View Full Version : Bi guys who don't like anal?? WTF?

May 1, 2011, 10:51 PM
I don't understand the "oral only" crowd. Freaking hades... If it's going to be sex, why be so restrained? I get not wanting to bottom, but not wanting to top either?


Long Duck Dong
May 1, 2011, 11:16 PM
not everybody is interested or into full sex, they enjoy the oral experience more than the sexual experience.....

there is a old joke that I will share.... and it goes something like this * some people are fucking assholes, some people are not fucking assholes, some guys love to fuck assholes, and some guys do not like to fuck assholes.... the trouble is working out what asshole wants fucking, what asshole wants to get fucked, who wants to fuck what asshole and who is going to marry who *

its actually talking about anal sex.... lol.....and who wants to be with who.... but it reads a lot differently ... and offensively... lol even tho its not.....

but the point is you know what you want sexually and from that, you know who is right for you and who is not.....

the rest of the joke, is the last line, which is * females don't fuck assholes, they marry them * :tong:

May 2, 2011, 7:14 AM
not everybody is interested or into full sex, they enjoy the oral experience more than the sexual experience.....

So oral is not a sexual experience? I could understand if you said oral experience vs. anal experience. To me, IMHO, they're both sexual experiences.

May 2, 2011, 7:41 AM
In some cases people might not do anal so they can play "safer". Obviously there is risk with oral and anal has risk even with condoms.

May 2, 2011, 9:40 AM
People are people. They have all sorts of desires and dislikes.

So: why pick just on bi guys who don't like anal. There's so much more. Straight women who don't like anal. Straight men who don't like muffdiving. And so on and so on. Some of it's the positive after-effects of how the queer communities adapted to HIV and AIDS. Some of it's just people's individual tastes.

People are peculiar. All of them. Including me :)

May 2, 2011, 10:14 AM
I've been on various websites for years (Craigs and various swinger and Bi/gay sites), and there is clearly a glut of "tops" (guys who fuck), and a shortage of "bottoms" (guys who receive anal. Lots of oralists "mutual oral is cool", some into kissing (I'm on the fence), but more tops than bottoms. Maybe it's guys who feel it's "less gay" to fuck some dude, than get fucked. Many were oral and referred to me like "their bitch" or referring to my ass as a pussy...so I suspect part of this could be mental on their part...a macho guy making a less macho guy "take it"...

My first experience was topping a married friend as he fucked his wife. It was super hot. I asked him to return the favor, but I was too nervous and we could not do it. Lube, toys, tongues, fingers, no use....It took years before I realized how I could handle it best. If a guy is the right shape and size, I realized that lots of lube and patience, relaxing my ass, pushing out (like you are going to the bathroom), and your top taking his time, it can be very pleasurable.

Might be fun to do a survey type post and see what you get.... :rolleyes:

May 2, 2011, 12:22 PM
hmmm....well this gets into a lot of things. Firstly, some people don't and never will be interested in anal; plain and simple. There was a time that I wanted nothing to do with it after several first negative experiences. And so for many years adopted the attitude, "no way, no how-never never never."
So much for never. After realizing that there were many people and an increase of people indulging in the practice, particularly men, I became curious again as to why. And I learned from talking about it why. So I finally decided to give it a try again as in the receiving part. My first experiences were once again negative as I kept running into guys that just didn't have the patience to allow me to relax. But then it happened where I had the experience with someone who knew just how to get me to relax and had great patience so that I could adjust. Plus, he was just the right size for me at the time. I was amazed at the intensity of the orgasm I experienced and all the incredible sensations leading up to that moment. As far as topping goes, I had an amazing experience where the guy I was fucking did not want me to touch his cock and a few moments later was cumming from me just moving in and out....I loved watching him cum that way as each stroke in would send a jetstream of cum shooting all over his belly and chest...what a turn on. I have to use my hand to cum while it's going on when I'm receiving so this just blew my mind....
Anyhow, I rarely indulge in anal as I prefer to give orally which is my major turn on with men. I have to really be psyched and turned on to want anal. When I do though, it's generally great.
I don't think that anyone should give bi guys a hard time for not indulging in anal; everyone has their preferences.

