View Full Version : Poll intolerance

Jun 22, 2011, 6:56 AM
Here's an idea for those who don't like the topic or options offered by others polls... Don't participate! Like every other member, you can also create your own poll. Also, not everyone is aware of every thread topic that has been shared since this site began. How about some tolerance? If it's not constructive, then keep it to yourself. Intolerance is unappealing; especially in the GLBT community! And if you don't like the site, then get a refund for this sites membership fees & use it to start your own... LOL

Jun 22, 2011, 7:07 AM
You carry on with your polls, Danni. They aren't very scientific, don't mean anything, they are boring and dont tell us much but if it makes you happy. Isn't that why the site exists?:)

Jun 22, 2011, 8:22 AM
You carry on with your polls, Danni. They aren't very scientific, don't mean anything, they are boring and dont tell us much but if it makes you happy. Isn't that why the site exists?:)


Jun 22, 2011, 8:41 AM
Danni unfortunately human nature being what it is folks will make less than constructive comments. What's ironic is how indignant they get when others do it to them. Ce la vie.

Jun 22, 2011, 8:44 AM
You have every right to post whatever poll you like. We have every right to comment. That's how the system works.

Jun 22, 2011, 10:36 AM
It doesn't matter whether you post your poll or your pole you will get mixed reactions. Good Luck

Jun 22, 2011, 12:46 PM
It doesn't matter whether you post your poll or your pole you will get mixed reactions. Good Luck

Haven't been following what this is all about but had to laugh out loud at this last comment. A sense of humor will get us through most things with what sanity we had to begin with intact. Still snickering.... that was a good one Welickit!

Jun 22, 2011, 7:45 PM
Bi the way Diva's comment on Duckie's Darling Poll is spot on!

Jun 23, 2011, 1:03 AM
Danni---what the problem is with your polls is not some sort of "intolerance" on the part of us who have or might answer them--the problem is that you haven't always constructed your polls in the best way---you tend to make them so that your questions are set up in such a way that you self-limit the potential responses.

Surely these polls are done for "fun" and are really trivial---but you do need to make them so that people who might wish to respond--- have a better range of options from which to chose.