View Full Version : Analsex with men feels like VAGINALSEX?LOL

May 14, 2011, 10:48 AM
I was readin' somethin' strange..
A Doctor (bisexual) who especially works for gay and bisexual people
in his clinic in Austria wrote that most bisexual men who had analsex with
a man described analsex with men feels like vaginalsex ...

I was wonderin' because I feel that there is a big difference !
I know that everyone feels different but I was surprised that a doctor
who is bi is sayin 'somethin like analsex with men feels like vaginalsex...LOL

I feel that analsex with women is tighter at the beginning and then wider
I feel that analsex with men feels extremel wide ...
I feel that a vagina feels tighter than analsex with men ..LOL:)

But everybody feels different !I know!
But I think that analsex with men does not feel like vaginalsex !

What do you (men) think ? It is a strange question but
now I really wanna know it ...

Do you think that analsex with men feels like vaginalsex ...LOL?:bigrin:

May 14, 2011, 11:09 AM
no i think anal sex is not like pussy sex but i like them both

May 14, 2011, 11:58 AM
In my experience, it is definitely different. Sometimes it has been immensely pleasurable and sometimes not as much. Vaginal sex with certain women is absolutely amazing....I can't say that I've ever felt that way when topping with anal. I've not had it much with either sex and less so with women since many women want nothing to do with it and for the reasons that we all know. There have been moments where it's been very pleasurable but it doesn't do for me what vaginal sex does. The one time I do remember anal being amazing was when I was topping with a certain male and as I was in him, I was so much wanting to masturbate his hard cock while it was going on. He wouldn't allow it as he was completely turned on from my thrusts...a bit later I realized why as he reached his orgasm. With each thrust in, a stream of cum would shoot out of his cock until he was spent....I followed shortly...and yes, I was wearing a condom....it was a major turn on to have this experience...
Still, I agree that anal is different and I still prefer vaginal sex....

May 14, 2011, 11:59 AM
Anal sex with men doesnt feel like vaginal sex to me. Vaginal sex is more physically stimulating but anal sex with men (or women) is all and all more exciting for me. The physcological facter I suppose...

May 14, 2011, 8:03 PM
I think there's a lot of difference between anal sex with either gender, and vaginal sex. If I had my eyes closed, I'm not sure I'd know who I was with, anally. In my experience, few women have been interested in anal sex, though. I don't crave to be on the receiving end, either!

I agree that vaginal sex with a lady, who is really into it and has good muscle control is awfully hard to beat! I wouldn't trade good vaginal sex for a BJ! In fact, I wouldn't trade topping at anal sex for a BJ.

May 14, 2011, 8:28 PM
From a woman's point of view .........
There is one hellava difference.
Both extremely pleasurable, but very, very different.

I really don't think a man could confuse what he feels either.

May 15, 2011, 10:52 AM
From a woman's point of view .........
There is one hellava difference.
Both extremely pleasurable, but very, very different.

I really don't think a man could confuse what he feels either.

Exactly !

May 15, 2011, 12:49 PM
I think for a man the stimulation of the prostrate gland from anal sex is a lot different than what a woman experiences.

The feeling I would have to say is different from either being on the receiving end or the giving end.

If it brings pleasure>>> DO IT

May 15, 2011, 6:56 PM
Well if its true, I wonder if they pushed a watermelon through their asshole if the other would ask the doctor to put in a "Couple extra stitches"?

but IMHO.. I think it depends on the person. My Hubby's as is tight, My pussy is tight, I guess I will be able make a better summation come this summer.

Please take this the first half satirically *a warning for the faint of humor*

May 15, 2011, 8:07 PM
Anal is better than pussy to me because with pussy sex the further you get in it seems the larger the opening(no offense meant girls), but with anal its the same size all the way no matter how deep you go. I prefer anal.

May 19, 2011, 11:24 PM
Both vaginal sex with a woman and fucking a man's ass feel the same to me as well.

I've even found a pussy and a man's clean ass to taste the same as well. :bigrin:

May 20, 2011, 8:27 PM
Both vaginal sex with a woman and fucking a man's ass feel the same to me as well.

I've even found a pussy and a man's clean ass to taste the same as well. :bigrin:
:bigrin: You could compare the penis to the anus too. But the 'natural lube' of the penis and the vagina don't taste much the same. Not that I've studied 100's of each though.:bigrin: Not yet!

Face to face sex with a man isn't much different to vaginal sex. With the right bloke.;)

Jun 15, 2011, 10:05 AM

(Just trying to "elevate" this thread to the first page.)

Jan 12, 2013, 4:09 PM
Glad I don't know the ladies you date.Vaginal feels much better than a guys ass, or a lady's.

Jan 12, 2013, 6:20 PM
it is different with different people, one woman used to be tight at first then got so big i'd rather be in her vagina and that was loose too lol but it depends on the person who is recieving, a person who knows how to work their muscles and not just bare down or relax so much. if you have a person who knows what they are doing they can milk your rod as opposed to just dipping it into a loose hole. this is my expirence and 2 cents. so i think the doctor maybe right. also if done right with the right person there is no need for lube, it will creat it's own lube, of course the person also has to know how to clean them selves before they play. i am a bottom and i have topped so i know.

Something Else
Jan 12, 2013, 11:06 PM
Hmm...I've never heard of anal feeling like vagina before reading this thread.

Obviously, only guys can express their feelings from their own experiences. For me it's a STARK CONTRAST between the two; and my preference in feel is towards vaginal over anal.

Jan 13, 2013, 9:18 AM
I topped another man a few weeks ago. It's the first time in several years and, as I recalled, it was nothing like vaginal sex. He did have an orgasm and when that happened I could feel him getting very tight. I did not cum while inside of him and ended up masturbating while he played with my balls and ass, which was very enjoyable too. We're trying to set up another meeting.

Jan 13, 2013, 9:39 AM
Geez, I NEVER thought anal and vaginal sex were the same!

Anyone who thinks this must've gotten a hold of some really sloppy butt.

Anal requires lube, (Lots of it, in my opinion) vaginae produce their own lube (Usually). Anuses must close tightly, or accidents happen, vaginae usually don't have much pressure inside.

Vaginae usually taste really good, but I'm not gonna get that close to an anus!

Yep, there's a big difference....to me, anyway.

Jan 13, 2013, 12:48 PM
From a woman's point of view .........
There is one hellava difference.
Both extremely pleasurable, but very, very different.

I really don't think a man could confuse what he feels either.Some guys just talk bollox outa ther arse, Inna babes... or they hav ver insensitive knobs, no taste buds in tongue an no nerve endings in fingies... hesitate 2 say them that say such things have a misogynist streak... but 1 or 2 methinks...

Jan 13, 2013, 2:19 PM
Some guys just talk bollox outa ther arse

You could compare the penis to the anus too.

Jan 14, 2013, 10:56 AM
in no way anal sex is near close to vagina , needless to said it feels the same. lets just don't compare a woman that has four kids,lets figure in a girl 20 years old who has never had any kids,not even on this scenario anal feels the same, once it star dilating it gets bigger its just life. anal don't dilate like vagina.
and im sorry to say this , but i find it very gross just to think the ass will taste the same as the vagina.lol hell no !!!!!
when it comes to taste, nothing better than a good woman vagina.