View Full Version : Birmingham Pride - 28 + 29 May

May 23, 2011, 1:39 PM
Pride season's in full swing and will be (in the UK at least) til September.

This weekend it's the turn of Birmingham Pride, there'll be a couple of bi groups on the parade and a bi stall with info about community groups, visibility projects and all that kind of stuff. Including a little promotion of bisexual.com! :)

May 24, 2011, 9:29 AM
What, No Glory Holes:2cents::eek:

May 26, 2011, 1:33 PM
Meeting point info from BiMedia news (http://bimedia.org/1507/brum-pride/):

To march with the bi flag-wavers, you need to meet between 11.30 – 11.45am at Victoria Square on Saturday 28th, and look for the purple banner and purple umbrellas. :bipride: