View Full Version : Parent's sex lives

May 11, 2006, 7:52 PM
Its a sort of funny (ha ha) situation that I have found myself in recently.
That of my daughters, 15 and 12, esp my oldest, coming to terms with the fact that mummy and daddy have sex lives.

My husband spends months at a time away from home working as an explosives engineer in the Pilbarra ($$$$$ lots!!) Usually about twice each period, I fly there for a long and "dirty" weekend.
Last time, as there was a few days extra, I took my daughters so they could see where their father works and where he lives.

On the plane home my oldest daughter was all remote and pouty. Later, privately, with the ever-less-frequent mum/daughter chats, she just told me I was disgusting. That she heard us doing whatever we were doing and that she just found the whole thing "gross"

OK, I know sex and children don't mix, but I KNOW we were discreet and compared to how we behave when we're alone, we were very bland.

Actually I find it amusing - my daughter that is, but I guess deep down it brings home one of life's stages.
OK, I told her that we're very much in love and that having sex is an integral part blah, blah, blah.
But she still just found it "disgusting."
The funniest bit was a comment along the lines of "Have you seen yourself naked lately, Mum?"

Teenagers? If only we knew when we were having them.... :) :)

But I love them anyway.

May 11, 2006, 7:56 PM

Don't let the situation make you feel dirty. Just remember when you were a kid... your parents having sex? Ewwwwww!

I can relate because my wife and I are now finishing 40 weeks on a pregnancy, and the doc says if we want to speed delivery, we should be having a lot of sex. I thought I'd be okay with it, but we stopped after about week 36. Now, with the baby moving and me being able to see it, I can't! I'm like a 15-year-old!

Chalk it up to the timeless silliness of sex and family life!


May 11, 2006, 7:59 PM
My parents only had sex 4 times. Thus prodecing there 4 kids. BUT never had any for pleasure.



May 11, 2006, 10:29 PM
My parents only had sex 4 times. Thus prodecing there 4 kids. BUT never had any for pleasure.



WTF!?!? I'm only 19 so I guess I can be considered still a teen (Although I don't want to be!) but I completely understand that sex is a very normal part of any couples relationship. If I ever heard my parents doing that it was kinda like "Ewwe." at first then I realized that it was only a sign of their love for each other which reassured me. (After being reassured I still had to let out the obligitory "Ewwe." I guess it was just the fact that it was my parents.) Just my :2cents:


May 11, 2006, 11:11 PM
[QUOTE=Flounder1967]My parents only had sex 4 times. Thus prodecing there 4 kids. BUT never had any for pleasure.


Well mine have it 7 times it may have started out in pleasure but it ended bitterly. When i was old enough to learn about sex my parents were sleeping in seprate rooms. As a mother of young one I realize that you have to fit it in where you can hell just the thought of getting caught makes it exciting.
:rolleyes: . I know i will slow down a little bit as they get older(yeah right). Never feel dirty about something so enjoyable. I only wish my own parents found joy. I guess it is just a Catholic thing. Hell they threatend me with Catholic School as a teen when I discovered sex.

T :love1:

May 12, 2006, 12:19 AM
When I was in my early teens, we had a computer (a brand-new 386! With 16-colour monitor!) in the basement, not directly under my parents' bedroom but obviously close enough... :) It took me a little while to figure out what the noise was, then I laughed and thought, "Good to know they still enjoy it." And then I thought, "OMGEW!", but that's a normal teenager thing. ;)

Driver 8
May 12, 2006, 8:41 AM
My parents only had sex 4 times. Thus prodecing there 4 kids. BUT never had any for pleasure.
eww! Your parents are icky.

My parents never had sex. They found all us kids in a magical cabbage patch. I know because they told me.

May 12, 2006, 10:25 AM
My dad always said he only had sex 8 times producing 8 kids b/c that is the only time my mom got drunk. On the flip side I have a 16 yr old daughter who condemned me and my hubby for having sex, oh it is gross, how could you have sex with us in the house. I cannot wait for her to have sex and I find out so I can do the same thing to her (hopefully it won't be for a long time). The only thing to do when they hear you having sex is to say that sex is a beautiful thing between two people and one day you will see that.

May 12, 2006, 12:38 PM

My parents had SEX?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Hmmmm- I thought my genreation invented it ;)

May 12, 2006, 1:41 PM
"That of my daughters, 15 and 12, esp my oldest, coming to terms with the fact that mummy and daddy have sex lives."

