View Full Version : My first sweet taste of corporate blood :)

May 13, 2006, 3:50 AM
Well- the homophobic git-er-done bullshit plus the wanton pollution finally reached critical mass. I have parted ways with my former employer and promptly reported them to the EPA. With their pants completely down, the government 100% behind me, and the wonderful people @ 88.5 WMNF (NPR) doing their damnedest to keep me sustained. In addition, longtime gay clients of my former employer are sheltering me till things cool off. If the Bowmans try to falsify anything over the weekend, the EPA will be waiting. Also, I stopped by my local police station before I left town and asked them to patrol my old neighborhood, reason being my ex is still in that apartment all kinds of fragile to set her mind at ease :( Also- I did this totally devoid of Anonymity. Fuck living in fear. Use the Power to Fight the Power. My whole family thinks I've lost my mind, but I've reached the point of not feeling like I have to answer to anyone but myself. I have very powerful allies and the bowmans don't stand a chance. I feel no shame for this. These people have been making their pockets fat by violating every environmental law imaginable for over 30 years. I take my trade seriously as well as my EPA license for handling refrigerants. I was proud of it when I got my certificate- put it on my wall and everything. It came down to a matter of personal integrity for me, with just a dash of malice :bigrin:
I didn't do it for me, I did it for her ;)
More to come @ www.wmnf.org

-Getting my eco war on,
Blessed be to all, even those planet killing fucks who almost made me completely insane and nearly destroyed my life or almost got me blinded, killed or otherwise maimed I can't think of how many times.(much better now, thanks)

May 13, 2006, 5:39 AM
In addition, the coast guard just called me and they're joining the fun. oh what a gay 'ol time it'll be :bigrin:


Fighting the good fight for the Earth Mother with nothing but my Jeep and my cell phone :tong:

Blaring pop music and holding hands, citizens defy the puritanical regime
-J. Biafra

May 13, 2006, 10:43 AM
More Power To You!

Congratulations, and I sincerely hope things go well for you and the truth!


May 13, 2006, 5:15 PM
Congratulations on your courage! Anyone who can get NPR to stick with them in times of trouble is truly a hero.

Let us know how we can help.


May 13, 2006, 6:45 PM
You had to do what you had to do. It takes great courage to stand up and fight the power structure for what you think is right. I wish you luck in your struggles.

May 27, 2006, 1:21 AM
How is this going? Are you still ok?

May 27, 2006, 9:05 AM
Please keep us updated on the situation. Good luck.

May 27, 2006, 3:14 PM
I guess I need to ask this question, Who are the "Bowman(s)? I am lost on this thread. So far I understand that you worked for a company that used a coolant and they did not dispose of it properly and you stood and said enough and reported them. Good for you! I admire your convictions and courage. Good luck and stand tall. In todays world, darn few will.

May 27, 2006, 3:18 PM
Kudos to you for your courage...And thanks for looking out for those of us that did not know they were damaging our Great Mother... :paw: :paw:

Jun 17, 2006, 9:59 AM
Hello. I did a few dumb things in the midst of a mental breakdown and got baker-acted by my former employer. I am bipolar, as well as a recovering cocaine and morphine addict. The whole exercise may be for shit, but I have my integrity. I'm currently in a mental institution :eek: . I'm on a day pass to my mom's house, thus my internet access :bigrin: . More will be explained when I get out in like 2 weeks. Until then, thank all of you for your continued support through this hellish ordeal. You know who you are. Your Karma is strong. Love to all
:female: :bibounce: :male:

Keep spreading the love,
Tom V 5.0 aka evil wizard's cat man ;)

Jun 17, 2006, 10:01 AM
And the Bowman family runs my former company www.dunedinrefrigeration.com to answer your question.


Driver 8
Jun 17, 2006, 11:18 AM
I wish you the best of luck, Az. Too many people know what's right but make excuses for not doing it. Hope the next update finds you in a better place.

Jun 17, 2006, 1:15 PM
Way to go Tom. by the way they still have you listed as an employee, must not have upset them that much.

and being bipolar is always fun. diagnosed in 2000. Love the meds.

Tink :rolleyes:

Jun 17, 2006, 2:06 PM
Indeed. Anti-psychotics are loads of fun :bigrin:

Jun 17, 2006, 6:31 PM
Good luck Tom and please take care.

Jun 28, 2006, 6:09 PM
I have returned, and am now a free man :bigrin: So I kept a journal @ the funny farm, 69 pages in length which I plan to type and post on myspace or something, but might as well give you a basic summarah :rolleyes: Kellie and I split, as some of you know. I still love her, but haven't been in love with her for a while. Despite how much she ever tried to help me, and she did, I couldn't get married, which she was hell-bent on (my fault- I asked her). In spite of all the beautiful times, she made me feel like complete shit about myself :( I had been debating about how to take down Dunedin Refrigeration without completely fucking myself over, and when my relationship ended I was just crazy and reckless enough to not care. Mostly from getting into some pretty hard drugs (clean for 7 weeks now). I briefly got back into cocaine, which had been 3 years since having done which gave me more manic terror and which I justified to myself by the fact that I wasn't paying for it. Morphine however was not recreational. I have an arthroscopically rebuilt shoulder which was completely massacred by a year and a half in the HVAC trade, one year of which was installation :eek: Every day I came home feeling like the walking dead, and tradesmen know lots of hookups if they so choose to exercise them. I actually managed to stop doing everything before I was institutionalized as I was intelligent enough to realize I was losing my fucking mind (manic psychosis the shrink called it- type one Bipolar) and all the drogas were not helping. I was screaming for help from my HMO who wouldn't give me a referral to a Psychiatrist ( Aetna fuckers :( ).
Then I waged a phone and e-mail war against the Bowman family. I was assured that someone would be showing up that weekend to investigate. Then, in my manic psychotic-ness I remembered that a gentleman @ WMNF was interested in the fact that I do some electrical work. I also wanted to swing by the shop and meet the investigator. What I forgot was that in my extreme mania I had kept Jeff Bowman up all night with harrassing phone calls. Never threatened anything but his business. I did however unload a fucking torrent of verbal abuse on his homophobic catholic ass and told him what I REALLY thought of him :rolleyes: The next morning (after not sleeping the whole night) I'm like- I'll swing by the shop, talk to the EPA, then go do some electrical @ WMNF. I had an assload of tools on my person, plus two 11 inch fiberglass knives. I had the knives because I was extremely paranoid for my safety. I warned a few of the helpers, including my own what
I did because I didn't want to see them get screwed over. I knew every neanderthal I worked with would want my blood for what I did. Now here's where the extreme insane stupidity kicks in. I saw a cop at the shop, who I presumed was with all the government people I called. I walked up calmly, said, "Good morning sir, I'm the person who called the EPA". Big fucking mistake. In a flash my hands were on the side of the car and I was in police custody. The brothers Bowman came out from the side of the building telling the cop they were fearful for their and their family's safety. I kept saying "Sir, these are tools, not weapons.". I found out that the cop, who was a decent enough guy, checked victim next to my name on the evidence jar the knives were put in. It is now sitting on my bookshelf. I never would have gotten them back if he thought I was a violent person. He realized there was a lot more going on than what the bowmans told him. Now, here I am, 47 days later and finally exonerated and on the right medication. Aint that a strange trip? :cool:

Jun 28, 2006, 6:11 PM
Also, my profuse thanks to you all for your support. Much love.

:bibounce: :male: :female: :bigrin: :tongue:
-Tom aka formerly incarcerated by the state evil wizard's cat man :cool: