View Full Version : UK Peeps, LGBT groups and advice :)

Besos para ella
Jul 5, 2011, 6:17 PM
Ok, so I was wondering if firstly any UK peeps in particular further North know of any LGBT groups/events or support etc I've recently moved from London after university and i'm finding it ridiculously hard, I feel like I am having to completely suppress my sexuality. As I was away from friends/family it was so easy to be open with being bisexual in London, especially as there are so many LGBT groups and events. I met some great people and finally accepted myself for who I am. Just as that happened, I find myself back home, irritated and struggling once again, i've gone from having fun experiencing soho's lesbian scene to being stuck with the closest opportunity of exploring the LGBT community being "candybar girls" due to start on channel 5 thursday!!!!! Any thoughts/advice would be most welcome! Maybe i'm just not looking in the right places, I just find it difficult because I was a different person in London and now i'm around family and friends who I just can't come out to. :(

Jul 5, 2011, 6:59 PM
I know u live somewhere around the Yorkshire area Ellie so maybe these links will help.:)






And Manchester isnt that far away I hope. it has an incredibly vibrant scene and a bisexual group, and further north within reasonably easy travelling distance there is Newcastle which has a lovely gay area round the life centre.


I know Newcastle pretty well (having been outed as a result of a night out down there) and its a fun place. Check it out and I think u will find it worth ur while. And never forget Geordie and Northumbrian girls have the sexiest accents of any on the planet (take the word of a sexy Northumbrian girl - its true! lol)

Both Edinburgh and Glasgow have decent scenes too but they are probably a bit out of your reach being at least as far away as London. But they are worth thinking about if not on a day to day basis. Good luck Ellie. :)

Much luv.

Jul 5, 2011, 7:02 PM
Manchester has biphoria www.biphoria.org.uk

Sheffield has biweekly www.bi-weekly.org.uk

Depends quite how far north you mean :)

Besos para ella
Jul 5, 2011, 7:24 PM
Wow thanks sooooooo much Sammie! :) That's really sweet of you to post all of those links! I will definitely check them out! Leeds is the closest so that might be the best place to start, it's still about an hour away though! I really am in the middle of no-where!!! Andddddddddd... you're definitely right-Newcastle/Northumbrian accents areeeeeeee the hottest! Lol as for the outing-was it a good night!? I've always wanted to have a night out in Newcastle :)

Thank-you Softfruit for also posting links, I will definitely check them out! I am further North than Manchester but i'm open to suggestions! It's just finding excuses to be places at certain times! :)

Jul 5, 2011, 8:46 PM
Wow thanks sooooooo much Sammie! :) That's really sweet of you to post all of those links! I will definitely check them out! Leeds is the closest so that might be the best place to start, it's still about an hour away though! I really am in the middle of no-where!!! Andddddddddd... you're definitely right-Newcastle/Northumbrian accents areeeeeeee the hottest! Lol as for the outing-was it a good night!? I've always wanted to have a night out in Newcastle :)

Thank-you Softfruit for also posting links, I will definitely check them out! I am further North than Manchester but i'm open to suggestions! It's just finding excuses to be places at certain times! :)

It was 6 years ago Ellie and yes it was a brill night. The aftermath was anything but.:(

But every cloud has a silver lining and it turned out to be a positive thing for me and my life.:)

Jul 6, 2011, 5:15 PM
Even if you are in the wilds something like BiCon (http://www.bicon2011.org.uk) is an option for catching the other bis :)