View Full Version : Rainbows Over Afghanistan

May 29, 2011, 8:41 AM
Why do I find this hysetrially funny?


May 29, 2011, 11:25 AM
LOL, It is very funny

May 29, 2011, 6:07 PM
damn, not only are they repressed on so many levels, they epitomize the quote from Wil Rogers " everyone is ignorant, just on different subjects"

sadly, it is funny in it's own way.......

May 29, 2011, 7:49 PM
Sorry but I do not see what is funny? It is simply a difference of cultures and difference of understanding.

May 29, 2011, 8:14 PM
Sorry but I do not see what is funny? It is simply a difference of cultures and difference of understanding.

I quite agree. But if you cant see the irony and funny side of hundreds of people whose entire culture is anti-homosexual flying a flag representing the likes of us your sense of humour is sadly lacking in something.

May 29, 2011, 8:22 PM
The only thing I find funny is that what started it all were the used cars with a rainbow came from Canada. Now they must think that we're all queer here. :tongue:

May 29, 2011, 9:19 PM
I quite agree. But if you cant see the irony and funny side of hundreds of people whose entire culture is anti-homosexual flying a flag representing the likes of us your sense of humour is sadly lacking in something.

You may be correct or maybe I live in such a multi cultural society where respecting other people's beliefs is so establish and dominate that it is not funny to see that as funny? It is kind of a no starter at Canuck humour camp....make fun of yourself or own culture not others idea.

Mikey...how many cars have you seen in Ontario with the rainbow flag?...lol I'll have to pay more attention to that as the article presents the idea that all of the used cars imported from Canada had a rainbow flag? :tong:

May 29, 2011, 10:04 PM
You may be correct or maybe I live in such a multi cultural society where respecting other people's beliefs is so establish and dominate that it is not funny to see that as funny? It is kind of a no starter at Canuck humour camp....make fun of yourself or own culture not others idea.

Mikey...how many cars have you seen in Ontario with the rainbow flag?...lol I'll have to pay more attention to that as the article presents the idea that all of the used cars imported from Canada had a rainbow flag? :tong:

Sorry cant respect an intolerant culture. cant respect intolerant beliefs either.

May 30, 2011, 2:06 PM
Sorry cant respect an intolerant culture. cant respect intolerant beliefs either.

I agree. And let’s remember, a belief is merely a glorified opinion and does not deserve respect especially intolerant beliefs that stem from religion or culture. No one demands respect for their belief/opinion over which political party is the best or the best type of ice cream.

May 30, 2011, 5:45 PM
Sorry cant respect an intolerant culture. cant respect intolerant beliefs either.

There is much in our own culture which lacks tolerance, yet much which is admirable too. The same can be said of all cultures. Whether a whole culture should be condemned wholesale because of an intolerance or even a number of intolerances is debatable. There are many intolerances and other bad things in British society. Does the good within it outweigh the bad sufficiently to earn it respect? Equally does the bad within Afghanistan outweigh the good so that we must condemn and have no respect for it?

About individual intolerances I can agree when intolerance is used for what I consider bad reasons, but blanket condemnation of all intolerance is a mistake. I hate many things which I believe are negative and worse. Must I tolerate all of them simply to be considered tolerant?

However, while I think as I do, when I read Sammie's link I must admit to a wry smile and even an audible giggle at the irony of its content.

May 30, 2011, 6:09 PM
From what little that I know about the Afghan culture, I am more sympathetic to the difficulty of that culture's lack of what some in the west call tolerance.

Afghanistan is really a more primitive society struggling to move into the present imo. It has a lot of tribal structure and possibly Aghanistan may be more than one culture. The ethnic/culture of Pashtuns are to the southern regions of present day Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan. I'm not sure what ethnic /cultural group is to the north but apparently Pashtuns are the more dominant force.

Afghanistan has had more than forty years of war, invasions and occupation by other cultures. The most recent change from the repressive Taliban to this attempt at democracy in a rather corrupt government structure has been difficult and will take decades (apparently) to evolve. I'm not surprised about the confusion and repulsion of the Pride flag mix up by people in Afghanistan. Ten years before, the Taliban may have executed them on the spot for such displays on their car (if they knew its meaning).

Although I don't like this attitude and find it unacceptable in my own society, I have empathy for the Afghans and what they have had to endure.

May 31, 2011, 7:13 PM
It is a shame that they took off the flags because the rainbow flag is actually supposed to represent diversity - which is something that the very conservative culture needs a lot of - if it wouldn't spark such controversy.

I love the bit about the cars being imported from Canada :)