May 2, 2011, 12:25 PM
most guys who wont do anal are just looking for a quick suck and go

May 2, 2011, 2:13 PM
Crohns Disease.

That changes the whole realm of what's to like.

May 2, 2011, 3:34 PM
I've been on various websites for years (Craigs and various swinger and Bi/gay sites), and there is clearly a glut of "tops" (guys who fuck), and a shortage of "bottoms" (guys who receive anal).

I know this may be a little off topic for this thread, but I gotta ask.
Njbiguy, where are all the tops you speak of at? I'm not trying to offend, just curious. Around here where I live in north east Alabama, it seems that there are a much greater sum of bottoms than there are tops. In fact I used to be a long haul truckdriver and I've been all over the USA and into parts of Canada. It seemed to me at the time I was any where that it was the same way also. But then again I consider my self to be much more of a bottom, and I guess we just see more of what we are not looking for than that of what we are looking for. :(

May 2, 2011, 3:44 PM
Hey Caaveman....seems (around here NJ/NY) anyway, there is a glut of tops, seems like more tops than bottoms. Who knows, maybe it's a 50/50 split somewhere else...not sure. Just my experience.

May 2, 2011, 4:04 PM

So: why pick just on bi guys who don't like anal. ..................

Allow me to rephrase this in the context of my original post.

"So: why pick on guys who only want to suck cock?" (closer to my original post.)

Why? The "orally bi" crowd would reduce bisexuality to one, single act... sucking cock. The truth of the matter is that sucking if only one tiny fraction of being bi; for that matter sex is only a part of the picture. Yet here we have individuals who somehow have reduced the entire bisexual experience to one act. It's like saying you love McDonalds but only eat the french fries and detest the burgers, shakes, pies and sodas!

Besides that, it's aggravating to find another guy who says he's bi (in real life...face to face conversation) only to find out all he wants to do is give a blowjob and go away. People like that shouldn't call themselves bi, they make the rest of us look bad. Yet here we have one act that someone will define their entire sexuality over. (And I suspect they are uncomfortable with it even then.)

May 2, 2011, 11:06 PM
most guys who wont do anal are just looking for a quick suck and go

So, what's wrong with that? I tried anal once and it hurt like hell; completely turned me off of the idea, but I still love to suck cock and maybe other things, but no anal for now. Sorry.

Missouri Redbeard
May 3, 2011, 9:21 AM
stomach problems = my ass is no playground

but I do love a nice hard cock in my mouth....


May 3, 2011, 11:37 AM
Allow me to rephrase this in the context of my original post.

"So: why pick on guys who only want to suck cock?" (closer to my original post.)

Why? The "orally bi" crowd would reduce bisexuality to one, single act... sucking cock. The truth of the matter is that sucking if only one tiny fraction of being bi; for that matter sex is only a part of the picture. Yet here we have individuals who somehow have reduced the entire bisexual experience to one act. It's like saying you love McDonalds but only eat the french fries and detest the burgers, shakes, pies and sodas!

Besides that, it's aggravating to find another guy who says he's bi (in real life...face to face conversation) only to find out all he wants to do is give a blowjob and go away. People like that shouldn't call themselves bi, they make the rest of us look bad. Yet here we have one act that someone will define their entire sexuality over. (And I suspect they are uncomfortable with it even then.)

Well everyone is entitled to their opinion and opinion is what this is....no one, and I mean NO ONE, including myself, can define what bisexuality is or isn't...this is kind of crazy...everyone has their preference and truly, I don't know why I bother to respond to this as it will change nothing. Things will continue to go as they have regardless of what I or anyone else has to say about what people do or don't do....it's actually quite absurd.

