View Full Version : so hard to find bi male

Jun 5, 2011, 1:49 AM
we have been on hear for a bit we are looking for a bi male or couple
to join us. all we get is males cheating on the wife. my wife knows i like cock and we do it together. so stop hidding guys

Jun 5, 2011, 1:55 AM
You ever thought it is not that easy for other people either to accept or be able to tell there wife? You ever thought that where they live is completely against same sex relationships etc. Sadly even in this century places like that still exist. Only one person knows I'm Bi and that is my ex fiancé, I don't feel ready to tell anybody yet, plus it doesn't concern anybody what I get up to, when I get up to it and who I do it with.

Jun 5, 2011, 2:15 AM
sorry to hear about not being able to make that connection. For me it's the other way around; trying to make connections with couples where the male is bi and wife accepts it and allows it. Or trying to find a woman that accepts my bisexuality and allows it....anyhow, good luck;sooner or later it will happen and it won't be someone hiding. I can also relate to those who do hide as I once was there myself. It's not easy at all. I've just chosen to be open about it now though not to every single person...but even those who don't know, if they should find out, it would be no big whoop in the long run as far as I'm concerned.

Jun 5, 2011, 4:59 AM
If people were to find out I'm Bi then so be it, but what I wont do is go round telling everybody my business. I'm not bothered by there reaction even if was to be a bad one. It's my reaction when someone goes to far. I have two wonderful kids and a ex that I'm still very close too. So I can't go around giving every mouthy div a slap when they get under my skin. I'm not normally bothered by what people say but at the same time I don't like people taking libities. I'm very hot headed and try really hard to control myself so don't need the extra hassel. Saying that the best thing I've found that has kept me calm was having kids and responsibility. It's something that makes me slightly withdrawn. But if I'm honest I do feel a lot better after telling my ex I'm Bi. It was like a weight had been lifted.

I struggle to find people around my age that are local. I feel like I'm the only one who isn't open lol.

Jun 5, 2011, 9:24 AM
Im in herefordshire and find this a problem too:(

Jun 5, 2011, 11:12 AM
Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. If you were in Louisiana I would invite ya over :) Im a Bi and came out to my wife back in Nov. last year. She is curious as well but we are having hard times meeting people as we just want to avoid the Craigs list thing... heard to many problems with that.

Message me if you come to New Orleans... well do lunch :)

Jun 5, 2011, 11:29 AM
I understand your frustration, we really hoped considering the amount of bi males in our area that are on sites like AFF, and don't know bout this site... We just thought this would be the place to finally meet someone. As for bi males cheating on their spouse, well it was something we were against at first, but having been in that situation before we decided that's for them to deal with,so come find us local bi peeps, we are waiting for you and understand why you are afraid to be open to your partner. Come on, we are waiting for you! ( let's see more local ads!!!)

Jun 5, 2011, 11:59 AM
we have been on hear for a bit we are looking for a bi male or couple
to join us. all we get is males cheating on the wife. my wife knows i like cock and we do it together. so stop hidding guys

I'm a bi male I understand Maybe this will help you you look this up on the web, I'm a member and maybe you heard of it it's adultfrindfinder.com it's free for standard member or you can upgrade I found a few friends to chat with and c2c with so check it out may help you

Jun 5, 2011, 12:13 PM
For many years I worked in a world that would have put me in real physical danger if they knew I was bi. I also dated some women who could have compromised me if they were inclined. I was very careful about keeping that "closet" locked.

Fortunately for me I no longer work in that field and I am married to a wonderful woman who, when I came out to her, accepts me and loves me more for my honesty. In the year since I came out to her she has seen that I am still the same guy that she fell in love with and married, and I haven't run off with some guy or cheated on her. Now we are working out the terms of an open marriage because she loves me, trusts me, and wants me to be happy.

My point is, have patience and understanding. It's rough out there for bisexuals who are in relationships with partners that wouldn't understand or approve. I am extremely lucky now but several years ago I would have been in the same boat as all those bi guys on the down low.

Jun 5, 2011, 1:30 PM
we have been on hear for a bit we are looking for a bi male or couple
to join us. all we get is males cheating on the wife. my wife knows i like cock and we do it together. so stop hidding guys
Are you in South Georgia?

