she has told me. I'm sure that Notlost may have a different perspective.

Jul 12, 2011, 6:55 AM
To me it depends on the person of course not their sex. It was interesting when i went to a new place thatbinwasnt given an option, and a guy massaged me. It was fine. If anything i was worried more aboutnwhat he thought about it.

Jul 12, 2011, 10:39 AM
I love getting massaged and I do not care who is doing the rubbing as long as they are strong enough to get in there deep.

Historically it was usual for the masseuse to be the same sex as the client (my dad got a massage most Fridays on the way home from work, he took me once and it was an all male affair, pool, steam, sauna and massage; the ladies had their own side of the spa), but that has changed in the last 20 years, now the massage places are more gender neutral all the way around. So you get to have your choice.

We both enjoy it so much we got a massage table for our anniversary last year. Best sex toy we ever got, and we both get great massages regularly now too :-)

Jul 12, 2011, 12:51 PM
I am a massage therapist. I can tell you, from my experience, that if someone is in for a real massage that sexuality doesn't come into play when choosing a therapist. I know straight guys who only want a male therapist because they believe that males can go into deeper tissue better than females. (Not true) I have been around female clients who only want female therapist because of their own comfort levels.
As the client you are paying quite a bit of money for an hour of relaxation or therapeutic work. Either way you need to be comfortable and able to relax when on the table, so the therapist can do their job.

In answer to the question, my favorite therapist is a female. I set my quality level compared to her. She's efin great!