May 3, 2011, 1:26 PM
I know I'm not a guy, but anal isnt for everyone. Its too painful for some. Its just a person's personal preference if they just want to pleasure a lover, or to Be pleasured, by oral.
To each his own. :}

May 3, 2011, 2:14 PM
lol I love anal, top or bottom,
course Im not a guy,
but if I was I would still love it,
of course I love pleasing men with a strap on,
and women too,
My ex never did anal until I put something in him,
then he started sleeping with guys too
hes a switch
its all just preference

Jun 15, 2011, 10:08 AM

(Just trying to "elevate" this thread to the first page.)

Jun 15, 2011, 1:55 PM
I have a 'playmate' who's defines himself as a bi-top, but he just likes oral and mutual masturbation with men and full sex with women.
I wouldn't call him straight!:rolleyes:

But then again - would you call a man who doesn't like intercourse with women (just oral) and has no interest in same sex -heterosexual?
Yes! Unless there's a sexuality label waiting to be discovered?:tongue:

Jun 15, 2011, 4:01 PM
I don't think that there is any sort of template as to what bisexual males like or don't like when it comes to sex, there is not even any sort of pure and complete description of what each of us considers our bisexuality to be--for some of us----we will only have sex with another guy if we have our wife or girlfriend there--for others--we will only have sex with a guy without a female being present and vice-versa.

Some guys like to kiss and make out with each other---others don't want any part of that.

Some of us like guys who crossdress--others don't.

Some only like to give blowjobs, not get them-others only want someone to give them a BJ---others will do anal--only being a top or a bottom or will both top and bottom.

There are just so many variables and mixes as to what we male bisexuals want and will do---or not----it is simply not possible to make any sort of sweeping generalizations at all.

I am sure the same sort of thing can be said for our bisexual ladies as well.

For me, when it comes to anal----when I finally decided I had to do things with other guys--my thoughts when it came to anal: "No way am I doing that!" but it was one of those cases of "Never say never!" because just like I had to experience having sex with other guys again after many years since I did it as a kid--I figured I did want to try to be on the receiving end of anal sex---not having a preconceived notion of whether I would like it or not--figuring if I liked it--"well, then good-if I don't like it-I won't ever do it again."

Well----I found out that I do like to be on the receiving end of anal sex, but don't care much for giving it. I haven't done anal all that much--it is rather sporadic when I do "get it" but when I do it--I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY do like it a great deal.

I had found a person that I did it for a time on a fairly regular basis, but he has taken quite ill of late and sadly---I don't think his health is going to improve to allow us to resume meeting up--he suffers from cancers caused by exposure to Agent Orange from his long ago service as an Army artillery officer back in Vietnam.

I do wish that he does get well again or at some point in the future, I find another person I like and trust enough to once again engage in anal sex with since I really do like it so much.

As far as saying that all bisexual guys HAVE to like anal sex or any other form of sex---either giving or getting--that is simply impossible to say since we are so varied in our tastes, likes and dislikes.

Jun 15, 2011, 4:27 PM
When I was a kid and we tried anal with no info, we didn't know WTF we were going for, it was not good so we went back to blowing each other, that worked EVERY time!

Now, I know a lot more, am a lot more patient and more filthy/naughty/wanton (name your trait) than I was then.. So anal is something I am looking forward to (only toys so far as my wife doesn't have a dick lol).

Live & learn, times change, desires change, etc.. and like others said, sometimes ya want to or just don't want to do something.

Why do so many folks think that there has to be one RIGHT way to have sex, make coffee, mow the lawn? Yep there are certainly good and bad ways, better and worse ways, and mostly different ways! As long as all involved (well maybe the lawn doesn't get an opinion :) are happy, it IS the right way!