Jun 5, 2011, 1:54 PM
Im here! Finally got the nerve to do this thing and I am so ready to please. :male::female: I use magnums for safe sex and love horny couples.
I think most of the bi-males are probably married and see no way out.:three:

Jun 5, 2011, 4:05 PM
well i am a bimale and dont cheat on my wife because she passed on 2 years ago and teah i have met some guys on here that are wife cheaters so i understand your problem

Jun 5, 2011, 5:55 PM
We understand and agree with you cool690. It is hard to find a single (meaning not married or live in girlfriend) normal (that’s a whole another subject) bi guy.

We don’t understand any reason for deception portrayed upon a significant other. i.e. wife or live in girlfriend.

I’ve been bi all my life, I let her know that while we were dating.

We hear from these married guys. My wife does not understand. We tell them she made the same comment to you that you made to her. You married for better or worst. So man up and tell her or put it out of your mind.

Women seem to have an unspoken code among them. She will not play with a cheating male.

Jun 5, 2011, 7:24 PM
Im in New York, if any couple from nere need a new BI friend i would be more than happy to please them!

Jun 5, 2011, 11:25 PM
The biggest issue we've had is finding a patient bi male, married or not, who understood our busy schedules. In our case there also has to be some chemistry or connection, especially with my wife, but once we've found someone who fits the bill they often lose patience in the time it can take until we're ready to play. Consequently we played with couples but we really missed the MMF fun, our favorite form of play.

We just started looking for that elusive single bi male again so who knows, maybe this time.

Jun 6, 2011, 9:43 AM
I am an unattached bi male who enjoys meeting bi married men and couples with bi men and I too find it hard to connect. I have plenty of patience and am selective (but not nit-picky) as to whom I meet. It seems the great majority of men and couples I contact or whom contact me are the impatient ones. They want to meet immediately (now or never) and are not willing to establish a bit of rapport first. Of the ones who are patient and sincerely interested, most seem to have a list of requirements that are too nit-picky ! Still, it is worth it to be patient because in the end you do meet quality people who only want to enjoy the experience and perhaps make a friend!

Jan 19, 2018, 11:00 PM
I'd love that sort of a situation myself. Unattached and a nice guy.

Jan 20, 2018, 12:31 PM
We have been members here for ten or more years and this issue comes up now and then. We totally agree about the cheats and living a lie. We don't go there either. We would suggest you get away from the computer and go out in the real world. There was a research study done some time ago about what activities, hobbies etc. that bisexuals enjoyed. I believe it was done by a college student and bisexuals nation wide were surveyed. The number one activity they engaged in and met other bisexuals was BELIEVE IT OR NOT bowling. Swimming came in second. Interestingly those were two answers we both put down on our survey. Perhaps you simply need to get off the computer and go join a bowling team or swim more.

Jan 21, 2018, 12:53 AM
especially skinnydipping i'm sure that helps ;):bigrin:

Jan 22, 2018, 8:34 PM
Everyone has a right to their own opinions and preferences and moral feelings regarding playing with bi married or bi attached male partners. However some people who don't approve of so-called cheating men take it too far by condemning those men as well as looking with scorn on those people who enjoy and even seek married/attached men for sex. The great majority of men I've had sex with have been bi married men. I don't judge them and I am not the cause of their desire to have sex with men outside their marriages or relationships. Of the dozens upon dozens of married men I've been to bed with, not a single one of them has ever had any desire for a love-type relationship with me. It was just sex for me as well and I would have run from any man who was looking for love. Not a one of them ever wanted to leave their marriage or mess it up in any way. You can say what you want, but sex is not the same thing as love. To go outside a marriage in order to satisfy mm sexual desires has been going on for centuries and it will continue to do so. In many cases, married men tried have tried mm sex before they had sex with women and that mm desire and excitement never goes away. Many remain faithful for decades, but after the point where their spouses have lost interest in sex, they return to men for sex and perhaps fantasy fulfillment as well.

