View Full Version : Barnes & Nobles

Jun 11, 2011, 4:41 PM
I was in a Barnes & Nobles today and a guy that I have noticed in there before walked past me and as he did he kind of looked over his shoulder as he walked away.

He didn't smile, just looked at me. It kind of creeped me out.

I moved to another area and he came past me again. This time he motioned for me to go to the ailse where he was. Out of curiosity I did. He told me that he thought I was attractive and asked if I was gay.

We talked for maybe 2 minutes and he gave me his email. Our discussion was, "what's you name? Where do you live? Are you single?"

On one hand I was flattered and excited but on the other I was still kind of creeped out.

What do you guys think?

Jun 11, 2011, 5:11 PM
The not smiling part is creepy. If he was smiling and seemed more friendly then maybe it wouldn't be so creepy.

Jun 11, 2011, 5:26 PM
Yeah, if he was smiling it would be different but he wasn't.

Maybe he ws nervous but regardless, it struck me as different.

Jun 11, 2011, 5:46 PM
Maybe he was scared he'd get his lights punched out if you weren't gay? Either way, give him a chance to smile.

Jun 11, 2011, 6:02 PM
The 'not smiling' thing is rather troubling.
OTOH he might have just been nervous/apprehensive, etc.

Give him a chance, but be sure to meet up with him in a public place, at least the first couple of times, so that you can suss him out a bit better.

Try to go somewhere that's loud and crowded, where you can speak without being overheard. If he still creeps you out after that, then take a pass.

If you're lucky, he'll losen-up, and be for-real.

Whatever you do, remember -- safety first -- and I'm not just talking about condoms. He is, after all, still a stranger who creeped you out. Don't go behind closed doors with him until you're sure he's not creepy.:2cents:


Jun 11, 2011, 6:13 PM
Whatever you do, remember -- safety first -- and I'm not just talking about condoms. He is, after all, still a stranger who creeped you out. Don't go behind closed doors with him until you're sure he's not creepy.:2cents:


Excellent point. Isn't there something about evolution giving us an instinct for trouble?

Jun 11, 2011, 7:38 PM
Just FYI--I have neurological disabilities that make it so I have sometimes have trouble expressing my emotions non-verbally (and sometimes, with words, as well). I was just wondering, do you think that's what's going on with him?

Other than that, what everyone else said.

--db :bipride:

Jun 11, 2011, 8:40 PM
What is Barnes & Nobles,,a sex shop??

Jun 11, 2011, 10:06 PM
What is Barnes & Nobles,,a sex shop??

It's a bookstore.

Jun 11, 2011, 11:28 PM
Thanks to everyone for your comments.

BiBedBud, great thoughts and I am right there with you on them.

If we do meet it will be in a public place for sure.

If he loosens up and turns out to be a good guy great but if not, I'll tell him thanks but no thanks.

drugstore cowboy
Jun 12, 2011, 12:43 AM
He was flirting with you. It also sounds like he could be shy, and he was unsure at first if you were not heterosexual.

What did you tell him? Are you even attracted to this guy at all? I get phone numbers from men all the time but if I'm not attracted to them I'll just say no thanks or I won't contact them if they insist that I take their number.

Jun 12, 2011, 4:03 AM
If I see you at Barnes and Noble, I'll smile.;)

Jun 12, 2011, 10:31 AM
Yoyome, if you smile at me I'll smile at you.