View Full Version : Clean Butt

May 15, 2011, 10:15 AM
So being new to this whole thing I have a question regarding being a bottom and getting yourself clean.
How do you clean yourself? How do you prepare yourself (Clean wise) for anal sex I guess is what I am asking?

May 15, 2011, 10:41 AM
Avoid foods that cause loose stools some 48 hours before sex (no bran or oatmeal); trend toward foods that cause solid stools.
Poop before sex.
You should wash before and after, externally.
If you think for any reason there is seamen in your rectum after sex (drunken unprotected sex, broken condom), douche soon and well.
Unless you're with a monogamous life partner, just make sure to use a condom, with condom friendly lubes.
Oil based lubes only with polyurethane condoms.

May 15, 2011, 10:46 AM
Buy a personal enema kit like a Fleet enema. CVS or most drug chains sell them. They come pre-lubricated with a soft nozzle. Insert and squeeze bottle till empty. It will take about 5 to 10 minutes before it's mild purging effect takes place, but stay on the bowl waiting. Don't pass gass, as it will be messy !

You will evacuate a ton of fluid and stool and be pretty cleaned out by this. You can repeat, but not usually needed. I also use a shower massage set on a narrow stream to wash thoroughly before engaging (or expecting to engage) in anal bottoming.

May 15, 2011, 6:58 PM


Take a deep breath! Your concern is the most common one I hear about anal sex. The first thing you need is a brief anatomy lesson. During anal penetration with fingers, toys, and penises, the area of your body that we're dealing with is the rectum. The rectum is not a storage facility, so no feces are stored there; it's merely a passageway. Feces move from the colon to the rectum, then out of the body when you defecate. So, if you have a bowel movement before you have anal sex, there should only be trace amounts of fecal matter in the rectum. Now, this is provided that you are a relatively healthy person with a good diet, normal bowel habits, and no gastrointestinal problems. So, if you feel like you have to go, by all means go, because if you don't listen to your body, then you may, in fact, have a mess on your hands simply because you needed to have a bowel movement and you didn't. For those people who are squeamish about "being clean," I recommend an enema. Go to the drug store, buy a Fleet enema, then empty the contents of the bottle and fill it with plain warm water. Fleet enemas contain a laxative which isn't necessary; all you need is warm water. Follow the instructions on the box, and repeat until all that comes out of your ass is clear water. Make sure you have an enema several hours before you plan to have anal sex, since your body needs time to recover. Now, after telling you all about cleaning yourself out, I must quote a fellow anal queen, adult film star Chloe, who says, "Get over your fear of shit!" I am not saying you need to love or even like shit, but you need to let go of your anxieties. The truth is that the more anal play you engage in, the more likely you are to run into it once and awhile, so you might as well just smile, grab a baby wipe, clean up, and move on.

so... there you have it


May 15, 2011, 6:59 PM
*Shit Happens* (Pun intended)

If you are squeamish about it, then anal sex may not be the right thing for you.. You or your partner can anal douche and shit till the cows come home. But... *See opening statement*

May 16, 2011, 6:19 PM
squeamishness aside, some just like to be as clean as is practical to start, and then deal with any mess as it happens..

That said, it varies by person, diet, circadian rhythms, etc.

Some folks only need to poop and shower and they are spotless. For some it is not quite that easy.

That's where the enema comes in.. However folks have suggested both the Fleet and warm water. I did a lot of trial and a lot of error.. and a lot of asking and reading...

The chemical enemas, like the fleet are for getting 'stuff' out a lot farther up the colon (remember, the normal use of this is for folks who are constipated). They are strong, probably a lot stronger than needed or healthy, for regular use.

OTOH, plain warm water (as other have also suggested), is fine, comfortable to use and will not traumatize your insides.

Get a 'Douche Bag' kit or an enema kit, or go crazy and hit the plumbing dept at Home Depot. Whatever turns you on :tong:

Then, use water about at body temp. Use an amount that makes you feel just full (probably about a cup to a pint or so depending on your size), hold it in for a few minutes to let it work, then expel into the toilet. If the water is essentially clear, you are done, if it is not, repeat till it is (usually 1 - 3 times in total).

Then shower, shave, floss, etc...whatever your normal ablutions are; and you will be ready to go, or is that be gotten ??

Personally I just like the all over inside and out clean feeling to start when I share myself with someone. Then bring on the goo and drips and all the yummy stuff!

May 16, 2011, 10:44 PM
unscrew a shower head and put the hose up your bum and wash out with warm water. lube the hose with shower gel

roy m cox
May 17, 2011, 12:13 AM
unscrew a shower head and put the hose up your bum and wash out with warm water. lube the hose with shower gel

this works very very very well i do it about 10X or more it makes you supper clean , i even do it just cuz it feels so good with or with out sex and i wash up after i do i like to be clean for my boy friends, makes it nice to if any one gives you a good rim job they will want to do that more if you keep this clean :)


May 18, 2011, 11:21 AM
unscrew a shower head and put the hose up your bum and wash out with warm water. lube the hose with shower gel

One of my online buddies swears by this, but ya gotta be careful not to use to much pressure. They make special kits for it like http://www.amazon.com/Mr-S-Leather-Complete-Douche-Shower-Aluminum/dp/B001SIC79K


May 18, 2011, 2:09 PM
Lizzard, that's what I use and it works like a charm!

Jun 15, 2011, 10:06 AM

(Just trying to "elevate" this thread to the first page.)

Jun 16, 2011, 8:39 AM
A fuckbud of mine attaches a round ended tube to a used shampoo bottle and pumps warm water up his chuff.:bigrin:

No probs so far, and pretty damn cheep too.;)