Jan 23, 2018, 4:52 PM
Everyone has a right to their own opinions and preferences and moral feelings regarding playing with bi married or bi attached male partners. However some people who don't approve of so-called cheating men take it too far by condemning those men as well as looking with scorn on those people who enjoy and even seek married/attached men for sex. The great majority of men I've had sex with have been bi married men. I don't judge them and I am not the cause of their desire to have sex with men outside their marriages or relationships. Of the dozens upon dozens of married men I've been to bed with, not a single one of them has ever had any desire for a love-type relationship with me. It was just sex for me as well and I would have run from any man who was looking for love. Not a one of them ever wanted to leave their marriage or mess it up in any way. You can say what you want, but sex is not the same thing as love. To go outside a marriage in order to satisfy mm sexual desires has been going on for centuries and it will continue to do so. In many cases, married men tried have tried mm sex before they had sex with women and that mm desire and excitement never goes away. Many remain faithful for decades, but after the point where their spouses have lost interest in sex, they return to men for sex and perhaps fantasy fulfillment as well.

Your case has been stated here many times, both before and after you joined this site. The fact remains that a cheat and a liar has nothing to bring with them but cheating and lies. How do you trust someone you know dam well is a cheat and a liar? Do you just take his word he doesn't have a disease? Do you simply assume he isn't a gay basher or serial killer? You are entitled to your way of justifying it but in the end you will pay a price. Birds of a feather flock together so I am sure you have plenty of other cheats to play with.

Jan 26, 2018, 2:04 PM
I think that there are a lot of married men who are Bisexual on the sly, then we will ever know.

Jan 26, 2018, 6:08 PM
Just don't go swimming with a bowling ball...

Jan 28, 2018, 9:04 PM
Your case has been stated here many times, both before and after you joined this site. The fact remains that a cheat and a liar has nothing to bring with them but cheating and lies. How do you trust someone you know dam well is a cheat and a liar? Do you just take his word he doesn't have a disease? Do you simply assume he isn't a gay basher or serial killer? You are entitled to your way of justifying it but in the end you will pay a price. Birds of a feather flock together so I am sure you have plenty of other cheats to play with.

You seem to be one of the folks I referred to as taking their own beliefs and opinions too far, crossing the line with a holier-than-thou, judgemental attitude by judging me. I am neither encouraging nor discouraging others to play with married men. My "case", as you put it is still my case and my "case" alone and it will remain so despite what some others might have to say about it. I'll not judge any married man (or married woman) with whom I play to be a cheat or liar. He may be having sex with me and with other men outside his marriage, but if he has been honest and upfront with me as to his marital status and mm desires, he hasn't lied to me. The great majority of married men I've met were "cheating" on their own time and not stealing time from wives, families or jobs to enjoy sex with me with other men. They met me or other men on lunch breaks from work OR stopped off for a bit of mm fun after work while their wives were still at work and otherwise not expecting them to be home at a certain time OR if their wives were working different hours OR when their wives were out of town. They didn't have to lie to their wives or fabricate alibis because they were very cautious and discreet. They put themselves in position to have extramarital mm fun without lying or putting themselves in a position where they had to lie. I feel no need to "justify" my actions. I am comfortable and fear no divine retribution and from my loving Father God for doing what feels right and natural for me. There's no price to pay, except for being deprived sexually for not seeking what I want sexually. As for the dangers and risks of disease or getting beat up by homophobes, I don't meet men without first getting to know them online or via texts and voicecalls. There are certainly risks involved, but they are calculated risks which can be mitigated by doing things safely and discreetly. As for birds of a feather, you are right. Men like me and the married men I meet naturally flock together and there are thousands if not millions of others doing the same worldwide.

Jan 29, 2018, 11:52 AM
we have been on hear for a bit we are looking for a bi male or couple
to join us. all we get is males cheating on the wife. my wife knows i like cock and we do it together. so stop hidding guys

My freind has talked about him and i and my wife is discusted at the thought so theres no way i can tell her i like sucking cock more than she does

Jan 30, 2018, 10:25 AM
I am a married person and my wife was willing to let me try it with another man some years ago. We haven't talked about it in some time. I'd like to find someone like me who wants a friend he can do other things with and then those extra things too. It would be a lot less worrisome if you could do it without looking over your shoulder all the time.

