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May 15, 2011, 1:43 PM
Let me get two things out of the way first -
1) I'm dyslexic, which accounts for the stiff, formal tone of my writing, and,
2) I'm autistic, which makes communication so difficult that it can't be other than a nightmare. People come to all sorts of conclusions about me that are untrue. I am not crazy. I am not dangerous. I am not stupid. I am not a snob. I am not unfriendly - just painfully shy ... I can't help that; it's very hard to be other than shy when you cannot read body language and do not understand vocal inflections. The only way that I can tell whether somebody likes or dislikes me is if he/she comes right out and says so. As you can imagine - I hope you can imagine - I'm not terribly lucky in the friends department, never mind the lovers department (I've pretty much given up on that side of things, but it would be nice to make some friends.)

Now, I am mentally ill. I'll be right up front about that. On top of the autism - perhaps mostly due to it - I've got Major Depression (aka "unipolar depression") And, yes, I'm considered disabled. For now, anyway.

That said, I'm intelligent, well-read for somebody who cannot function in school (I'm almost entirely self-educated), and I have a good sense of humor (so long as the humor is darker in tone and tends toward the absurd or farcical. For instance, one of my favorite movies is "Harold and Maud.")

Monday to Friday, I go to what is politely called a "day treatment center." Really, it's an asylum that keeps old-style bankers' hours, 9 to 3. I rather like it; it's better than sitting in my room all day, wondering what to do w/myself ...

Presently, I live in a "residential healthcare facility" - which is a euphemism for "minimum security madhouse." At least the local "undocumented workers" are not full of it; they call our "RHCF" "la casa de los locos." And that comes in handy - I mean, we don't get mugged, mothers cross the street w/their small children when they see us coming, so nobody bothers us to donate to the gymnastics squad; and shopkeepers are very quick to serve us and get us on our way. Hell - even the panhandlers leave us alone! ... Although, my friend Michael and I do have fun now and then panhandling ourselves - it upsets people, and they just toss money at us. We alternate that with making crank appearances down at Social Services. "Good morning. I want you to speak to my room mate ... I just can't do it myself ... He keeps me up all night with his masturbating. I can't get any sleep." Of course, the room mate is a few windows over lodging the very same complaint about me ... Well, you need something when you're officially crazy! What can "they" do to us - put us away?;)

Well - I've rambled on ... I would put a picture of myself up, but everything is in boxes right now. Things are looking up! I'm moving from the RHCF - with its pill times and bed times and meal times - to a much more independent arrangement - my own room with a TV and computer hook up. For somebody who's been homeless several times, well, that's palatial! I'll have a refrigerator - and some place to pretend to cook! And nobody will complain about the strange things I collect and keep sitting in piles (ugly neckties, for instance) ... They say I'm not ugly. I don't know. You'll be able to judge once I get settled and can get a picture out to post - that is, if we can put up pictures of ourselves ...

Home stretch - like most folks w/Asperger's, I've got a fixed range of genuine interests: mathematics, symbolic logic, dead languages, classical music, theoretical astronomy/cosmology, houseplants, crossword puzzles, abstract art and photography, dogs, buzzards, smoking, coffee, collecting junk, and pornography - I'll not lie! I'm really, really interested in sex, dammit! ... Everything else - well, I can pretend to be interested in it if necessary - I mean, people are so sensitive! "Oh, I don't like baseball" - might as well have said that I was in love Osama bin Laden!

Well, anyway, that's enough for now.

Oh, yes, the name is Mark. That's what I like to be called ... Thank you to anyone who bothered to read all of this - I won't!

May 15, 2011, 2:54 PM
First off, Welcome!. Lucky for you. You have hit a melting pot of bisexuals. We have many members here with different issues, I think they will make themselves known, if only quietly to you.

This place tends to be controversial, even when its not needed, so Just remember that there are many great open sorts of people, and then those who can only get it up, when they are making the trouble. Just don't take it personal and don't allow it to make you look less positively at yourself. Sorry to be Debby Downer.

But its life as the internet..

