View Full Version : Thanks to all that posted...really helped

Jun 25, 2011, 12:51 PM
Thanks for your advice it has made real sense to me, when not being stereotyped, and I wholey agree that for my wife to tell me took real guts and trust in me not to run a mile and that it does not mean she is going to cheat on me.

It has started to become easier and I am having far less bad days when it is all doom and gloom and completely unjustified paranoia and I am actually feeling very comfotable with having a bisexual wife.

At the same time my wife has become more at ease with her new feelings and we are starting to joke about certain women being fit or not. I still feel that she feels slightly awkward talking to me about her feelings towards women and who she is attracted to at the mo but it's possibly none of my business or for her to tell when she is comfotable, I don't really mind.

I am more in love with my wife than ever :love: and this has actually brought us closer. We are doing more things together and in the bedroom, it has made me more attentive to her and we are at it like teenagers again. If it stays like this then fantastic.


Jun 25, 2011, 1:19 PM
That is wonderful Robert <smiles>

Jun 25, 2011, 1:41 PM
Awesome!! That's wonderful news, and exactly what I was hoping for for you! So glad we could help!!! :-D

Jun 25, 2011, 2:56 PM
Great to hear things are getting better!

Jun 26, 2011, 7:21 AM
Super! SMILE! soo glad it is working! HUGS to you both!