Jan 30, 2018, 1:21 PM
I am a married person and my wife was willing to let me try it with another man some years ago. We haven't talked about it in some time. I'd like to find someone like me who wants a friend he can do other things with and then those extra things too. It would be a lot less worrisome if you could do it without looking over your shoulder all the time.
You may as well give up on the idea of finding someone who can be a friend to do other things with, because finding that online is a total joke, I been looking for that for years and NO luck, I get a lot who just get on when they horny claiming to be looking for that but after chatting and emailing, maybe a week if ur dam lucky, they will suddenly be GONE and not reply no more. I found this to be true on ANY male site. This one has no one local to me at all so this site does me no good as far as finding anyone.

Feb 3, 2018, 4:29 AM
sorry to hear about not being able to make that connection. For me it's the other way around; trying to make connections with couples where the male is bi and wife accepts it and allows it. Or trying to find a woman that accepts my bisexuality and allows it....anyhow, good luck;sooner or later it will happen and it won't be someone hiding. I can also relate to those who do hide as I once was there myself. It's not easy at all. I've just chosen to be open about it now though not to every single person...but even those who don't know, if they should find out, it would be no big whoop in the long run as far as I'm concerned.

Finding an open-minded couple with a bi male and a female open to MMF adventures is a rare thing indeed. I was fortunate to fall in with such a couple some 12 years ago, when I first began exploring my bi-side. Together, my friends Bruce and Colleen gently coaxed me into exploring fantasies I never knew I even had, and experiencing things I never imagined I'd do. What we shared broadened my horizons, and helped me come to terms with a part of my sexuality I only first discovered at mid-life. Although there are many people who wouldn't understand or approve, I have never regretted any of what we shared

Over the roughly four months we were together, B & C and I explored pretty much every combination, position and sexual activity possible between two bi guys and a gal. I was having wonderful, raw, uninhibited, lustful sex with a male and a female, and sometimes both at the same time. Our weekly get-togethers were pretty much a sexual smorgasbord, although Colleen's great thrill seemed to be watching her boyfriend, Bruce, and me engage in mutual masturbation, frottage, and other forms of bisexual play.

As our relationship developed, it became clear that having me suck Bruce to completion was a huge part of their shared fantasy, and with considerable difficulty and a fair amount of coaxing, I was eventually able to indulge that fantasy for them. I loved performing oral on Bruce – loved the different textures of his cock, loved the way it twitched and throbbed in response to my ministrations. It all felt so right, especially with Colleen cooing her approval and telling us how beautiful it was watching us guys pleasure one another.

Predictably, it didn’t last. As spring arrived, Colleen accepted a new job in Michigan, and she and Bruce ceased to be an item. He and I continued getting together once a month or so for what we euphemistically called “guy time,” but our sex play was never quite the same without Colleen’s participation.

For some 12 years, I’ve searched in vain for another such couple, and I am increasingly convinced they just aren’t out there!

Feb 3, 2018, 7:32 AM
hope u find that couple soon, sounds like u really enjoyed ur experiance with 1. very hard to find but i'm sure they are out there. it's too bad u couldn't continue anytying with the guy but i understand it wasn't gonna last long because he was part of the couple & u were involved in the couple.

Feb 5, 2018, 2:28 PM
Your case has been stated here many times, both before and after you joined this site. The fact remains that a cheat and a liar has nothing to bring with them but cheating and lies. How do you trust someone you know dam well is a cheat and a liar? Do you just take his word he doesn't have a disease? Do you simply assume he isn't a gay basher or serial killer? You are entitled to your way of justifying it but in the end you will pay a price. Birds of a feather flock together so I am sure you have plenty of other cheats to play with.

Wow... you must be a miserable person to be around if you'd speak to other people that way.

Feb 6, 2018, 1:05 PM
A few years ago I hooked up with a local guy who was flamboyantly gay ( I needed some relief ). He told me all of the local politicians, and married "Pillars of the Community" who would go to him "On the sly" to get a BJ from him.

