View Full Version : Angelina Jolie

May 10, 2006, 9:56 AM
I was recently impressed with an interview I saw on the Today Show with Angelina Jolie, and her work in Africa. There is a woman who seems to put her money and her time where her mouth is. Then I was surprised to discover on a list of famous bi's that Angelina is an out and proud bisexual! http://www.souliejolie.com/index.php?aj=information
Also interesting that a bi-woman could snap up one of the sexiest men alive in Brad Pitt. Other women on various lists were Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart and Virginia Woolf. Kind of gives your self-esteem a boost. You go girls!

May 10, 2006, 2:18 PM
Well, if I ever get famous (in a good way - LOL) I will also come out as soon as possible as a Bisexual.

Let's put ourselves on the map! (those of us who are in a position to do so ;) )

Roan's Man
May 10, 2006, 2:46 PM
Brad Pitt.
Angelina Jolie.

May 10, 2006, 2:57 PM
Angelina Jolie is Bisexual? I am so having a sex change. ;) Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in an orgy? Oh god my knees get weak thinking about it. Actually Brad Pitt once stated quite baldly that he wasn't especially well endowed. Now that takes balls...no matter how long or fat it is, that takes balls. LOL LOL LOL

May 10, 2006, 4:14 PM
He probably just wanted to get people off his... back.
Anyway, here's a good article about lesbian and bisexual actresses that mentions Jolie and lots of others (confirmed and rumored).

May 10, 2006, 4:21 PM
He probably just wanted to get people off his... back.
Anyway, here's a good article about lesbian and bisexual actresses that mentions Jolie and lots of others (confirmed and rumored).

Interesting article - thanks for posting the link!

May 10, 2006, 4:24 PM
Angelina Jolie is Bisexual? I am so having a sex change. ;) Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in an orgy? Oh god my knees get weak thinking about it. Actually Brad Pitt once stated quite baldly that he wasn't especially well endowed. Now that takes balls...no matter how long or fat it is, that takes balls. LOL LOL LOL

I saw the Brad Pitt nudes that were floating around on the web a few years back (which I still have a copy of) - looked normal to me :)

May 10, 2006, 5:17 PM
Angelina Jolie is Bisexual? I am so having a sex change. ;)
um, i think she would have you either way?

yes, she is pretty amazing to look at. and she was publicly involved with jenny shimizu, hot asian american lesbian model for calvin klein. the movie "mr. and mrs. smith" was disappointing considering the hottie factor, but it's good eye candy. :tongue:


Driver 8
May 10, 2006, 9:18 PM
um, i think she would have you either way?
When both men and women asked Sandra Bernhard what it took to get with her, she'd say "Have a sex change."

I'm ambivalent about Jolie ... on the one hand, it is so rare for celebrities to go public about their same-sex relationships that I'm chuffed when anyone does ... on the other, she has that whole freaky sexual history of carrying around Billy Bob's blood, and I get tired of seeing "bisexual" linked with "sexual and weird."

May 11, 2006, 3:52 AM
When both men and women asked Sandra Bernhard what it took to get with her, she'd say "Have a sex change."

I'm ambivalent about Jolie ... on the one hand, it is so rare for celebrities to go public about their same-sex relationships that I'm chuffed when anyone does ... on the other, she has that whole freaky sexual history of carrying around Billy Bob's blood, and I get tired of seeing "bisexual" linked with "sexual and weird."

And don't forget, it reinforces men's opinions of women being "naturally" bisexual and enforcing their fantasies...but with the same paint brush stroke it inks Bi-men out of the entire picture as it's "Not-natural", a counterpart and -point to women. *sigh*

I've seen this sort of thing vex Sean so many times.

And I've seen it leave Adrienne dumbfounded, slack jawed and bewlidered.

In short, despite the Self Bi-Phobia warning stuff we read, we REALLY don't want to be lumped into that "WEIRD" category.

May 11, 2006, 9:20 AM
Well, I didn't know about the vial of blood, and I'm not into all the tattoos, but the stuff she's doing as a UN Ambassador, African charities, and adoptions is pretty impressive, and not something most people are willing to do, especially not many rich actresses. And I guess I was trying to point out other positive role models as well, but if I called this thread "Eleanor Roosevelt" would anybody have looked?

May 11, 2006, 9:44 AM
but if I called this thread "Eleanor Roosevelt" would anybody have looked?

LOL - unfortunately, you're prob right.

Driver 8
May 11, 2006, 2:14 PM
[...] if I called this thread "Eleanor Roosevelt" would anybody have looked?
Maybe if you called it "OMG HOT HOT HOT Eleanor Roosevelt NUDE"?

May 11, 2006, 4:15 PM
Sorry for my irreverence, but I couldn't resist!

May 11, 2006, 5:44 PM
Wait, this one's better. Actual secret x-ray photo!

May 11, 2006, 5:44 PM
I'm suprised a few of you didn't know she was bi. I thought almost all lesbians knew that, and especially the bi's.

She has only been with that model that played in Foxfire though. The rest have been men sadly for a bi fan like myself. I'm holding out that another girl will spark her interest, if not for anything else but the hot pics to follow. ;)