View Full Version : Passing of another era: Last known WWI combat vet dies

May 5, 2011, 6:58 PM
They say that this man was the last known living combat veteran from World War I died in the past day.


It is almost something given how long ago that this war was now, that any were left still living.

Not much can really be said about this--I just felt it should be something that is noted by our little virtual nook.

DB Forever
May 5, 2011, 8:44 PM
The Australians say it best when they refer to WWII. "Never Forget" and we must never forget the sacrifice of the WWI veterans as well. It is a sad time when the last WWI combat vet passes away. But all those that fought in that war leave us a legacy and memory that should never be forgotten. Freedom is NOT Free and we should defend that Freedom at the risk of our lives. Thank you for honoring the last WWI veteran and reminding all of us to never forget their sacrifices.

Long Duck Dong
May 7, 2011, 7:58 AM
The Australians say it best when they refer to WWII. "Never Forget" and we must never forget the sacrifice of the WWI veterans as well. It is a sad time when the last WWI combat vet passes away. But all those that fought in that war leave us a legacy and memory that should never be forgotten. Freedom is NOT Free and we should defend that Freedom at the risk of our lives. Thank you for honoring the last WWI veteran and reminding all of us to never forget their sacrifices.

its lest we forget..... lol.....

the RSA ode ( returned services association ):

they will not grow old
as we that are left, grow old
age shall not weary them
nor the years condemn
at the going down of the sun
and in the morning
we shall remember them....

lest we forget.....

its a tribute, to all those that have served and fallen in battle, for our freedom, our rights and to ask that we never forget that others paid with their lives, for what we take for granted today....

I used to sit at the local rsa and drink with some world war one vets, and they spoke of a world so different to the world I know now.... and it was not just war talk... but talk of home and loved ones.....

often they talked of the ones at home that perished in bombing raids.... and now I can not help but think of the people that are openly and vocally against war.... and I think, if the armies of the world, didn't move to stop them, who would ??????

I have served in the army and I have been behind bars.... if the allied forces of world 1 and 2, had not done what they had done, then I, like many, have a sense of what was in store for so many.....as only imprisoned people and PoW's will understand

we rely on the police for justice, law and order.... the armed forces for our freedom, safety and protection of rights....

lest we forget those that do what we do not, so we may have what many have not..... freedom !