Feb 6, 2018, 7:18 PM
Finding other bi guys has never been a challenge for me. My challenge seems to be finding nice, stable guys who are genuinely interested in an ongoing intimate relationship. Over the 13 years since I started actively exploring my bisexuality, I've been with 13 guys in all. Much to my dismay, all but two of those turned out to be once-and-done encounters.

It's always the same; the guy says he wants a regular thing -- an open-minded friend for male bonding and discreet guy-on-guy fun. Being the trusting sort, I take the bait. We meet for coffee, schedule a play date; we get naked, get each other off, and as he's getting dressed he says, "This was great! Let's do it again soon." A week goes by, then two. Emails go unanswered, phone calls aren't returned, and I realize I've been used and deceived.

I suppose some guys just get cold feet after that first time, decide tat a bi relationship isn't right for them. Perhaps they're afraid to confront their bisexuality, or are worried someone might learn their secret. Perhaps others are just stringing me along, more interested in a one-time fling than an ongoing friend with benefits.

I understand all the complex emotions surrounding bisex, but if I share with you a part of my sexual self -- a part that I keep hidden from the rest of the world -- If you take certain liberties with my body, and ask me to pleasure yours, at least have the damned decency to let me down easy and not to pull a vanishing act.

Feb 6, 2018, 10:54 PM
i think that can apply to all kinds of dating unfortunately. sometimes u try someone out, u go in with the intention of seeing the other person again or at least open. u give them a chance but it just doesn't workout. even if the other person is open to more. maybe u were used, maybe they just weren't interested. or maybe like u said, they might have a hard time accepting being with guys. what's crappy is u will not know. i agree it would be the nice thing to do to say it's not gonna workout. at least u know u had some fun, tried ur best, & not count on anything more.

Feb 7, 2018, 8:52 PM
Why are try to do some effective things, for example, searching out for a bi male on a 3some site (http://threesomesites.org). Maybe that's so interested.

Feb 8, 2018, 5:57 PM
I'm 60 and hadn't had a suck buddy since my early twenties. I recently started looking into finding someone after my wife just stopped having sex a couple of years ago. I was hesitant about another woman since that seems to always end badly, to much attachment. I saw a site called silver daddies, it's a bi site where you can find younger guys interested in older guys and vice versa. After a good deal of messages with people I had no interest in except one who backed out I met a guy who is perfect. Looking for the same thing as me. I was lucky or have been so far. He's a surgeon and wants total discretion. It went so smooth after all these years, his cock was in my mouth an hour after we met. I had almost forgotten how much I enjoyed giving oral. We haven't progressed very far but I'm pretty sure he wants to fuck me. I never did that and never wanted it, but now I'm looking forward to having this young guy being the first one in me.

Apr 13, 2018, 8:43 AM
we have been on hear for a bit we are looking for a bi male or couple
to join us. all we get is males cheating on the wife. my wife knows i like cock and we do it together. so stop hidding guys

First, learn how to spell. You write like an illiterate redneck.

Second, why do people like you always scream "cheating male" as if there has never, ever been a woman who ever cheated? You, and all the rest of the inhibited, self-serving, holier-than-thou hypocrites who engage in any activities other than lights-off, man-woman, missionary all act like any man who does anything other than lay there while two women go at it is some sort of deviant.

What's the matter with you? Why are you so repressed about who and what you are that you feel like you have to stand on top of someone else to claim you're better than anyone else?

News flash, cupcake: You aren't.

Apr 13, 2018, 2:23 PM
lancer525 you are learning how others view you. You can't handle it. You need some mental help to get it together. True bisexuals don't cheat they share.

Apr 13, 2018, 5:24 PM
lancer525 you are learning how others view you. You can't handle it. You need some mental help to get it together. True bisexuals don't cheat they share.

Who died and left you arbiter of what a "true" bisexual is? You have a lot of nerve thinking that anything you have to say has any bearing on anyone else. Your opinion is like an asshole. Everyone has assholes, and they're all full of shit.

And further, what the hell are you going on about? What has this to do with me, and where exactly do you get off addressing me like this?

My comment was in reference to an attitude from others, and one that is far too pervasive in today's society, and you have the unmitigated gall to try to make it about me?

Just exactly who the hell do you think you are?

