View Full Version : got another question for you (or 2)

May 3, 2011, 9:49 PM
Have you ever had a person close to you accept that your bi but doesn't quite get it? dispite trying to explaining it many times.

see my best friends mother who is like a mother to me, knows I'm bi and has nothing against me for it but her perception of being bi is warped and she refuses to understand that I am attracted to both. and that attraction has nothing to do with it, its the act that counts.

She pretty much said that in her mind I'm a lesbian if I sleep with a woman wether or not I sleep with a man after that and am still attracted to them.

I think she clings to the "its genetics" that seperate gay and straight. Which brings me to my other question. What do you think causes bisexuality? Its pretty much fact that genetics play a part in being gay or straight but what about bi?

curious married m
May 3, 2011, 10:14 PM
Have you ever had a person close to you accept that your bi but doesn't quite get it? dispite trying to explaining it many times.

see my best friends mother who is like a mother to me, knows I'm bi and has nothing against me for it but her perception of being bi is warped and she refuses to understand that I am attracted to both. and that attraction has nothing to do with it, its the act that counts.

She pretty much said that in her mind I'm a lesbian if I sleep with a woman wether or not I sleep with a man after that and am still attracted to them.

I think she clings to the "its genetics" that seperate gay and straight. Which brings me to my other question. What do you think causes bisexuality? Its pretty much fact that genetics play a part in being gay or straight but what about bi?

I say FUCK it. If it feels good it's right and if it doesn't then it isn't. No Labels No Genetics It's just sex :2cents:


May 4, 2011, 6:21 AM
hi crazy, there are some people who are never going to understand where you are coming from, no matter how much you scream/pull your hair out/rant and rave. they aren't necessarily narrow minded or stupid or whatever. some just genuinely can't take it in. their minds aren't wired to 'stand in your shoes' and see it from your side. she may be being stubborn, it may stem from how she was raised and she is too rigid in her thinking to change, or deep down may be scared to accept something that is too foreign in concept to her.

make your life easier and be fussy over which battles are worth fighting. she's not trying to be nasty or difficult. and if you force the issue you will make her defensive and then it can blow out of proportion. be the bigger person, let her have her opinion, and feel happy in the knowledge that you are right but don't have to scream it confrontingly at everyone. you can't force people to accept your point of view. if they say they do, it's grudgingly, and just to shut you up, then they go right back to what they believe.

as for what decides our sexuality, if you look at it scientifically, scientists only believe what they can prove. until then, it doesn't exist. personally, i don't have the foggiest. i'm not bright enough to be a scientist. hug, b.

May 4, 2011, 12:53 PM
i dont try to explain anything to anyone what i do is my business

May 4, 2011, 1:48 PM
I laugh at the ones who don't understand... I don't shout to the world that i love men and women, it's just who I am and if others dont llike it, well, fuck em!

It;s like we are stuck in the middle (which isn't always bad) hahaa, they gays or lesbians dont understand because we cant pick one gender to be with. I am thankful i have friends here who do understand. To me, nothing better than my lips around soft nipples and hard cock ;) :female:

May 4, 2011, 3:22 PM
I had to stop trying to explain it to myself so I'm sure explaining it to someone else would be a bust. I am who I am...I am attracted to who I'm attracted too....that simple.

May 4, 2011, 7:49 PM
lol I am me, and I dont feel the need to justify myself to anyone, unless I think they have the need to know. :}
Dont over analyze it, just embrace who you are and dont worry about the rest of the world's ratinality. ;)

May 4, 2011, 10:10 PM
thanks guys, I knew posting here would make me feel better.:bigrin:

May 5, 2011, 11:42 AM
yes; there are some who just don't get it...

When I came to terms with being bi once and for all a good 13 years ago, I rented a room from a very good friend of mine that I never revealed I was bi to. He would often say that he was not against people who were gay but then would follow it up with, " I just don't understand how anyone could have interest in having sex with the same sex."...I realized that to get into such a discussion would not go anywhere because he's pretty well set in his ideas as many of us are. So, no amount of discussion would change his idea. Still, I respect the fact that he doesn't ever talk negatively of people for their interest in having sex with the same sex. But I've never told him out of fear that he would worry about me having interest in him sexually which would never be the case. And to reveal it to him might be something that could possibly offset our communication. Better to leave that there. If he were to find out, I certainly wouldn't be upset; no big whoop....Most of my closest friends know and not every single person I am close to has to know anyway....I am pleased to be open to most.

May 5, 2011, 9:06 PM
I don't know if it's genetics or if you believe in the past life thing but I've been bi my whole life. My first mm experience was when I was 14, and my first mf was when I was 15. I lean more towards women but some men are just sexy and I want to just drop to my knees and taste them. The discrimination against us is on both sides of the sexual fence. I was in a 69 with a gay guy once and his room mate came home and saw us (he was gay) smiled and went into his room until we finished.
He came out and started some small talk and it got around to having kids and I stated I had a daughter. His face contorted and asked how I could be with a female, yuck! I just enjoy what I am and I don't wear my sexuality on my sleeve. My wife knows I'm bi and points out guys to me.