View Full Version : Myth Busting Bisexual Men

May 18, 2011, 9:56 PM
i dunno why they're such a fascinating subject for me, they just are, gotta love 'em...

another good article


Long Duck Dong
May 18, 2011, 10:22 PM
a lot of it comes down to the * me thinking *

me thinking is how many of us think, if we are ok with something and can relate to it, then we accept in it in others, but if we can not, then we will not accept it in others.....

its a bit like saying * ask a bisexual if they would be ok with their partner having another partner and in most cases, they would say yes, they can not see a problem... but they can not relate to their partner saying no.....
its a foreign concept and a way of life that they are used to

on the other hand you have the monogamous partner that struggles to understand why and how a person can say that they can not settle with one person, they need other people, but want to have a permenent partner .....

then you have the dual thinkers.... a combination of the both.... IE the monogamous partner that is fine with their partner being polyarmous.... and the bisexual partner that is ok with being monogamous.....

so the people that are most likely to argue bisexuality, are the people that can not relate to being bisexual or understand it in their minds, so they can not accept it in others, as it makes no sense..... so they break it down into the nearest aspects.....
bisexual= person that can not settle down, wants sex, fears commitment...
gay = male that thinks / feels that male sex is the best, no female can compare.....
lesbian = male hating female that uses strapons....
hetero = *normal * people...

we see people in gay / hetero aspects, as they are the general aspects we have, sex with another male is gay sex, sex with another female is lesbian sex.... sex with both at once is a threesome..... but that is only a aspect of a bisexual, the attraction is a aspect of the bisexual themselves...and that defines the bisexual as a bisexual, and that is we run the guantlet of the kinsey scale, from mainly straight, to mainly gay....

and that is why people see it in terms of you are gay or hetero, they can not relate to the romantic / emotional attractive to both genders, they only see the sex aspect and that comes back to the * me thinking *... a person that can not understand or relate to attractions to both genders, so to them it can not exist, it must be a lie or a excuse... and that means that its about sex only... and bisexuals are only people that are gay or hetero and use the other people as a cover for their true sexuality

lol humans are very simplistic... we just make life so complex while breaking it down to the most basic understanding... or the * me thinking *, what we can relate to / accept / understand, is the norm, what we can't relate / accept or understand, is wrong......

May 18, 2011, 10:41 PM
I was arguing/chatting to a bloke on the phone, arranging to meet up for sex.
He 'confessed' to his wife one day years ago that he was gay. He only wanted men, and that he was just fooling himself that he liked women/her sexually. He tried to convince himself that he was bi, but THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS BI'S!!!:rolleyes:

I blame the disbelief of bisexuality partly on men like him. Not that I don't understand him, or have anything against him. But because bisexuality is seen as a phase of self denial for lots of gays.

I can't 'throw the first stone' at him, because I think that lots of gay men are in denial about not enjoying sex with a woman (being bi). They seem to manage it somehow! Gay dads? :rolleyes:

So really I'm no better, just different.:tongue:

May 18, 2011, 10:59 PM
Ahhh Long Dong Duck, I could not have said it all better myself....

May 20, 2011, 7:25 PM
I might add that male hating females can be found in hetero relationships too, :P
a lot of it comes down to the * me thinking *

me thinking is how many of us think, if we are ok with something and can relate to it, then we accept in it in others, but if we can not, then we will not accept it in others.....

its a bit like saying * ask a bisexual if they would be ok with their partner having another partner and in most cases, they would say yes, they can not see a problem... but they can not relate to their partner saying no.....
its a foreign concept and a way of life that they are used to

on the other hand you have the monogamous partner that struggles to understand why and how a person can say that they can not settle with one person, they need other people, but want to have a permenent partner .....

then you have the dual thinkers.... a combination of the both.... IE the monogamous partner that is fine with their partner being polyarmous.... and the bisexual partner that is ok with being monogamous.....

so the people that are most likely to argue bisexuality, are the people that can not relate to being bisexual or understand it in their minds, so they can not accept it in others, as it makes no sense..... so they break it down into the nearest aspects.....
bisexual= person that can not settle down, wants sex, fears commitment...
gay = male that thinks / feels that male sex is the best, no female can compare.....
lesbian = male hating female that uses strapons....
hetero = *normal * people...

we see people in gay / hetero aspects, as they are the general aspects we have, sex with another male is gay sex, sex with another female is lesbian sex.... sex with both at once is a threesome..... but that is only a aspect of a bisexual, the attraction is a aspect of the bisexual themselves...and that defines the bisexual as a bisexual, and that is we run the guantlet of the kinsey scale, from mainly straight, to mainly gay....

and that is why people see it in terms of you are gay or hetero, they can not relate to the romantic / emotional attractive to both genders, they only see the sex aspect and that comes back to the * me thinking *... a person that can not understand or relate to attractions to both genders, so to them it can not exist, it must be a lie or a excuse... and that means that its about sex only... and bisexuals are only people that are gay or hetero and use the other people as a cover for their true sexuality

lol humans are very simplistic... we just make life so complex while breaking it down to the most basic understanding... or the * me thinking *, what we can relate to / accept / understand, is the norm, what we can't relate / accept or understand, is wrong......