View Full Version : Happy Mother's Day!!!

May 6, 2011, 8:50 PM
Since I'll be off doing a Heritage Festival all weekend, I wanted to wish all of you Mother's a very happy and loving Mother's Day. I havent had my Mom in my life in many years, but am privledged to be called Mama in my Lifestyle world, and am very honored to Be that Mama to those who dont have their Mother's any longer. I have more "Kids" than I can count, and I love every second of it. ;)
So this weekend, please do something wonderful for Your Mama. Take her to dinner, bring her a red rose, or just call her and tell her you love her. It means the world, believe me. :}
Have a fabulous weekend, Loves
Your Cat

May 7, 2011, 8:29 AM
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MAMA-XOXOXO you are always there. Thank You-Ben

May 8, 2011, 8:45 AM
Happy Mama's day Cat

And Happy Mama's day to all of you mothers :bigrin:

and yo mamas too!

May 8, 2011, 10:28 AM

I hope all the mothers out there have family, who let them know how special they are!

I've never had children, but admire those who raised happy, well-adjusted, kids!

Happy Mother's Day!