View Full Version : has anyone been in this situation

May 31, 2011, 9:55 PM

I am married to a bi man, we have been together 7 years, only last year we started to play with others, we loved having bi 3ways, Im straight but understanding and content with my husbands sexuality, there has been no jealousy or anything we just really enjoy having a 3rd in the bedroom but things have changed lately, we have had a couple of regulars where we would see them every week or so just for fun times, but we recently met a guy we are both very fond of, we have started a relationship with him, he is bi and is very into the both of us too. Im just not sure how this will go, has anyone here been in a 3way relationship, why is it the norm for a relationship to only have 2 people in it, i can only see pros of having 3 in a relaitionship, i honestly cant see any cons.
my family and friends know about us playing with others and would be supportive if they knew we were dating someone else.
I really want to talk to someone who has been in this situation to see what rules or guidlines you had to make it work.

May 31, 2011, 11:14 PM
It sounds wonderful, i have been in a long term bi 3 way and loved it, but this is the next level.

The only concerns id have for your new bi lover is that he is really interested in this long term. My concern woyld be that one day he would want to partner up with another, i guess any relationship has those concerns anyways.

Please keep us informed, it sounds like a dream!

Long Duck Dong
May 31, 2011, 11:29 PM
its not the norm for 2 people only... its just that a lot of people find that they perfer one partner and casual lovers.... and thats normal for them.... in the same way that 3 people is right for you...

I recently posted a thread in the site about how marriages in the us were below 50% in households......

its often thought that hetero * normal * thinking is the reason that monogamy and 2 people are seen as the right way to be, but in history you will find that a lot of people had lovers
and the * normal * thinking was actually religion based.... and many people ignored it by taking lovers...... IE the marriage script that refers to marriage being between a man and a woman....

the biological * norm * is reproduction as it takes sperm and a egg for reproduction... and regardless of how many penises are involved, they still go in one place to fertilise a egg......and most ladies only have room for one penis at a time.... well unless they can stretch very well or the guys are very slim.....

Jun 1, 2011, 12:04 AM
I lived with a married couple for several months. It was one of my most loving, sensual, and fulfilling relationships, ever.

We were all in the military and, as you may know, service folks are prone to being transferred.......that happened to us. But we had about 13-14 months of a fantastic time!

I don't think I ever missed anyone so much in my whole life, as those two! Not a day goes by without my thinking of them, at least once, and that was many years ago.

Jun 1, 2011, 11:51 PM

thanks for the replies, Im pleased that they all were positive, Im really happy about everything but also trying to keep a level head about the whole thing, I would love for this to work but only time will tell. for the time being though im going to enjoy every second of it....

Jun 2, 2011, 3:54 AM
Whats wrong with having a Poly relationship if it all works out well? Just think about it..:}

Jun 2, 2011, 5:51 AM
Hello Cat

isnt a poly relationship when 1 person has sex with everyone, not when everyone has sex with everyone? we are open to it if that is the case lol

Long Duck Dong
Jun 2, 2011, 7:23 AM
a poly relationship is multiple partners in a consenting relationship....billandbetti,

who shags who, when and how in the poly relationship, is down to mutual agreement and consent... not dictated by the poly relationship label

lol you can have 4 people in a poly relationship, 2 males and 2 females for example.... the two males could be shagging each other and the two females may only be shagging one guy each and not the other female,.... and you can have 2 males and two females in another poly relationship and they can all be shagging each other..... and they are both poly relationships....just with different rules and agreements......

Jun 2, 2011, 12:24 PM
Just make sure everyone is one the same page. My wife and I were swinging with a couple and we got attached to them. The problem is they didn't. For them it was a fling, for us we wanted it to last forever. Sometimes you can't help the emotions you get in a situation. Now I want to jump in and try it again with another couple knowing what I know. My wife doesn't want to take the risk of emotional damage again even though she still wants to be with another girl. This has led to a strain on our marriage.

Jun 2, 2011, 1:54 PM
Nothing in life is "forever". That is the point to keep in mind when you enter into any relationship. No matter whether it involves sex or it is just a new job or a new car. All things come to an end. Better to enjoy it today than to be on your death bed wishing you had done it when you had the opportunity. Live life for today............you might not have a tomorrow.:bipride:

Jun 2, 2011, 3:20 PM
Nothing in life is "forever". That is the point to keep in mind when you enter into any relationship. No matter whether it involves sex or it is just a new job or a new car. All things come to an end. Better to enjoy it today than to be on your death bed wishing you had done it when you had the opportunity. Live life for today............you might not have a tomorrow.:bipride:

So very true and couldn't have said it better myself. Recently, I got involved in a relationship with a woman that I had been involved with 20 years ago. This time around was just as bumpy as the first time; in fact more so. During our entire time seeing one another, I kept reading too much into it and she kept sending mixed messages, etc...

The point is that nothing is forever; even if it had worked out. Even successful relations end as we are all mortal. The best we can do is live in the moment and for the moment celebrating the goodness of what is here and now. In that, there is forever....