View Full Version : An intriguing article about marriage

Something Else
Jul 7, 2011, 1:56 PM
and how the definition - or interpretation of it - may change now that NY has legalized gay marriage.

It features Dan Savage - yeah that Dan Savage, the Bisexuality doesn't exist (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2sIf_sVYuc&feature=related) guy - to speak on how non-monogamous relationships may be more realistic.

I'll admit he made some compelling points. But ultimately I agree with the New York University sociologist, Judith Stacey, and her point: “Intimate partners should decide the vows you want to make. Work out terms of what your commitments are, and be on same page...”

Anyways, here's the link Married, With Infidelities (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/03/magazine/infidelity-will-keep-us-together.html).

A bit lengthy, but interesting read nonetheless.

Jul 7, 2011, 2:21 PM
Dan Savage's "advice" should not be taken seriously at all.

He's VERY biphobic, transphobic, does not like HIV+ people, and racist.

Look through his archived "advice columns" if you need more proof.

It can also be argued that Savage only started his "It gets better" program not to actually help GLBT youth but for self promotion, money, and an MTV reality TV show since he's a drama queen and media whore.

Here's a recent essay of his where he shows yet again how he's biphobic and does not understand bisexuality.


As for kink Dan Savage is 1,000% vanilla and does not even practice any sort of kinks or non-vanilla sex at all.

You do realize that there are better resources than Dan Savage and that article for reasons why people have open marriage or open relationships right?

No he is not the first person in the mainstream media to talk about open marriages or open relationships. Were you alive during the late 60s or 70s when Hetero swinging became popular? I don't like Oprah but I remember a few years ago on her show she had a bisexual woman married to a hetero man and they were into swinging and you can't get much more mainstream than Oprah and Hetero swinging in the suburbs.

I don't know anyone who actually likes Dan Savage or what he has to say that's complete garbage and misinformation and that includes gay men I'm friends with.

If your wife does not want an open relationship or open marriage and wants to be monogamous then don't force her into an open marriage just because you feel as though you "need" one and really just want to have an excuse to sleep with other people.

Also just because you're bisexual it does not mean that you can't be monogamous or that you somehow "need" sex with both genders.

Most bisexuals are monogamous and perfectly fine and happy with their same gender partner, or opposite gender partner who they are partnered or married to in a monogamous relationship with. This includes me.

I'm also not sure why the article's author seems to think that having an open relationship, having an open marriage, or having a 3 way is somehow a "kink" since it's not an actual kink at all.