View Full Version : The End Of The Affair

May 5, 2011, 6:37 AM
For the last few weeks I have been seeing a woman from just over the border and we have had a lot of fun. Last night she ended the relationship over dinner. It wasn't that unpleasant and I didn't make a scene. Pride wouldnt let me beg her to reconsider, but was a little down in the dumps after. It may not have been love but I had grown used to her in that few weeks and will miss her. I will certainly miss the sex for she was quite something at the sex.

'Friends' she said and kissed my cheek, touched my arm and walked out to her car. I would like to think so, but she lives almost 50 miles away and so I suspect any future contact will be at best an accidental meeting, a quick hello and a little peck on the cheek.

From this brief and somewhat raunchy affair, I hesitate to say passionate but passion was certainly there at times, I have gained some insights into myself and more confidence in my ability to cope with my bisexuality. This has to be nothing but positive. Her brief intervention into my life has made me smile more and I have lost a little of the anxiety which family have thrust upon me and a little more of the residual shame of my upbringing.

So to Mel I have much to be grateful for. She has moved on and so must I and bear her no ill will. A little sadness, for I wasnt expecting it to end quite so soon, but knew it would because commitment isn't her forte. I don't feel used because it was always plain that she was a good time girl who breezes through life with nary a care in the world and settling down with one person I doubt is something she will ever do. She is the ultimate free spirit and to her for the past few weeks I thank her and wish her well.

Me she has not hurt, but before she drove home last night I did give her a word of what I think is sound advice. To take very good care of with whom she begins and ends relationships. Not everyone will accept her for what she is and her way of life may be care free, but that free spirit of hers may prove to be a selfish thing and create much pain where it was not intended.

May 5, 2011, 8:45 AM
Well written Katja.

The demise of a relationship can be painful and I'm sure you will miss her. But, to hang on after it's obviously over, can only drag out the misery.

Memories remain.

You handled yourself well!

May 5, 2011, 11:50 AM
you handled it just the way i would have as a man. begging to reconsider is lowering youself so you done the right thing. it is her that will have to reconsider and maybe she will come to the right choice. begging make them think that they have complete control over you and you dont want to seem weak. you must be strong and move on. you will find someone that will take care of you and be just as good at sex or willing to learn from you.

May 5, 2011, 12:33 PM
Never mind Katja - more fish in the sea.

May 5, 2011, 1:52 PM
Never mind Katja - more fish in the sea.

I hope I am able to attract something better than a fish, darling.;)

May 5, 2011, 5:17 PM
I hear Jonah had a whale of a time, why don't you give him a call? lol

May 5, 2011, 8:29 PM
I hope I am able to attract something better than a fish, darling.;)

Green eyes and red hair - I don't doubt it for one minute


May 6, 2011, 4:28 AM
Green eyes and red hair - I don't doubt it for one minute


You do say the nicest things. Thank you. :)

May 8, 2011, 12:49 AM
Yah! ya big suck, Heph. lol

May 8, 2011, 11:07 AM
I am glad you kept your composure as well. I did not always fare as well in breakups, i didnt beg gut i am sure i looked pretty sad!

Of course that is with women, with other guys there unfortunately is rarely much of a relatonship to break up. I wish i could find a serious thing with a guy.

May 8, 2011, 11:23 AM
Bicuriosity, it always easier when one is not in love. We were never going to be in love, and she is so much the opposite to me in many ways, that I knew we had no long term future, nor was or am I ready for such a relationship. Because we go out with or sleep regularly with someone and consider them our lover, does not mean we are ever going to commit to them and settle down. Far too often people do that and rue the day.

We were fun together, but in the interests of our own sanity if nothing else we were never going to spend our lives together. It ended earlier than I wished, but thats life and I am not in the least angry, hurt or bitter an as Hephaestion said, there are plenty more fish in the sea.:)

May 8, 2011, 12:43 PM
Bravo Katja!

Your story resonnated with me from a similar experience.

It brings to mind that old but wise saying, "Don't be sad that it's over; be happy that it happened."

May 8, 2011, 2:03 PM
I only seek a relationship with one woman or at least with only 1 woman at a time, but I am very bi, sexually speaking. I really do want a special woman in my life, but I will not lie or deceive or stack the deck to win her. She will take me as I am and I will take her as she is or there will be no relationship. I don't want to be in love or any sort of a relationship with a man other than a fwb or buddies situation therefore I prefer bi married men. I prefer making love to a sweet, attractive woman above all other lovers and I am not jealous if she desires other men or women as well. No matter whom I find myself in a bed with, I like romance and intimacy and will always seek to please her/him/them sexually and hope for, but not demand the same. After 2 failed marriages to women I loved dearly enough to be faithful to (in deeds, if not in thoughts or desires lol), I wonder if I will ever met a woman who can truly accept me and my bi-ness as-is. The bi men I've been with have done so, LOL. In the meanwhile (even if it means never) I will content myself with romance, intimacy and sex with both sexes and see what happens :)