View Full Version : In love with brothers best friend of same sex

May 21, 2011, 12:48 AM
So I have recently come out to my close friends and family that I may be bisexual and it's gone quite well. There is however one major issue that I can't stop playing through my head and it is that I think I'm in love with my brother's best friend.

I'm actually 17, a junior in High School and my brother and his friend are 15 and freshmen. Over the course of this year i've become really good friends with my brothers best friend since we share a class and walk together in passing and I actually told him I was bi but not because I liked him.

As of right now my brother does not know his friend knows because he is not entirely aware of how close me and his friend have gotten and I actually told his friend before him; I told my brother last week. He took it well but I guess he has made little remarks to his friend that would suggest he knows and isnt taking it as well as I originally thought, but he doesnt openly say i'm bi.

Anyways I've been really stressed out because if his friend, who I suspect might be gay as well but isn't ready to come out for awhile, finds out I like him, that would most definitely ruin my relationship with him. And if my brother finds out or suspects I like his friend that would probably ruin my relationship with my brother and he would probably tell his friend which would result in case number one as well. Not to mention my brother would be mad at me if he found out I told his friend first.

My mom and dad are both aware that I like his friend and have been very wary of me seeing him and have somewhat banned me from seeing him outside of school. I have made it very clear to everyone I know that I would never try to pursue a relationship with my brothers best friend because of the social impact at school and at home; none of the benefits of dating would be worth it for the pain and suffering, and the kid might not even be gay..

The whole situation is really frustrating for me because I am in love with "the wrong person" since it probably won't ever work out and my parents are trying to limit how much I see or talk to him, which makes things only worse because I still like the kid whether I see him or not.

Im not really sure how to go about this situation since only about 2 people (my girl best friend and counselor), who aren't even gay or bi, actually know everyone in the picture and give moral support.

May 21, 2011, 10:21 AM
I would say to pass him a note in study hall !

May 21, 2011, 11:03 AM
I suggest you not pursue a relationship with this boy. Although he may only be 2 years younger than you those two years, at this stage in both of your emotional developement, is a pretty large gap. You don't know if he's bi, gay or even curious and you risk damaging or destroying your brother's trust in you by pursuing him.

May 21, 2011, 12:05 PM
In the beginning I denied liking him to myself because I knew it would never work out. My parents always use the excuse that he's two years younger for me not to see him which from their POV is "if you are in High School and date down 2 years you could be charged for rape" which is rediculous because obviously I'm not going to attempt to have a sexual relationship LOL. The emotionally not mature makes total sense to me. If he is gay or whatever, he still has two years to get to my level of coming out, and even then he may not come out for a long time after that. Its so frustrating being in ove with someone you can (probably) never have :/

May 21, 2011, 12:10 PM
You're not supposed to be on this site if you're 17.

This is a site for adults not teenagers.

May 21, 2011, 6:21 PM
So im not supposed to get support or help from people of the same sexual orientation? That seems fair considering this is new for me and I have no one to talk to that would understand...

May 21, 2011, 7:24 PM
So im not supposed to get support or help from people of the same sexual orientation? That seems fair considering this is new for me and I have no one to talk to that would understand...

Find a different site there are sites out there for gay and bisexual teenagers. This site is not one of them since it is for adults and people who are over the age of 18.

Didn't you read the rules when you signed up and registered?

May 21, 2011, 11:28 PM
A good resource for GLBT teens: http://www.amplifyyourvoice.org/youthresource