View Full Version : The best of friends

May 7, 2006, 9:17 PM
Thank you, Drew, for buliding a site baised in friendship first. To the community, do you feel the same way that I do?

May 7, 2006, 10:23 PM
I feel the same way I have found understanding as well as friends who are excepting. I have not come out to my family but here it is just like having a family who understands and doesn't judge you. As well as friends who know how to have fun. Thanks Drew for bring us together.

T :female:

May 7, 2006, 11:06 PM
This site is AWESOME!
There are so many people from all over the planet. Yes, translations and misunderstandings occur at times...yet here, rationality prevails more times than not.
It's educational: I listened in the chats the first few times, fun and serious talk all going on. Then a situation with one member who asked for advice... whoa, they helped! No critical remarks or ridicule. Then the antics continued and some good-natured ribbing.
Forums...another educational part. Reading of support, friendship, humour, opposing views, ideas, ideals, and throughout all...a sense of genuine caring.

Friendships: ahh....some good friends in here and grows all the time. I was involved with other chatrooms at different times.... Bi = please hit on me Ugh! Quality people are rare; so this site...fills my needs perfectly. The respect I have for the standards set in here, for the honour of making some exceptional friends, and for the chance to be treated well as a whole person....this site is home.

May 7, 2006, 11:20 PM
This site has been absolutely wonderful. Bi, straight, it doesn't make any difference.

I have made so many wonderful friends here! Lots of fun in the chat room. Lots of support whenever I've had a problem. Everyone has been great. We're a family here. I'm so glad to be a part of Bi-Sexual.Com!


Macylyn :bounce:

May 8, 2006, 11:28 AM
Finding this site was like finding buried treasure on the web! like I posted in my "obnoxious" thread:

I just recently found Bisexual.com and am thrilled to have finally found a place where I am not in danger, considered a freak or a pervert, or have to put up with folks assuring me that I am doomed and heading straight to hell because of my sexuality.

I tried several times to set up a site in Yahoo that would do what this site does, but could never get like minded people to join. They always ended up as cruising-only groups where nobody had anything to say and didn't want to discuss the issues and impacts that being Bisexual involve.

When I found this site, I felt like a kid in a candy store. Again, thank you all for your kind indulgence, patience, and replies/messages.

And many thanks to the site owners and moderators for creating and maintaining such a great place.

I think I may have finally found a place where I fit in. I can not describe how wonderful that feels.

Thanks Drew!

Even Mrs Married_bi_memphis may pop in here! I told her how this was not just a cruising site, that there are folks and spouses from every orientation and allot of good folks- she asked what the URL is and said she would like to see this place that I keep talking about.