My Husband RL has a personality disorder with depressive episodes, I know no matter how hard it is on me, Its hard on him too. So we take everything in stride and as long as he remains open with his communications, and listens to the times I go "Hey this isn't you talking right now, this is your condition" we get along great and have been married for almost 12 years. Granted 4 of those were without his diagnoses, so it took time to get us to where we are.

In life we must create what works best and what we need, While remaining open and accepting of those around us.

Good luck on your new venture to life that is before you and take care of yourself along the way. It won't always be easy, but there are numerous possibilities before you..

Welcome to Bi.Com Mark!

May 15, 2011, 5:22 PM
Hello! and welcome to the site. :)

May 15, 2011, 7:14 PM
Hi Mark,

Welcome to the site! I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to reading more from you. I believe that you are interested in sex, since most people who are here are thinking about sex (myself included).


May 15, 2011, 7:33 PM
Welcome, Mark

I'm also dyslexic and at least two of my three previous wives diagnosed me as being insane! So, according to them, I'm way worse off that you!

I have to re-read everything I write and rearrange the fouled-up letters, to make REAL words. Sometimes, I miss the corrections. So, sometimes folks have no idea what I'm talking about.

I thought you did a magnificent job with your introduction and write better than many who post here.

You'll find friends here. I've made several good ones.

You may find an antagonist, or someone who really gets on your nerves, too. Just ignore them, if don't like what they say, or if they get on your case about something; that's what I do.

Again, welcome...........and good luck.

May 16, 2011, 12:10 AM
Hi Mark. My husband and daughters have some form of dyslexia... They are very creative spellers. They are also very bright and successful at compensating with having wonderfully extensive vocabularies and or reading comprehension. Hope you find what you're looking for and welcome to the neighborhood...

May 16, 2011, 2:24 PM
Hi Mark. Many of us here have disabilities and learning disabilities as well, but it doesnt stop us from being the wonderfully whacky, hornsters that we are...lol
Welcome to the group. Have fun with us, ignore the Idjest and Trolls that occasionally grace our space.:}
Everybodys feline..

May 16, 2011, 3:29 PM
Well.....aside from all that bullshit, if you ever want to argue I am always around somewhere. A bad debate is better than none at all. You will fit in here like a glove on a foot.........or was that hand? Oh well!! Whatever works for you works here. If you are looking for "normal" you will have to define it.

May 16, 2011, 4:41 PM
Well Mark, welcome!

You don't have to be insane here, but I think it helps, so you will fit right in :bigrin:

Like others have said, ignore the idjits and play with the fun ones.

And like you said in your opening about liking sex, there are a bunch of us like that, have fun with us!



May 16, 2011, 7:02 PM
Welcome Mark. My wife tells me I am insane... she says she likes that in a guy :-)

Long Duck Dong
May 16, 2011, 9:53 PM
weclome to the site mark....

I have dysthimia, ( permenent low level to chronic depression, ) and PTSD ( post trauma stress disorder )..... and dude, between you and me, we are the sane ones in the site :tong:

so you are gonna fit right in with the best of us.... lol....

roy m cox
May 17, 2011, 12:16 AM
yay welcome welcome welcome "hugs':bigrin:

May 17, 2011, 6:29 PM
I want to thank all who replied: Thank you!

It will take me time to respond because I won't have ready access to a computer with an Internet connection until after I have moved.

[No - my culture has not advanced to the laptop stage. It's not been long since I left my quill and ink-pot stage! - I can't keep up with this stuff!]

I am using the library's computer, so I have only an hour of Internet at a time. And I read at a snail's pace - which is lightening compared to the pace at which I write. - But I will get around to responding!

To help, I've copied and pasted all of your replies in an off-line file. I'll be able to spend more time reading and responding to your posts that way.

When I'm done, I'll copy and paste my replies here.

Meanwhile, once again - THANK YOU - and, if you're patient, I will respond.

May 18, 2011, 11:35 PM
Welcome, Mardom, sorry been a bit behind on posting due to limited time online and on dial up to boot. I hope you enjoy your time here, most of us are very open minded and tend to read typoese rather well.