View Full Version : heres my story

May 10, 2006, 4:07 PM
been looking for a good site to talk about this with someone and looks like i found it after reading some nice responses to similar questions like mine.
ok i love women really. i mean romantically and physically, but lately i am looking at gay porn and fantacising about oral sex with men....but thats it. i mean, i dont look at guys on the street or couldnt ever imagine kissing one...actually i know i couldnt do that....full blown sex? not sure but the thought or images dont do anything for me.
now i have experimanted before with a friend after a load of drink one night and i loved it....he however didnt faire so well and almost drove him nuts. Im single, 34 years old and if i met the right guy i would do it, but he really would have to be the 'right' guy if you know what i mean

May 10, 2006, 4:16 PM
I think a lot of people think like you and until you are more experienced and know exactly what you do and don't like you're curious about it all. I do believe you must find "the right" partner in order to have a successful first time, in any type of sex. Drinking can calm the nerves but drunk, you miss the genuine feelings you have. A lot of things that really seemed fun at the time, when sober, are not.
I wish you good luck in your jouney!

May 10, 2006, 4:19 PM
Seems like you have a tough decision to make. For a while I wasn't sure I was bi. In fact, I denied it for four and a half years but thats an aside. Like arana said you just are going to have to figure it all out. With time and experience you'll probably be able to make a decision that you'll be happy with. Best of luck!


May 10, 2006, 4:26 PM
Look into yourself, be honest with yourself, and do not rush - you will find the answer you are looking for.

There are many degrees of sexual orientation- don't try to fit yourself into a predefined definition. Just be yourself and allow your journey to progress at it's own pace- Good Luck!

Blessed Be~

Jun 2, 2006, 11:12 PM
First and foremost be yourself. Take your time and let things progress.As with any relationship for things to work out well you need the right person and be comfortable with what you are doing. Relax and let things happen as they will. You have found the right place to ask and have your questions answered open and honestly.

All the best in your journey.