Jun 16, 2011, 12:30 AM
I dont do any anal at all......like I've often said I cannot see anything remotely erotic or seductive in sticking my cock into someones dirty big hairy blurter but if it rocks yer boat go for it, but please dont think that just because you like someone hanging out of your arse that we all should like it too...after all thank fuck that we are all different.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

drugstore cowboy
Jun 16, 2011, 2:03 AM
What's the big deal? We all have our own preferences when it comes to sex who are you to judge pud?

Jun 16, 2011, 2:08 AM
I'd like to get to know my partner first and get comfortable with him before i do anal. I like to be fingered first and get it relaxed and some lube on hand before I have his cock inside me. If his cock is too big, I won't do it at first. If I like the guy enough, I'll go all the way with him. This is something I'd like to slowly build up on before I do it.

Jun 27, 2011, 2:20 PM
i'm seeing a bi dude...we did anal a couple of times but he told me he doesn't like it because he feels when we're just kissing & doing oral we're equal, but when someone's getting fucked one is "dominant" & "submissive" He elaborated by saying he doesn't literally mean that but that one person is getting penetrated and naturally is submissive. He loves fucking girls, when we did have anal he came with my cock in him, but has never let me fuck him long enough to cum lol It's all up in his mind, physically it feels good for him but mentally he can't seem to deal with it well. Anyone else feel like that?

Jun 27, 2011, 3:00 PM
everyone has their own preferences. personally im versitile but im probably more of a bottom when it comes to guys. I really like anal and ive had some great anal experiences

of course i like oral giving and receiving and topping but yea everyone has what they like and dont like.

there are gay guys who dont like anal
gay women who dont like anal
straight women who dont like anal
straight men who dont like anal

on the flip side theres gay guys who lik eanal straight guys who like anal gay girls who like anal and straight girls who like anal.

Jul 2, 2011, 5:04 PM
I like both oral and anal. I bottom only for anal and for oral I would rather suck a cock than have mine sucked.

Jul 3, 2011, 1:37 AM
it sounds to me like we're getting as bad as the straights. he likes this so theres something wrong with him. he does'nt like that so there's still something wrong with him. i thought we were a bit more tollerant than that.

Jul 3, 2011, 11:32 AM
Okay... if oral-only isn't real sex, where does that leave lesbians? I suppose they have to get strap ons?

I have only had anything in my ass for prostate exams, and I didn't find it particularly pleasant.

Jul 5, 2011, 1:52 PM
So this thread has stewed for a bit, lets get down to the logic behind the post!

How comfortable are you with your bisexuality?

Really, that is a very serious question! Do you limit and place boundaries on your sexual activities because it somehow makes you feel less "gay" ?(I know, I know... that is a loaded word for many bisexuals, but I'm asking that you take it in context here and not get tripped up on the word.)

I tend to think this might be the case with many, but not all, who identify as "orally bi". You may say that anal (top or bottom) just doesn't turn you on, but I know that the mind can come up with some funny ways to cope with the dissonance that can occur from being bi.

Dissonance? Yeah, that's what I said. I think too many of us are fighting battles inside. On one hand, we are bi... we have the accepted "normal" heterosexual side of ourselves and are fine with that. But then we have the homosexual side of our being... but society says that's abnormal and wrong, which leads to a deep seated shame that forces us to try and limit that "gay" side. Some people completely bury that side of themselves, and I suspect a good number try to limit their homosexual interactions. I see either action as being injurious to varying degrees, but injurious nonetheless.

BTW, I understand that it's all shades of grey and we all have our likes and dislikes. But placing limits on your sexuality strikes me as a sign that there's unresolved issues hanging around upstairs.

I already know that with this post I will become very unpopular with some people. They will rail and curse and deny... but there will be some who think about it... hopefully there will be someone who thinks about it and understands that it is about self acceptance and has one of those epiphanies that leads them down the path of self acceptance.

