View Full Version : Are you a Weiner?

Jun 13, 2011, 6:17 PM
With all the Anthony Weiner pics floating around now, I'm wondering, do you do the same? Do you take naked pics and send them to people? Do you engage in webcam play? Do you worry about the consequences? Do you think people who do it are freaks? Or do you assume we're all doing it quietly?

Jun 13, 2011, 6:26 PM
I don't cam and I don't sext people exactly BECAUSE of the type of situation Mr. Weiner got himself into (that and I'm bashful anyway)... It's no secret that politicians sometimes like power, and sexual desire and control is a form of expressing that power. The era of the press quietly sweeping away any political indiscretion is over - if JFK were still womanizing today he would be in trouble.

"Hey baby, wanna go back to my place so I can show you my CONGRESSMAN!?" :)

It would be foolish to think that people don't have sexual thoughts. In my mind Mr. Weiner's big problem is that because he lied about it he really looks foolish now. Government representatives are supposed to be trustworthy. According to the news his staff issued a press release saying that he is going to check into rehab - that's a very polite way to exit the situation I think - wouldn't be surprised not to hear from him until notice of his resignation but who knows?

What you do in the privacy of your own home or bedroom is your own business and I don't really need to know about it - but if you allow digital photos out there you better expect that a) you have no control over them, b) they can have an indefinite lifetime and c) your mom could see them. isn't this internet 101?

FYI, I looked at the first pic and it was a picture of a grey pair of boxer shorts sporting a tent in the crotch area - no face or anything - not exactly X rated - I guess there is supposed to be a second more lewd photo? Not that I care to see it, just was curious what all the fuss was about.

Jun 13, 2011, 8:59 PM
I DO send naked pics about. I HAVE wanked on cam (not my thing though). I DO worry about the consequences, like - I'd best put the hoover on before he comes over.lol I DON'T think it's weird at all.

As for Mr Weiner - He's a bloke. He has a cock. He's hot (IMO) and he likes to send pics of himself about. Well keep em coming!!:bigrin:

Jun 13, 2011, 9:42 PM
Don't know who he is but if you don't keep your pics to yourself chances are its gonna end up out there for the world to see.

Jun 14, 2011, 1:29 PM
I don't send out naked pics of myself and I don't like to cam much.

It is really something that men in positions like Rep Weiner think that in this day and time they won't get caught--it is absolutely crazy to think that doing so won't be found out---you would think that as otherwise seemingly intelligent people--they would undertake such activity and think they will not become exposed at some time. It does reflect rather poorly on his judgement and if one is so careless and reckless in personal life---you do have to question if they would not also engage in unwise actions when it comes to their work in elected office.

Weiner should do the intelligent thing--resign his position--his actions in his personal life have discredited and undermined his work in Congress--it is too bad he does not see that such is the case. I hope that when his wife returns from her trip with Hillary Clinton, she talks some sense into dear Anthony.

Jun 14, 2011, 1:39 PM
The guy was an idiot and deserved to get caught.

Sending out nude pics of yourself and cybering with other adult women when you're a politician and in the public eye is just begging to get caught.

Did he actually think that nobody would find out or that his pics wouldn't become the topic of the media?

I do think that with the economy the way it is and 2 wars going on both liberal and conservative politicians, and the media need to stop talking about this congressman and instead focus on more important things.

No I do not think he should resign or be forced to resign just for sending out nude pics of himself to other adult women even though he's a politician.

Jun 14, 2011, 2:40 PM
The guy was an idiot and deserved to get caught.

Sending out nude pics of yourself and cybering with other adult women when you're a politician and in the public eye is just begging to get caught.

Did he actually think that nobody would find out or that his pics wouldn't become the topic of the media?

I do think that with the economy the way it is and 2 wars going on both liberal and conservative politicians, and the media need to stop talking about this congressman and instead focus on more important things.

No I do not think he should resign or be forced to resign just for sending out nude pics of himself to other adult women even though he's a politician.

The fact of Weiner's position in Congress is such that the Democratic Leadership--from Nancy Pelosi, to the Democratic Party Chair-- Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, Senate Leader Harry Reid and the head of the party--namely the president himself---have all called on for Weiner to resign--what this does mean is that he is at the end of being effective in his role as a Congressman because he is going to get cut out of any sort of leadership role, any legislation he might try to formulate is dead on arrival---things like that--so for all practical effect---he is out of the loop and is cut off from being able to do his job to any real degree. With that being the case----forget any big things---he is lucky if he can even service the needs of his constituents to any degree now--so he is basically worthless.

