View Full Version : The forced march

May 14, 2006, 9:13 AM
I spent the first week of May in Disneyland with my brother (not biological), my sister-in-law and my nephew. I was led on a forced march thru all the Disney parks and Sea World. My sister-in-law, one of the 3 Susans in my life, was the commanding officer and my 7 yr old nephew was the executive office. Cice, pronounced chech, and I were mere grunts in this precision military exercise. From Monday through Friday, we marched from exhibit to exhibit with only one goal...to see everything before we had to leave for home.
The general had planned a detailed assault and I'll be damned if we didn't achieve our objectives.
Blisters, leg cramps and fatigue never impeded our goal.

Alas, we are home, with good memories and I will be recounting the tale of the forced march at the Thanksgiving Table, prefacing it with the story of the Third Army, under Gen. G.S. Patton, and his forced march at the Battle of the Bulge.

ur ever luvin

May 14, 2006, 10:13 AM
LMAO.... :bigrin:
Atleast you got a vacation.......granted it came with blisters, leg cramps and fitigue. But it's always nice to get away from home and see another place.

Again, glad your back and have missed you!

Mrs.F :tongue:

May 14, 2006, 11:01 AM
Hey Bear,LMAO,GEN. PATTON,LOL.. Well hope you had fun anyway,lol. Like i said in the other thread my friend we have sorely missed your humor. Like Mrs F said we very glad to have you back. :)

May 14, 2006, 6:08 PM
OMG ((((( Bear ))))) you poor thing!!! I didn't even make it through one park in 3 days. lol Did that include Downtown Disney too? That is sheer torture just trying to fight through the crowds.
Glad you made it home in one piece and now have your feet nestled in a nice hot soak of epson salts. lol

May 14, 2006, 11:10 PM
I spent the first week of May in Disneyland with my brother (not biological), my sister-in-law and my nephew. I was led on a forced march thru all the Disney parks and Sea World. My sister-in-law, one of the 3 Susans in my life, was the commanding officer and my 7 yr old nephew was the executive office. Cice, pronounced chech, and I were mere grunts in this precision military exercise. From Monday through Friday, we marched from exhibit to exhibit with only one goal...to see everything before we had to leave for home.
The general had planned a detailed assault and I'll be damned if we didn't achieve our objectives.
Blisters, leg cramps and fatigue never impeded our goal.

Alas, we are home, with good memories and I will be recounting the tale of the forced march at the Thanksgiving Table, prefacing it with the story of the Third Army, under Gen. G.S. Patton, and his forced march at the Battle of the Bulge.

ur ever luvin

If that's what you call a vacation, what do you call cruel and inhuman punishment?


May 14, 2006, 11:55 PM
gee dude, sounds to me like ya need a vacation from the vacation.

good approach to familial revenge motif; :bigrin: i doubt i'd even think of recounting such escapades at my family's thanksgiving table. more to the point, i doubt i'd get much into the recalling after " when we went to disneyland............." before i wore either the stuffing or the mashed sweet potatoes :eek:


May 15, 2006, 7:16 AM
Well Bear, every good foot soilder must have his rest and relaxation, and well if those cute piggy toes are in need of some attention..... Sit right down, put your tired and worn bones upon my lap and I shall massage them and make them all better so that you may rejoin the world of the walking. UMM, deal? Every good dead, like you wanting to make Michael's vacation a wonderful memory deserves a little benefit. A good deed deserves another.


May 15, 2006, 5:52 PM

Your story proves that my gut instinct is right, never to take a vacation longer than 7 days. Sometimes having fun is so stressful, you've got to get back to the relaxation of your 9 to 5 job to recover.


PS. I broke my rule last summer and did Europe for 3 weeks.... was so miserable by the end, I'll never eat baguettes with joy again.