Jul 13, 2011, 11:44 AM
Doesnt seem that wierd to me. I dont do my wife in the ass either, its kind of nasty....so why would I want to top some dude in the poop shooter? I'm an oral only kind of biGuy, and when I'm playing I want cock and only cock. I cant explain to you why that is, just like a gay guy cant explain why he only wants guys and not women. Its just the way I feel and I dont make it a big deal. Its just what I want, I want cock and nothing else, no kissing, cuddling, hand holding, sweet nothings, hugs, butt sex, nada. Sucking and licking and I'm a happy camper.

Jul 13, 2011, 11:49 AM
most guys are just looking for a quick suck and go


Jul 13, 2011, 11:07 PM
So this thread has stewed for a bit, lets get down to the logic behind the post!

How comfortable are you with your bisexuality?

Really, that is a very serious question! Do you limit and place boundaries on your sexual activities because it somehow makes you feel less "gay" ?(I know, I know... that is a loaded word for many bisexuals, but I'm asking that you take it in context here and not get tripped up on the word.)

I tend to think this might be the case with many, but not all, who identify as "orally bi". You may say that anal (top or bottom) just doesn't turn you on, but I know that the mind can come up with some funny ways to cope with the dissonance that can occur from being bi.

Dissonance? Yeah, that's what I said. I think too many of us are fighting battles inside. On one hand, we are bi... we have the accepted "normal" heterosexual side of ourselves and are fine with that. But then we have the homosexual side of our being... but society says that's abnormal and wrong, which leads to a deep seated shame that forces us to try and limit that "gay" side. Some people completely bury that side of themselves, and I suspect a good number try to limit their homosexual interactions. I see either action as being injurious to varying degrees, but injurious nonetheless.

BTW, I understand that it's all shades of grey and we all have our likes and dislikes. But placing limits on your sexuality strikes me as a sign that there's unresolved issues hanging around upstairs.

I already know that with this post I will become very unpopular with some people. They will rail and curse and deny... but there will be some who think about it... hopefully there will be someone who thinks about it and understands that it is about self acceptance and has one of those epiphanies that leads them down the path of self acceptance.

I accept myself. I accept that while I am attracted to men I neither see my ass or anyone else's ass as an erogenous zone.

Jul 13, 2011, 11:09 PM
And frankly, I think all the time about kissing guys, which some argue is more "gay" than anything.

It has nothing to do with acceptance.

drugstore cowboy
Aug 17, 2011, 12:06 AM
Allow me to rephrase this in the context of my original post.

"So: why pick on guys who only want to suck cock?" (closer to my original post.)

Why? The "orally bi" crowd would reduce bisexuality to one, single act... sucking cock. The truth of the matter is that sucking if only one tiny fraction of being bi; for that matter sex is only a part of the picture. Yet here we have individuals who somehow have reduced the entire bisexual experience to one act. It's like saying you love McDonalds but only eat the french fries and detest the burgers, shakes, pies and sodas!

Besides that, it's aggravating to find another guy who says he's bi (in real life...face to face conversation) only to find out all he wants to do is give a blowjob and go away. People like that shouldn't call themselves bi, they make the rest of us look bad. Yet here we have one act that someone will define their entire sexuality over. (And I suspect they are uncomfortable with it even then.)

It's someone's personal preference.

I'm mainly into oral sex.

I have fucked some men and women before but I prefer to give and get oral sex from a man if we're having sex.

My husband likes getting anal sex so sometimes I will give it to him up the ass and fuck him.

Other times I just give him a prostate massage with a finger while I suck him off, or I put a vibrating butt plug into him while he sucks me.

Mr. Suck
Apr 17, 2013, 2:39 AM
I've done anal sex as a top and it is very boring. I am much more into oral sex.

Young pussy and dope
Apr 18, 2013, 1:09 AM
I am not too crazy about anal sex either. I have done it as a top when men who I was involved in a partnership with wanted it but I have no desire to bottom and I do not get off or get nearly as much pleasure from fucking a man's ass like I do from fucking a man's mouth or some tight wet pussy.