View Full Version : Why are you "BI" ???

Apr 30, 2011, 6:49 AM
What do you love most about being bisexual? Do you feel like you are lacking something from one as opposed to the other? Or is it just for the sexual attraction?

I love the feel of both a man and a woman. I can relate to women more on a personal level as far as compassion, etc, which is sexy to me. Then again, the strongness of a man and life long companionship is what i crave.

Far as sex goes, BOTH are equally awesome! I guess you could say i have the best of both worlds, but what i really want is a girlfriend to be an active part of our lives daily. So far, havent found that!

Apr 30, 2011, 7:06 AM
I kept trying to love only men OR only women, that really frustrated me until I realized I found both attractive.

Apr 30, 2011, 7:37 AM
I enjoy being able to love who I want, knowing that each in their own way can bring a uniqueness to the relationship.

Apr 30, 2011, 8:12 AM
I enjoys the physical contact of another person
the joy of sharing myself with another person
simple as that:bipride:

Apr 30, 2011, 8:19 AM
I love being with women and their softness, but on the other hand love the feel of a strong man having his way with me. Most of the time I find with my gf, but she understands my femine side and allows me to find a man for my other needs.

Apr 30, 2011, 8:48 AM
because I find I am sexually aroused by either sex, and find the act to be completely different but equally pleasurable with a woman vs. a man. I love the feeling of being completely taken and topped by an aggressive, horny guy...the sex if intense and leaves me weak in the knees. With a woman, I enjoy going slow and loving the smoothness and curves of their bodies and the warmth and moistness of their pussy to my fingers, mouth and cock.

and being married, getting to have unprotected sex with my wife, nothing but skin to skin makes that the tops.

Apr 30, 2011, 9:54 AM
I am bi because I love cock, and beautiful women. Its all that simple.

Apr 30, 2011, 11:17 AM
Because I was made that way. It certainly was not because I was brought up to be.

Apr 30, 2011, 11:55 AM
For me, I love both for different reasons when it comes to mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Mental- I like women more cause they understand more sometimes. A very lucky few of men can actually understand.

Emotional- Its equal.

Physical- I like getting a cock once in a while but I rather have a pussy and a pair of tits any day over a cock.

Spiritual- Very hard one to explain.

In the plain end, I enjoy both, just not completely equal...I want guy for when I wanna be the a normal women in a relationship but I want a woman for when I wanna be the men in the relationship.
(By the way, I am a woman.)

Apr 30, 2011, 12:18 PM
I really like the answers so far. I just don't know why I'm bi but I guess Katja's answer is closest. The various aspects of men and women is quite interesting. I do enjoy the closeness that can develop with a woman...and yet crave that closeness with a man. The physical sex seems easier with a man but the closeness is easier with a woman. Both have aspects that I want to relate to.

Apr 30, 2011, 1:19 PM
because I find I am sexually aroused by either sex, and find the act to be completely different but equally pleasurable with a woman vs. a man. I love the feeling of being completely taken and topped by an aggressive, horny guy...the sex if intense and leaves me weak in the knees. With a woman, I enjoy going slow and loving the smoothness and curves of their bodies and the warmth and moistness of their pussy to my fingers, mouth and cock.

and being married, getting to have unprotected sex with my wife, nothing but skin to skin makes that the tops.

I like being that aggressive guy u want 2 be dominated by lol. It doesnot matter man nor woman. I still like pussy better, but dick is great.

Apr 30, 2011, 4:20 PM
Because I am.

I find men and women sexually attractive; I form emotional bonds mostly with men, although I have emotional ties with a few women; I am ridiculously protective of the men I form emotional bonds with (Momma Bear syndrome as some would call it).

I do not consider my sexuality to be lacking in any respect.

Apr 30, 2011, 6:40 PM
I think I'm turning gay, or definately a strongly gay phase. Altough my guy and I are hitting a rough patch now and things are pretty rocky, my wife is more than pleased to scour Craig's List for a new one for me, encouraging me to not give up on men. Can she be contributing to my gayness without even realizing it?

May 1, 2011, 1:06 PM
because i love women but enjoy dick immensely :tongue:

May 1, 2011, 2:58 PM
because i love women but enjoy dick immensely :tongue:

though others' responses also apply, I quoted binyc123 since it is so much to the point and represents my exact feelings...
I adore women and they fulfill me in every way; sexually, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, intellectually....
With men, I love cock; plain and simple though I don't make the connection in all the other ways...
The men that I do connect with emotionally, intellectually, and all the rest I am not sexual with at all....
I can't explain this, but have never wanted an in depth relation with a male in the same way as a female....
I have been bi my entire life and have always enjoyed sex very much with both sexes

May 1, 2011, 4:02 PM
Because I realized that I need both a guy and a gal.

