View Full Version : Bisexuals Kicked Out Of The Stonewall !

Jul 8, 2011, 4:05 PM
Last night, a mixed group of Bisexuals were kicked out of the Stonewall in the West Village - the famed birthplace of the LGBT pride movement.

Yes, I was with this group - 4 guys and 2 girls. There was some (admittedly somewhat immature in a public setting) snogging going on. It was a nice mix, boy/girl, girl/girl, boy/boy.

Now, I've seen plenty of snogging going on in the Stonewall, but it was always same sex couples. And here we are, the scary Bisexuals - and they through us out ! We momentarily thought how ironic it would be if we rioted in protest - you have to admit, it would have been funny !

Alas, we did not riot. Most likely because the real reason they through us out was that we were to busy snogging to order any drinks !

Yes, even we Bisexual Separatists have a sense of humour about our silly behavior in public !

Jul 8, 2011, 4:28 PM
The overriding cause was surely that we weren't in a hurry to show our support in dollars. My being barefoot and trying to sleep didn't help at all. Yes, let's have a sense of humor about this, and save the alarms for when biphobia is clearly at work!

How long were we there before we were kicked out? I was far too delirious to remember now.