View Full Version : Help stop proposed legislation

May 12, 2006, 10:33 AM
For those of you who live here in the Good Ol' US of A--you can take steps to stop proposed Congressional legislation that will take away the rights of anyone who deviates from the narrow dictates of the religio-fundy right---

Check out this link of The Human Rights Campaign--the organization is fighting attempts by the Republican leadership to enact legislation that will curtail the rights of anyone in our "free" country whose sexual orientation varies from the straight and narrow.


The organization will be sending postcards to members of the Congress and Senate when debate on this proposed legislation begins in early June.

I found this link while visiting the alternative news site, Raw Story.com. They have a story posted there, that if true, should be scary--the Bush administration has sent more naval vessels to the Persian Gulf with the possible goal of launching air strikes against Iran in the near future.


May 12, 2006, 11:49 AM
After making my last post---I went back the HRC website that provides this info--on the page http://www.hrc.org/voteno/voteno.h

They have a quote posted from US Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) regarding his reasons for proposing this legislation--actually this legislation is not an outright law--what is proposed is a Constitutional amendment--something that is thankfully, not an easy task considering the process of approving a new amendment.

Here is Santorum's quote: "I would argue that the future of our country hangs in the balance because the future of marriage hangs in the balance. Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?"
- Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA);

Now think about this folks---Santorum is essentially equating those who are not straight and married as being as big of a threat to national security as someone who is a member of Al-Queda.

I just got done serving several months on my county's Grand Jury and I used to be a probation officer as some of you know--my God, between what I used to deal with as a probation officer and the cases we saw on the Jury--(pardon my English) but there are some way, way, way, way, way fucked up hetersexual relationships out there--we didn't have any fucked up gay, bisexual or transgendered ones that came to the attention of the legal system.

And what about Brittany Spears? Wasn't her less than 24 hour marriage pretty well fucked up?

Oh well--it's gotten crazy out there...

May 12, 2006, 12:30 PM
Wow! I thought this was a site with a bisex theme. Links to the ultra-liberal, far left "Raw Story" web site seem to be out of place here, but then what do I know? :eek:

May 12, 2006, 2:32 PM
Wow! I thought this was a site with a bisex theme. Links to the ultra-liberal, far left "Raw Story" web site seem to be out of place here, but then what do I know? :eek:

I think the link is appropriate because it covers the issue at hand. I would have posted it just as I would post a link to an extreme ultra-conservative, far-right website if it had information that was pertinate to our way of life.

Thanks 12voltman59. I am considering signing on to have my name on one of the postcards.

May 12, 2006, 8:46 PM
I agree with what married-bi-memphis just wrote. Warmpuppy, many people on this site are interested in engaging issues that go beyond the sexual side of bi life. Voltman's links are helpful because they deal with the political side of things.

Thanks, Voltman. And I don't mind being called ultra-liberal if it's ultra-liberal to disagree with Santorum's claim that same-sex couples are a national security threat. J. Edgar Hoover's legacy apparently lives on, of making homosexuals look like a threat to national integrity (as if gay men are going to conspire with Communists, or the Taliban for that matter.)

Santorum, as one Pennsylvania friend told me, is "latin for asshole." (Actually it's Latin for 'of the holy ones' but the joke works better.)

Santorum's latest charge against gay couples is part of the endless mill of distractions -- in the last year it's gone from "the arabs want to kill us" to "the mexicans are taking our jobs" to "the chinese are driving up the price of our oil" to now "the homos want to break up heterosexual households." People in power will do anything to avoid being held accountable for their mistakes. When the Democrats were in power, they looked for scapegoats too. Right now the Repubs in power, so to fight the scapegoating, we have to fight the Repubs.