View Full Version : got some questions

May 9, 2011, 4:48 PM
ok so i got a few questions or want some insight i have recently got back together with an ex-girlfriend and she is married to a man. I love them both as in the same way i could not be happier to have all the love in the world. We have been apart for almost 8 years and i never stopped loving her and he was like my best friend and when i left her i broke her heart and he picked up the pieces of what i broke and made them stronger. and i love him for that i have had my reservations about the whole situation but we are a disfunctional family that functions very well together. I still have my reservations about all of it but im trying to sort all this out in my head i do not have all the support from my family and friends some of them tell me i am nuts and that i can not love a man and a woman at the same time and that i need to look at what im doing it is not normal and i believe that in life normal is a cycle on a dryer there is no normal. normal to me is being happy no matter what happens in my bedroom.

May 9, 2011, 6:17 PM
I think you answered your own question, normal to you is being happy no matter what happens in your bedroom. There are many poly relationships out there and triads. There is nothing wrong with living the way you want to live as long as everyone is on the same page with the same expectations. Good luck.

May 9, 2011, 9:03 PM
hi mine, i totally agree with dd. if you are all honest with each other in your expectations, you all care about each other and are happy in the threesome, well, you are all consenting adults. no-one else is entitled to an opinion on your relationship. enjoy it and go for it. life is short. have no regrets.