Most likely they will out grow the idea that your sex-lives are icky (at least I would hope so).
When they were teens, I overheard them discussing the possibility of whether their mother and I still did "IT." Later (when they stayed with me after a divorce) they learned to accept that I enjoyed sex with both men and women and were happy for me when I married again. They became good friends with the my new wife, and my younger son shows considerable affection when he calls he "Evil Step-mother."

May 12, 2006, 9:17 PM

My parents had SEX?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Hmmmm- I thought my genreation invented it ;)

Yeah right on!!!!

CL loves to tease the hell out of me....usually at the most "intimate" moments about my parents "doing" it (talk about your instant "deflation"!!!) .....and I'm sorry but I know when I get to their age I hope I'm still fucking like a bunny rabbit but the thought of them "doing" it?? EWWWWWWWW.....lol :tong:

May 14, 2006, 7:06 AM
This is kind of funny!

When i was 16 (or so) my bedroom was right under my parents room, and the woke me one early sunday morning, (not being a morning person & really treasuring my sleep) i stood on my bed and pounded on the ceiling yelling "knock it off, im trying to sleep" i wasnt grossed out or anything, BUT the noise did stop

The next morning dad was up at 6 (as normal) making breakfast, as i came out of my bedroom, on my way to the bathroom dad asked if i wanted some breakfast, and i accepted his offer ( foolish of me to think that nothing was going to happen to me)

When i came out of the bathroom, dad told me my "breakfast" was already on the table
It consisted of 2 eggs (burnt to a crisp) 2 piece s of toast (black) home fried potatoes (blackened) and 3 pieces of bacon (cooked so much that they were barely recognizable) and i heard my dad mumbling something about a wise little bastard

thank you for this (funny now) trip down memory lane


May 14, 2006, 1:37 PM
eww! Your parents are icky.

My parents never had sex. They found all us kids in a magical cabbage patch. I know because they told me.

I thought I recognized you, cousin!

Hmmmm- I thought my genreation invented it.

Yes, that's right! And it is up to us to do did as often, and in as many ways, as possible!


May 14, 2006, 4:19 PM
I remember having asked my father when I was seven years old why are children born to a couple only after they are married. My father replied that marriage is like a plant which grows only when a seed is put into the ground.
The other day my wife and I were trying to explain to our daughter the facts of life and she asked us how she and her sister were born. We explained to her in gentle language how we had, had sex and she and her sister were born. She looked at us startled and said, "so you and mommy had sex two times! disgusting! and then she asked about her cousin who has eight kids and said, "you mean she had sex eight times, two times is bad enough, eight times, Yack! Yack, that's terrible!!!
Kids you know!!!


May 15, 2006, 10:55 PM
My daughter has made the YACK noises at me too, before she met her husband. Now that I'm dating (and have special friends overnight) she just throws up her hands, "I do NOT want to know....don't even talk to me!" and turns beet red :eek:

A funny story from her childhood....

When she was about 4 yrs old we were living in a 14X80 mobile home on a concrete foundation. One night, I had put her to bed and my hubby and I gave her a chance to get to sleep before having a seriously good romp. Lights on, no holds barred, no covers, good ol fashioned wild monkey sex :tong:

As we were laying there cooling off, I glanced over at our bedroom door, and there was the hem of her nightgown showing under the 4" gap. I tossed a pillow at the door and she ran off crying down the hall.

I followed her and sat talking with her for a long time. "No daddy wasn't hurting mama. Yes people do things like that when they love each other. Yes you need to respect mama and daddy's privacy." etc etc etc

After the part about privacy, she absolutely floored me by saying, "But mama, I just got up to see why the house was rocking!"

20 yrs later I still laugh over that one ;)

May 16, 2006, 2:48 AM
Before we had our second son...our oldest..who is now 21 and would just die if he knew I was sharing this story....managed to climb out of his crib..something that neither myself nor my husband had anticipated. Anyway...in the midst of our passion...all of a sudden we heard a little voice say..."Mommy..why are you sitting on Daddy's lap"....

Needless to say..it was the quickest I have ever seen my hubby lose an erection!!.....well..maybe the time the new kitten attacked his balls...anyway....sex isn't for the faint of heart when kids or kittens are involved!!!!


