View Full Version : Dan Savage to lead NYC Pride Parade

Jun 22, 2011, 8:49 PM
Just learned, thought I'd share.


Jun 22, 2011, 8:57 PM
Ugh I find that media whore and hypocrite to be annoying, now he thinks he's God-like and it's gone to his head.

The whole "It gets better" project was done out of self promotion for an MTV reality TV show and Dan Savage has made a career out of trashing bisexuals and trans people so he's the last person who should be heading a campaign or group for GLBT teens/youth or bullying since he's a total hypocrite.

Jun 22, 2011, 9:52 PM
One More Reason I Have No Interest In Attending ! ! !

Of course, my argument with Savage would go something like this :

Me - "So, you think Bisexuals are just closet cases, right ?"

DS - "You're just afraid to admit you are really gay, so you pretend to be Bisexual"

Me - "Oh, so you think sexuality is really a choice then, right ?"

DS - "No ! We are born this way !"

Me - "Exactly what I am saying - I was born this way, but according to you, the only two options are to be born straight or gay."

DS - "Uhhhhhh"

Me - "Just admit it, you were born a hypocrite"

Jun 22, 2011, 10:30 PM
Here's how the Savage twists things around to suit his vision:

Jun 22, 2011, 11:55 PM
Here's how the Savage twists things around to suit his vision:

Thanks for posting that!

I did post a reply on that "article". I'd suggest that other bisexuals register and post comments to it as well.

Here's what I wrote:
Sorry Dan I don't buy this for a second. It's PR BS and lies from you. You're biphobic and everyone knows it. You're just showing how little you understand about bisexuality and male bisexuals. Of course in your world you're never wrong and have never apologized for the biphobic and transphobic things you've said in the past and this makes you a hypocrite.

Gay men like you, and lesbians who are biphobic too are the reason why some male and female bisexuals want nothing to do with the so called GLBT "community". No not all bisexual men and women get into opposite gender relationships. I know lots of bisexual men and women who appear to be gay or lesbian from the outside but they're bisexual and are partnered to other bisexual men and women, or gay and lesbian men and women.

I've been out as bisexual for decades and most of my male bisexual friends have as well even though they've experienced actual discrimination and bigotry from gay men these gay men and even lesbians are just mirroring the bigotry and discrimination that they get from Heterosexuals and a Hetero society.

Jun 25, 2011, 10:14 PM
It turns out you don't have to register to the site to reply to Dan Savage's bigotry and bullshit, I suggest that you all post a reply to him since he is no friend to bisexuals and is not for GLBT equality or GLBT rights.