May 1, 2011, 11:50 PM
For me it happened at university. Did not really look at men till then. Then all my friends hanging out together started making out together then one thing led to another and gender was never a wall. Then I fell for a woman and a man and we have all been together for 12 years. its nice.:three:

May 2, 2011, 10:21 AM
I found men when I was young. I actually wanted to try sucking a dude (lost a friend by asking him...ouch), but later found a few macho male friends who played together. We were athletes and shared homework in my friends basement. We would watch 8-MM pornos, look at porno magazines, and jerk off. One day the group had dwindled to me and one other dude. He mentioned "how hot it must feel to have your dick sucked" and we agreed to try sucking one another. It was great ! We eventually fucked in his parents bed (using his mom and dads lube....), but we were both manly men who dated hot girls at school, and nobody knew.

I think of my bisexuality as an extension of my sexuality. I live a normal hetero life, wife, kids, job, many friends. I have gay friends I can really relate to on many levels (many who do not know I am bi). There are times I wish I could say, "hey, I'm somewhat like you....". My wife understands I did this in the past, and thinks I no longer do, despite strapping one on and fucking me or us sharing a lifelike rubber dick in our mouths while fucking... :rolleyes: I still play on rare occasions, uber discretely, but I cannot ignore the fact that being in contact with a mans body, sharing a shower and washing one another off, mutual oral or doing anal, sometimes even kissing, mean something to me as a person.

May 2, 2011, 10:49 AM
Because choosing always seemed silly.. I was attracted to both guys and girls from the start (at age 11) and enjoyed both experiences..

I met and fell in love with a woman and we have been married for 31 years, but I still find both men and women attractive, and if I wasn't monogamous I'd be actively pursuing relationships with both.

(being bi and monogamous just means that there are twice as many people you don't sleep with)



May 2, 2011, 8:20 PM
Just because I am. It took until my late 30's to understand that and I wouldn't want it any other way.

May 2, 2011, 11:00 PM
Because I love that "Hard and Soft" option..lol;)

May 3, 2011, 7:31 AM
I'm attracted to women the most, they are soft, curvey, pretty, its just a natural attraction, I luv womens breasts, pussy, ass, mouth eyes, yet I love a mans cock, the hard thick member in my mouth and ass, so the combination of both in a 3some situation will be my glory. I've blown and unattractive guy just because he's gotta a great cock. I never really look at a guy and think...oh yeah he's sexy. If he's a good lookin guy its a bonus for my girl and I. It comes down to hot and dirty sex in the end. More for us. Would be nice to hear more from females that get hot watching us men making out instead of whining that they don't understand our attraction to both sexes.

May 3, 2011, 9:45 AM
I feel different...have always felt that I had different desires, attractions, and needs, than most!

It appears that most men, who post to these queries, are more emotionally attracted to the ladies, while only wanting the sexuality of a male. Not me: I am attracted mostly to personalities, character, and certain physiques, too. But if I have no common interests, or intellectual compatibility, a person's physical attractiveness is not going to win me over.

I need almost equal requirements, from both genders, before my sexuality to come to play. A potential lover must a desire/need, along with genuine caring (if not love) before I can be motivated to enter an intimate relationship.

I love being in love and have been in and out of love a few times.....with both genders. Even though I'm older than most here and had my first MM encounter at 14, I haven't had that many relationships with men. For one reason, most men I've known were not into romantic relationships. I've passed up many more opportunities to have sex with guys, than I've accepted, because of the above.

It's a paradox, then, that my longest sexual relationship with a guy (10+ years) was one who was not romantic! We did, however, have many of the same interests and were compatible on many levels. Communication, camaraderie, mutual interests took the place of romantic love. We did care for and about each other, though, so I guess it was a kind of love.

I've swung on the pendulum of desire for men, first, then women, for most of my life....back and forth. Although, I've been in more women, the intensity of the relationships were no more or less fulfilling, rewarding, with either.

Presently, I am in the best MF relationship of my life. For the first time, in a long time, I am happier and more comfortable with her, than I can remember. I think her being bisexual has a lot to do with the peace I feel; she accepts me for me and I return the favor in spades.