May 16, 2006, 5:15 PM
I am not old enough yet to have my own family, but someday soon, I'm hoping. I have never caught my parents having sex and never heard them. I know they do have sex, but I have never seen anything to indicate it. I have rarely seen my parents kiss (mouth on mouth) in front of me. The first time I remeber was when I was 10 at a county fair, they were kiss in a crowd and they did know I saw them. I have told my parents that this bothers me that I don't see thier affection. I would love to hear them having sex at least once. I know that sounds wierd, but it would assure me that they ARE human. LoL. Is there anyone else who feels or felt like this?

- Frunny

May 16, 2006, 9:16 PM
What a laugh. I had the same thing happen to me that Kates Hubby had happen to him. My G/F at the time were right in the middle of some hot sex. I was on top and seconds away when I felt something furry moving up under the covers between my legs...Just before I.... I felt the Swat and the claws as they dug in...Talk about a moment breaker or what #%*&#@ CAT!!!

May 23, 2006, 7:21 PM
I was on top and seconds away when I felt something furry moving up under the covers between my legs...Just before I.... I felt the Swat and the claws as they dug in...Talk about a moment breaker or what #%*&#@ CAT!!!

OMFG, I KNOW THAT MUST'VE HURT!!!! CAT, OMG!!!! Ok, anyway, my mom has been single since I was 3. I'm 19, and now she has a boyfriend that she's been with for a year and a half before, then they stopped dating, now they're dating again going on another year, and now he lives with us. I hate it when I hear them doing it, it disgusts me!!!!! I don't care if they have sex, I just hate when they do it in the house when I'm here! I could be in the next room, and the walls are paper thin, and I'll hear every moan and grunt. Some people would say watch tv, or listen to music, but that wont drown the sound out, and it wont make the feeling go away. Thats why i try to spend time away from home so they have time to do it. And im glad when they fight, cuz u know they most likely they wont be having sex! I know that when I have kids, my hubby and I are gonna have sex when we know they're not home. They're gonna be seein alot of my mom, their grandma, cuz im gonna be sending them there 24/7! I'm spontaneous, i'll have sex in the woods! :bigrin:

May 23, 2006, 7:37 PM
I know this has nothing to do with parents...(not going there with mine, my mom swears she's only had sex 3 times thus producing her 3 kids and has had none since...if you knew my mom..could be true!)

Anyway, Flounder had moved into my parents house with me when I was in college and he was working. Both our bedrooms were in the basement and everyone else upstairs. Now I know my parents were not that stupid and knew that Flounder and I were having sex but we tried to do it when no one was home or all in bed. My dad was a truck driver and was home sleeping one day. Flounder and I were in my bedroom which had a door but it didn't close tightly. And to be more discreet, we were on the floor.. :rolleyes: Right in the middle of it all the door comes flying open with great force and we both jumped up and thought for sure it was my dad. It was the freaken cat. He threw himself at the door and just casually walked in like he didn't do anything wrong. I've never in my life seen Flounder's ..well, you know..go down so fast. We laugh histerically about it now. :cutelaugh

Sorry to get off the subject but hearing about the cats..I had to tell!

Mrs.F :bigrin:

May 23, 2006, 8:31 PM
That was a great story Mrs. F!!!!

May 23, 2006, 10:10 PM
And im glad when they fight, cuz u know they most likely they wont be having sex!
What, never heard of makeup sex? :tong:

Long Duck Dong
May 24, 2006, 4:53 AM
lol pass out the granny porn lol

my flatmate is 75 and gay... and just after i met him... him and his bf were making out in their bedroom.....and i desperately needed the phone for a emergency call.... and not realising them were slapping winkles... i walked straight in.......i know sex is a wonderous thing... but some thing were just not met to be witnessed by my eyes and that was one of them

May 25, 2006, 3:58 AM
lol pass out the granny porn lol

my flatmate is 75 and gay... and just after i met him... him and his bf were making out in their bedroom.....and i desperately needed the phone for a emergency call.... and not realising them were slapping winkles... i walked straight in.......i know sex is a wonderous thing... but some thing were just not met to be witnessed by my eyes and that was one of them

EWWWWWW, Who wants to see old wrinkly balls?

