View Full Version : Pink

Jun 19, 2011, 7:00 AM
I haven't always worn so much pink. Now half my wardrobe is pink, and much of that which isnt has splashes of it. Have a look in my knicker drawers it easy to see which I wear most often. The pink drawer is ram jammed full and the other below has plenty breathing space.

When I was little my mum rebelled against pink and rarely bought me anything which was pink. My nursery was actually yellow and I wore a lot of yellow as baby and toddler. Colour matching to mum seemed to be yellow to match yellow hair. I must have been very difficult to find in that little room. She hated the girls for pink boys for blue way of the world as it was then.

As I grew up, I began to see pink around me and loved it, and began to demand pink for toys pink for clothes and pink for just about anything you care to mention. As I grew into adolescence, pink became the preferred colour for make up and I must have been 13 or 14 before I bought a lippy which was anything but pink.

Fran sent me this link knowing as she does my love of pink and it made me wonder whether women are hot wired into pink.


The article does raise some questions in my mind and I have never really questioned why I love it as I do. I remember a lot of friends and other girls when I was young wearing some pink, but I dont remember it being so dominant that I fell in with the crowd and was inflluenced by that. I know that toys were often colour coded pink but not all because there were so many other colours it didnt seem to my mind that pink was a colour for girls.

According to the article pink was originally considered a boys colour and only in the last century did this begin to change.

Why do we refer to gay issues as "pink" issues? Why do we refer to the "pink pound"? It isnt because of women but has somehow been picked up and used to describe the gay, more often, male gay world.

Why is pink my colour? is it hot wired in women? Or just me? Or is their something in my life which turned me on to pink? My mother's attitude for instance?

I have an acute sense of fashion and always look to see what is out there in pink. Some clothes I see in other colours I just die because I cant get them in pink and others pink just isnt right. When I married Megan I got married in pink and it was the bridesmaids and matron of honour who wore white with a fuschia sash. I just had to have them with some pink!

Are we hot wired to pink? Or led to it? I don't seem to have been made to like pink more just seem to have developed a love for it, but I am just one person. There is a lot of pink in fashion as there is of many other colours. Why pink? Because of the domination of male fashion designers? Because of the influence of gay fashion designers? Because it's come from men somehow that women and little girls look best in pink and that pink is their colour? Or because deep down thats how we are?

Jun 19, 2011, 7:45 AM
Maybe you just like pink! Maybe like Molly Ringwald, you look pretty in Pink!

I'll bet it suits you, makes you feel good........so what?

My mother's favorite color was Green.

I tend to like red, or blue, but do like different people and things in different colors.

Never thought there was a psychological reason for liking a particular color, but maybe there is.

Jun 19, 2011, 9:21 AM
For me personally i love the color pink. Heck just about everything i wears is either pink or purple.

Besos para ella
Jun 19, 2011, 9:41 AM
Possibly, who knows? I used to love the colour pink especially as a child however for quite a few years now my fav colour has been green, not really interested in pink at all, I think I own possibly less than 5 pink items in my wardrobe!? (Excluding underwear :P of course!) However my uni halls room was covered in pink, so I must have gone through some phase then!? :S

<<< now contemplating actually counting the pink items... thanks for that Sammie :P

Jun 19, 2011, 11:22 AM
Pink is a 'flamboyant feminine colour'. That's what we are indoctrinated to believe.
Through history, flamboyance has switched from m - f at different periods.
Today we are taught 'Pink for girls! Blue for boys!'. It's such a trivial matter, but NOT without it's deep set psychological symbolic imprints.

For example - I borrowed my daughters pretty pink frilly umbrella recently to visit the chipshop in the rain.
I made a point to draw other waiting customers to it. (I'm not camp or fem btw). I warned a big butch masc bloke not to steel my pretty pink umbrella. He said "I'd rather get soaked than carry THAT around!".:bigrin:

But THAT'S IT! Pink (and frilly) is a statement of femininity.;) Femininity in masculine is scary. It confuses. Just like I do.:bigrin:

Jun 19, 2011, 8:37 PM
Pink for girls? - Nonsense!

Think of all the animals you ever heard about
Like rhinoceroses and tigers, cats and mink
There are lots of funny animals in all this world
But have you ever seen a panther that is pink?
A panther that is positively pink!

Well here he is, the Pink Panther
The Pink Panther
Ev'rybody loves a panther that's pink
He really is a groovy cat
And he's a gentleman, a scholar, he's a acrobat

He's in the pink, the Pink Panther
The rinky-dink panther
And it's as plain as your nose
That he's the one and only, truly original
Panther pink from head to toe
That he's the one and only, truly original
Panther Pink Panther from head to toe!


Jun 19, 2011, 8:46 PM
I don't remember liking or disliking pink growing up. I have always liked purple the best.

My daughter, on the other hand, hates pink! I always threaten to post pics of her in pink on Facebook. Her favorite color is green.

So, I don't think pink is a natural choice for girls, just a random choice that recent society picked.

Jun 19, 2011, 9:01 PM
And in the USA in 2011 someone will still get made fun of for wearing a pino shirt. Crazy isnt it?

Jun 19, 2011, 9:48 PM
green, green, green, kit likes green. that being said my daughter likes blue ,and one of my grandbabies likes blue, and the other yup likes pink, has nothing to do with societal impact, just colours we like. oh and yeah we play a really dirty game of soccer. Surprisingly our pinky is deadly , no fear , should never have bought her the spikes. got the scars to prove it :)

Jun 19, 2011, 10:42 PM
I remember taking a personality test based on colour preferences thirty odd years ago. It had eight or ten coloured cards that you graded in order of preference, I can't for the life of me recall what the test was called, I took it in an art class, It was a harmless bit of fun at the time, but now I know a lot of thought goes on in advertising as to colour branding of products and corporate colours, to make them appealing to customers perceptions.

In some cases it has been so successful it has altered our perceptions. The red and white Santa Claus suit for example stems from a Coca Cola advert, prior to this Santa had been depicted in a green suit.

The colour green with Ireland, green beer, shamrocks, and even dying the river green on St. Patrick's Day.

Some companies have even adopted green in to their corporate colours to try and convince us of their conservationist credentials.

Pharmacies in the UK now exhibit a sign in green and white instead of the traditional red cross on a white background, which in itself was taken from a reverse of the Swiss flag as symbolising neutrality.

My own favourite is blue. Pink I wouldn't be caught dead in. lol I now have this image of Sammie sitting by the fire like a giant marshmallow. Thanks for that Sammie. lol Mrs Blobby is alive and well and living in Scotland. lol

Jun 19, 2011, 10:56 PM
got new scratches on my ankles, gotta say i am still proud of my pinky. toughest little inside right alive. gotta see her dribble, and that doesn't mean drool. luv u nan