With my GF's full knowledge, I've been writing a guy from this site and we plan to meet someday. But right now, we're trading histories, thoughts, and interests. He's working abroad, now, but we plan to meet, when he returns in July, or August. We'll see!

I'm a lucky man!

May 3, 2011, 11:45 AM
I love being with women and being with a guy feels just as natural to me.

May 3, 2011, 12:33 PM
What do you love most about being bisexual? Do you feel like you are lacking something from one as opposed to the other? Or is it just for the sexual attraction?

I love the feel of both a man and a woman. I can relate to women more on a personal level as far as compassion, etc, which is sexy to me. Then again, the strongness of a man and life long companionship is what i crave.

Far as sex goes, BOTH are equally awesome! I guess you could say i have the best of both worlds, but what i really want is a girlfriend to be an active part of our lives daily. So far, havent found that!

Well to answer this directly, I don't know why I'm bi...I just know it's always been this way and I've always been attracted to both. But as with others, my story is unique to me and perhaps others are similar or the same in their experience(s). And for me, it is that I am attracted to women on all levels whereas with men, it is purely on the sexual level. Of course I have my very close male friends, but for me I have no interest in them sexually. It's always been the case and has nothing to do with what society dictates should or shouldn't be.
What do you love most about being bisexual? Do you feel like you are lacking something from one as opposed to the other? Or is it just for the sexual attraction?
I would have to say that what I love the most is having the freedom to experience and feel physically the entire spectrum or at least for me the entire spectrum of sexuality. Again though, it's only sexual with males. And this would lead to the second part of the question which has to do with lacking something. In the sexual experience alone with men, no. But with other areas as in the emotional full depth experience, it's not part of it. It doesn't have to be for me though and in that way I am fulfilled with men. If I want the entire experience, a woman fulfills me much more.

I love the feel of both a man and a woman. I can relate to women more on a personal level as far as compassion, etc, which is sexy to me. Then again, the strongness of a man and life long companionship is what i crave.

As with you, I am the same in this regard up to a point. I can relate personally to both men and women, but again and to repeat myself, the men I feel close to I am nor want to be sexual with. It's not to say the men that I am sexual with I have no friendship with, but it doesn't have to be. Our common experience with each other is in knowing that we both enjoy the moments together sexually and to some degree have a personal connection. But for a lifelong companion, it is a woman once again that fulfills that possibility.

Far as sex goes, BOTH are equally awesome! I guess you could say i have the best of both worlds, but what i really want is a girlfriend to be an active part of our lives daily. So far, havent found that![/

And finally in this last part, I agree with you; sex with both is equally awesome and indeed it is the best of both worlds. The difference for me would be that I don't seek that connection both sexually and intimately with a male....one group of male friends is for that closeness and the other is for the pure pleasure of the sexual experience.....
There are really no words to describe the beauty however that comes from being with a woman in all the aspects of the sexual, emotional level.

May 3, 2011, 2:16 PM
I enjoy being able to love who I want, knowing that each in their own way can bring a uniqueness to the relationship.

I wish there was a like button, because I like this statement

May 3, 2011, 5:30 PM
I love sex. I love the softness of a women. Women naked make me so horny. As for men it's more about having sex. I love the way cocks look and get so dam horny sucking one.

May 4, 2011, 5:19 AM
Cuz I'm a freak. I love sex and I have a thing for performing oral on a man or woman. I like to recieve too.

May 4, 2011, 9:22 AM
the topic "Why are you bi" suggest that you are asking this question as a whole, not in part, and I had already decided on how I would (or would not answer) before I even clicked the topic. Now, that being said. I'd have to ask why do we like ketchup, mustard, or mayonaise? We don't know why, we just do (or don't). We'd say we just like the taste (or hate the taste) or it's ok if I have it but I could live without it too. I feel that it's just another wonderful mystery of life. IMHO, we don't know why we like something, we may know what we like or dislike about it. So the only answer that I can give is.... "it makes me feel good".

