View Full Version : Dating gay men ....a matter of patience

Jun 11, 2011, 6:39 AM
In my quest for gay sex I have felt like giving up a thousand times over. I have spent over three years and have so far had sex with two guys. Not that there were not plenty of interest. It's just that any meetings other than the two guys mentioned for one reason or another kept falling through. So it it seems to be a question of patience to succeed in the gay dating game.

So what are your thoughts folks. :bibounce:

Jun 11, 2011, 3:24 PM
I've only been at it for just over a year, and I notice lots of times I get 'No Shows'.:(

What could be simpler? 2 horny men after each others bod = sex!
But NO! Especially if it's planned days in advance on-line.
I think the insecurity sets in, as the horn wears off for some.:(

Not just gays! Bi men too!:rolleyes:

Jun 11, 2011, 6:38 PM
I came so close to my firsrt after months of finally admitting to myself i wanted to try something and he just disappeared.I only wanted to suck his cock is that so bad ? lol

Jun 11, 2011, 11:01 PM
After being honest with myself at the age of 43, I have been trying to meet a couple with a bi man for only a month. The first e-mail reply I got was a man who said he and his wife were looking for a bi male, but she was shy. When I said I wanted to meet a couple and not the man by himelf, I never heard from him again. I know he has been on the site since his last e-mail. I guess honesty was not his policy, but I will keep trying. I can only suggest you do so as well, if it is important to you. Just remember that Babe Ruth was not only the homerun king, he was also the strike-out king as well.