The other side of the coin when it comes to the political game that is played in Washington --while the Republicans seem to, in spite of all their claims to being the arbiters of "family and American values" and such--when one of their own proves to be a bad egg in this sort of way--they accept it and rally the wagons around that guy until he becomes so bad like Senator Ensign came to be that they do finally have to throw him under the bus---the right wing media spin machine will continue to make hay that someone like Weiner is still around, so sadly--he is a big liability that way and since it is something that cannot be fought--or at least only fighting when there is not just case for their crap---like they are trying to attack Wasserman-Shultz simply because they don't like her because she is an effective representative for the DEMOCRATIC Party and they sure as hell don't like or can allow that, by their way of thinking.

In Weiner's case--there is just cause to be critical of him and his continued presence in Congress now only plays into the game plan of those who plan their battle plans against Democrats. It only provides them with "real ammo" against a particular Democrat and against Dems in general--they already come up with all kinds of bogus and insane things they attack Dems on--no need to provide them with any more real reasons to do so.

Jun 14, 2011, 5:11 PM
This Weiner thing is just the sort of story that would run in an election year in the US. We have a lot of serious, real issues that nobody wants to deal with the RIGHT way.. For example - Social security is not sustainable with so many baby boomers retiring. Maybe it would have been if historically congress would've kept their mitts off the money but they did not. Sadly, they can't just fire 3/4 of their workforce the way GM did and then hire them back with no benefits.

I hate to say it but the more I see of health care the more I am convinced that the current system the way it is now is unsustainable. The price of every procedure is sky high because the health care administrators need to make sure they can max every benefit out of the system that they possibly can (and to potentially CYA against possible legal action).

I certainly don't have all of the answers but if we care about people we need to fundamentally change the way health care is provided in the world. All of the healthcare debate they are having now is no where NEAR the paradigm shift that needs to take place to understand health and wellness and actually deal with the problem vs just react.

I used to laugh at "telemedicine" - a proposal that using technology people could get remote diagnosis and medical attention without leaving their home but the more i look at the cost of retirement facilities, which really aren't all that wonderful anyway given the cost (again, jacked up to the max to ensure the most payout from insurance) the more i wonder if it makes SENSE to have people stay in their own homes for as long as possible.

http://www.ted.com/talks/eric_dishman_take_health_care_off_the_mainframe.ht ml

..sorry I'm off topic..

Jun 14, 2011, 6:41 PM
That guy is giving WEINERS a bad name!

Jun 14, 2011, 9:22 PM
I have sent pics, but I'm not in Congress and I didn't lie to the public about it. All politicians lie...but this guy was blatant in his lying. Besides, he's an asshole

Jun 14, 2011, 9:54 PM
While I don't engage in sexting, I have posted nude pics of myself on this site and other nudist and body mod sites. I feel there is a difference between that and a married man posting to (apparently) pick up a babe.
Having said that, I would love to know why we are so hung up on the subject. The Guvenator, Newt G, Congressman Harry Hyde, to name a few, have all had love children. And tried to hide them. At lease Wiener is being open about it.

Jun 14, 2011, 10:10 PM
Is the obsession an American thing? We had a political candidate accused of the same thing here in Ontario around the same time. While the Weiner story took off like a rocket, the George Lepp story here kinda died off fast. We all seemed to leave it at, "i dunno, maybe it was fake, maybe it was real. . .is that fresh coffee?" We have a weird hybrid attitude towards sex that falls somewhere between liberal Europe attitudes and puritanical American attitudes. (and yes, I realize there's lots of variation in individuals).

Jun 14, 2011, 11:44 PM
We do hold a lot of the remnants of our puritanical past. Back in the late 1960s/early 70s, I had come across a book by some guy called "The Rape of The APE" with APE meaning what he called the "American Puritanical Ethic" In the book--the guy argued that we were finally dropping away the chains of our puritanical past--but how wrong the guy was--the APE might have been down on the ropes for a time--but he came back bigger and stronger than ever in many ways.

We have one element out there who if they had their way--would have us hold to an imagined moral ethic that comes from the times they think are best--like from the year 25 AD or at least the early to mid 1950s. If they could not get America and Americans to voluntarily go back to such values--they would have no problem using the power of the government they largely otherwise hate, to impose upon all their moral vision for an America that "goes back to God."