Apr 20, 2018, 10:39 AM
why is it hard to find a bi guy....cause its not that easy to be open about a guy been Bi....not everyone is as ecceptable to that as you think.....

Apr 29, 2018, 9:26 AM
I'm 60 and hadn't had a suck buddy since my early twenties. I recently started looking into finding someone after my wife just stopped having sex a couple of years ago. I was hesitant about another woman since that seems to always end badly, to much attachment. I saw a site called silver daddies, it's a bi site where you can find younger guys interested in older guys and vice versa. After a good deal of messages with people I had no interest in except one who backed out I met a guy who is perfect. Looking for the same thing as me. I was lucky or have been so far. He's a surgeon and wants total discretion. It went so smooth after all these years, his cock was in my mouth an hour after we met. I had almost forgotten how much I enjoyed giving oral. We haven't progressed very far but I'm pretty sure he wants to fuck me. I never did that and never wanted it, but now I'm looking forward to having this young guy being the first one in me.

I am happy for you. :) Hope it fares well.

May 1, 2018, 4:47 PM
All this discussion about cheating Husbands looking for a little companionship and fun, Did you ask youselves whats his story? did his wife cheat on him? did he find out about it? did he forgive her and offer to open their marriage with no behind the back extras? did she just shut down sex 12 years ago with no explanation? will she not go to counseling? Did he keep his family together? If he could afford a Divorce would he?. There are a lot of reasons people and no Women I know has a Saintly Halo! its just people dealing with what life has dealt them. so Go easy on a guy who is just looking for a little intimacy and sex in his life!!!!

May 1, 2018, 11:29 PM
Who died and left you arbiter of what a "true" bisexual is? You have a lot of nerve thinking that anything you have to say has any bearing on anyone else. Your opinion is like an asshole. Everyone has assholes, and they're all full of shit.

And further, what the hell are you going on about? What has this to do with me, and where exactly do you get off addressing me like this?

My comment was in reference to an attitude from others, and one that is far too pervasive in today's society, and you have the unmitigated gall to try to make it about me?

Just exactly who the hell do you think you are?

They maybe should not have used what's called the "True Scotsman" argument. Such an argument is known as a logical fallacy and often denotes lack of thought. This noted two wrongs a right does not make.

They obviously were addressing you since you posted your observations, opinions in an openly public forum. It also seemed your posting was worded to illicit response from other human beings. Human beings do this weird thing called communication, well, at least they try and often in vain. You see communicating can be difficult even for those skilled at it. There isn't quite a way to see another person, to know all another person's history, know their state of mind, know how they'll perceive what is written in text.

My comment was in reference to an attitude from others, and one that is far too pervasive in today's society, ...

Again, there's the difficulty in communicating. I could tell you the word hat for example, you might think about how your father wears a hat and reasonably understand that a hat is head gear. Maybe though, I mean hat in another way. It might be that when I say hat, I'm talking about condoms or even maybe the chair your ass is sitting in at the moment. Difficult to say if you pause a bit a think about it, truly.

No one can be sure comments at times relate to the whole of society or merely one person. How many folks wear hats, huh? :) Maybe you know the party who you're affronting here wears hats? You might like or dislike hats. Does it matter? Think before you dismiss it as not mattering. Clarify what you're attempting to communicate. I hold the opinion that our world might be many worlds. This is strictly my opinion based upon my education, experience and over all view/s of the world and life. Can I be wrong? Sure I can. Maybe I'm right thought, and maybe I just offered you an example of how to clarify your tone of voice in writing, clarify what you're communicating.

As much as you seek patience and understanding from others, you need to give that same amount back to others. This is what the Golden Rule means and it is usually a good rule of thumb in interpersonal communication. Yes, we do communicate interpersonally on this site as well as generally, as in our views about the ideas of the world around us. I hope I have offered some help. This was not intended to denigrate anyone nor commend anyone, but perhaps to let everyone take a deep breath and look for some common ground.

Now, can I tell you my idea for global peace involving fucking pants? ;) :)

Oct 20, 2018, 5:37 AM
I’m in Calhoun, and haven’t had any cock in over a year, if y’all wanna come up, I would love to have you inside of me