View Full Version : Women's Poll: Do you cheat?

May 19, 2011, 5:40 PM
Like I said for the guys, This is just my curiosity and none of my damn business...

But... I would like to know...

If you are a married or committed gal, do you cheat (with anyone)?

You can answer the poll without outing yourself...

The guys poll has been so interesting, I had to ask the girls too!


May 19, 2011, 7:42 PM
talking in the past - yes i cheated - probably far more than i should, although 90% occurred on my overseas business trips, so it was far from home.

Also, realistically, without cheating - or at least having sex with another - how did I discover I really was bi?

May 19, 2011, 10:25 PM
Technically I am cheating now as I am still legally tied to the ex, but that divorce will soon be final and I did file three years ago.

With my current partner, I am monogamous and happy to be that way.

May 20, 2011, 12:36 AM
Nope. When I was in a commited relationship we were both still in the Lifestyle and there ws never any Need to cheap. I had my primary lovers, and the BF didnt play all that much..even with Me. He knew I played at the parties and know who all I played with, so he was never concerned about it. He knew it was sex, and that I would be going home with him. :} Altho there Was one of my primaries that I would have went home with in a heartbeat...had he ever asked..lol;)
True blue Cat

May 20, 2011, 3:37 AM
have never cheated, will never cheat. if i am no longer attracted and drawn and committed to my relationship, i will end it and move on. but for me, there is no other man. no other man smells like hubby, no other man tastes like hubby, no other man makes me laugh like hubby. i'm not attracted to sex for sex sake. while he may feel the need for a man every now and then, i would like to watch and maybe join in on him, but not the other man. i don't see that changing.