View Full Version : <3 interested? <3

May 11, 2011, 11:12 AM
Hi everyone :) Hope all is well.
I am a 21 y\o bi f currently in tx but moving to NY soon.
I have a bf that I <3, but being that I have such an urge to be with a f he is fine with me looking for a gf. :)
I have not had the pleasure of having a "real" relationship with a woman...although I've always been bi.
I would above all, love to find someone to connect with in ways you cannot with any man...doesn't have to be sexually...if I found an amazing friend that would be awesome, if I found a gf that would be great as well :)
Please feel free to message me if you like and get to know me...I'm a great friend to have and possibly an even better <3. email address: missghettocountry@gmail.com[/FONT]