View Full Version : **** Bisexual Jealousy Research (10 min. max)****

May 16, 2011, 7:29 AM
Dear Couchsurfers,

I am currently writing my bachelor thesis in psychology and need your help. In my research I am investigating some factors affecting jealousy.

Often, the literature on jealousy only looks at heterosexual individuals, but I find it important to ask people from all sexual orientations.

I would appreciate if you participate in my online questionnaire, which will take 10 minutes max. Of course its 100% anonymous and you are free to quit at any point.

Feel free to forward the link to homosexual or bisexual friends of yours, every person counts!

The study and more info here:

Thank you a lot


Long Duck Dong
May 16, 2011, 7:56 AM
thanks for the chance to participate...... and good luck on your thesis, I would be very interested in seeing your findings, so hopefully, you will share them with the site when your study is completed and your thesis is done and reviewed

May 16, 2011, 12:05 PM
I've always been almost without jealousy.

In my youth, I felt some pangs of it, but by my early 20s, I was over it. As a result, some lovers took it that my lack of jealousy meant I didn't care, but that's not true.

I feel it's best to allow lovers to be, and do, what they wish. If they love me, they'll return............... if I held them too tightly, they'll resent it. I've never been a clinging vine and when it's time to let go, even though it may hurt, when it's over, it's over!

That theory has worked well for me, so far.

May 16, 2011, 9:19 PM
What is this word "jealousy"?

Assumption is made that when one is married, one cohabits. There are situations where marriage and living together do not occur. Commonly this is where separation has occurred; this may last indefinitley. This makes no statment about one's emotional attachments nor does it exclude other relationships.

Good luck regardless.