May 25, 2006, 4:03 AM
What, never heard of makeup sex? :tong:

Tru, but my mom's a real bitch when she gets mad, so there's no such thing, at least not when i'm around! :bigrin:

May 25, 2006, 5:01 AM
EWWWWWW, Who wants to see old wrinkly balls?

hey Strawberry... less of the ageism please!... at my age i'm grateful for a glimpse of 'balls'... no matter how wrinkly!

...and i was 19 and beautiful not so very long ago...and inside, i still am..


May 25, 2006, 6:28 AM
This is a funny subject When i was married to my ex-wife, we were doing it,when ,worse than kids walking in ,her grandmother walked in,and caught a very brief glimpse of us doing it. Needless to say, i flew off the wife right onto the floor. Grandma just turned and left the room,went and sat in kithen ,waiting for us. That was very embrassing, talk about getting "soft" fast. LMAO :eek: :tongue:

May 25, 2006, 7:16 AM
My son is now 10....he has always had the ability to walk silently through the house and materialize next to the bed, usually a short distance from my face. To wake up 'feeling' that you're being watched, opening eyes and finding his face right there...well that's freaky enough!
But to have that happen in the middle of a romp a few years ago.....he heard some words he probably shouldn't. Scared the hell out of us all.

I did take the time to ask him later if he had any questions....he wasn't too concerned and took it in his stride. Thankfully, I am considered a cool Mum by my two darlings (ok I am proud of that!!) and have taken the time to have deep discussions based on their level of maturity, on every topic...from conception to death and beyond. Our boy said he knew what we were doing, and was willing to wait till we'd finished so he could have a drink of water. Simply put, he was encouraged to knock and wait from now on or call out.

I should add... hubby is still traumatized.

May 25, 2006, 7:25 AM
LOL Nara, We have had that happen also, thank god ,she was only sleep walking,dont think she remembers it :2cents:

May 25, 2006, 10:49 AM
I once 'disturbed' my parents when I was about 18 or so.
It looked so boring!!! :eek:


May 25, 2006, 11:10 AM
I knew from an early age my parents were sexual. I can even remember condoms in the drawer, though I didn't know what they were at the time. lol

I accidently walked in on them one time either doing it doggie, or anal sex one, and more than the ewwwww, I was more embarresed. I never mentioned it to either of them, but my dad saw me.

As for pets, we have dachshunds, and one I had years ago hopped up on the bed while I was with a gf. She slipped up behind me, and decided to nibble on my balls. Instant deflation! lol

My ex's younger daughter, had the eewwwww response when she thought of me and her mother. We were careful most of the time though and shut the door. She knew to knock at least.

Well, that's my :2cents:

May 26, 2006, 2:23 PM
back to the original post.

like you i think your daughter will get over it. and, hey, you can always remind her that she'll be your age some day.

i recently overheard my two youngest neices talking about their mother [ former sister in law, long story] and her partner [ same sex]and the noises they made in bed. apparently she isnt all hat circumspect around her children. the eldest was trying to convince the youngest that what they had heard wasnt some kind of night dwelling monster in their mothers room!

May 26, 2006, 2:44 PM
My dad...great guy.
My mom...frigid.
Sex twice...2 kids.
Soooo sad! :rolleyes:

May 30, 2006, 9:51 PM
My daughter has made the YACK noises at me too, before she met her husband. Now that I'm dating (and have special friends overnight) she just throws up her hands, "I do NOT want to know....don't even talk to me!" and turns beet red :eek:

A funny story from her childhood....

When she was about 4 yrs old we were living in a 14X80 mobile home on a concrete foundation. One night, I had put her to bed and my hubby and I gave her a chance to get to sleep before having a seriously good romp. Lights on, no holds barred, no covers, good ol fashioned wild monkey sex :tong:

As we were laying there cooling off, I glanced over at our bedroom door, and there was the hem of her nightgown showing under the 4" gap. I tossed a pillow at the door and she ran off crying down the hall.

I followed her and sat talking with her for a long time. "No daddy wasn't hurting mama. Yes people do things like that when they love each other. Yes you need to respect mama and daddy's privacy." etc etc etc

After the part about privacy, she absolutely floored me by saying, "But mama, I just got up to see why the house was rocking!"

20 yrs later I still laugh over that one ;)

"If the house is a rockin', don't bother knockin!" Where you two the inpiration for that great Stevie Ray tune?