May 4, 2011, 1:37 PM
These were all GREAT responses...thanks so much! I can relate to every comment. I love knowing i have options and love every part of my choices I have! :bipride:

May 4, 2011, 7:03 PM
These were all GREAT responses...thanks so much! I can relate to every comment. I love knowing i have options and love every part of my choices I have! :bipride:

agreed happy bi. it took me a while to accept that I had these choices and Now i couldnt be happier and more free:flag4:

May 4, 2011, 7:14 PM
I think it started when I was young and learned to ride bi-cycles,,:bigrin::bigrin:

May 5, 2011, 11:53 AM
I choose sex with men because I don't have to get emotionally involved. I love to suck a cock and have cum in my mouth and all over my body. I also like to get fucked by a cock and be naked with as many men as I can at one time. I'm not opposed to have them just sit and watch while others cum all over me. I actually enjoy it. But, I don't have any sexual feelings toward a man I see out in public, I do get aroused if I see a sexy woman walking by. I love to fuck women and prefer a woman over a man, nothing is better then a wet pussy and a set of tits to suck and play with. My problem with women is they want to get emotionally involved, can be very jealous and catty. A bi-man is usually not out for emotional satisfaction, but to get his rocks off. I'm sure I would enjoy fucking a woman and having a cock in my mouth as well up my ass.

May 5, 2011, 3:42 PM
Cuz I'm a freak. I love sex and I have a thing for performing oral on a man or woman. I like to recieve too.

You are not a freak! I am very much like you and enjoy the heck out of it!:bipride:

May 5, 2011, 4:10 PM
Because I find males and females attractive, enough for it to reflect on my sexuality. There are different aspects that make the score a bit different. I think at times I tend to like the physical contact with guys, but much more often on the emotional side of things I find that the women are a better impact.

That said, I'm not horribly horny a whole lot of the time, so sometimes the emotional/spiritual thing is more effective. I have to admit that physical impulse is sometimes less consistent and doesn't always last. Also, I'm not always just horny so hopefully I'll find more in someone.

I think the Kinsley scale can give an overall impression of a person's identity, but the Klein grid is more of an explanation of why.

May 6, 2011, 12:17 AM
I love the human ass in tight jeans. I love the feel of a woman's body on me. A naked cock makes me horny especially when a guy wants me to play with it.

Making someone climax is the greatest high ever. Jesus I wanna suck and lick some cuties right now.

May 6, 2011, 6:48 PM
Im bi because thats how I am. God made me perfect... except for...

May 7, 2011, 10:06 AM
I have loved women but wonder why women & some guys love to suck cocks?There was only one way to find out! After my first cock now I KNOW WHY! THE SOFTNESS, HARDNESS & WARMTH OF THE COCK! Now I'm willing & wanting to explore whats out there!

May 7, 2011, 7:21 PM
Why isn't EVERYBODY?
They're soooo missing out!:bipride:

Dec 7, 2012, 8:40 PM
what other way is there to be? :)

Dec 7, 2012, 10:02 PM
In my case it's hereditary or even genetic. I have sexual attraction to women and men, and I can fall in love with women and men.

Dec 8, 2012, 3:36 AM
I am bi because I have always loved men and women and enjoy being dominated by either. I am very oral with men and women which i enjoy but i have found that there is nothing that can compare to the feeling of a good top working out his sexual tensions on my tight bottom. As I have always said "it's nice when you can go to a bar or club and check everyone out".

Dec 8, 2012, 8:11 AM
For me it was never a exclusively sexual thing. From a young age I always wondered why there was a divide between boys and girls. I knew I liked people but when it came to my teenage years things got confusing when I started having sexual attractions to people I bonded with at a deeper level (or as deep as relationships got back then). When I was a teenager I didn't understand there was anything but gay or straight so I suppressed my urges until college. I came out my senior year to everyone before I had even been with a man sexually... my understanding was actually quite clear. Since then I have been with several men, women and trans persons, I feel like I love people for their uniqueness, and as most people on here are relating bisexuality with sex, the level of intimacy that every person brings with them when in that vulnerable state during and after sex. Gender does not matter but the connection and sexual energy does. The better the connection the better and more interesting the sexual encounters can be.

My perspective, I learned, was considered Pansexual. Not simply bisexual. Take it as you will.

Dec 8, 2012, 9:29 AM
Wow, that's a great response seeking, that is a lot of the way I have felt most of my life, it is only circumstances and my learned experiences that have brought me to having a need for one gender at this point in time. It isn't really the physical gender at alll but a matter of needing to learn trust and healing from men..and they seem to be willing to be a little more brazen about what they want. Women seem to want, and rightfully expect a more thought out approach. Both men and women are beautiful in their own way. I don't have enough experience with trans people to really comment but I have felt that longing to be the "other" at times so I hope I can relate to those people as well.

Given the vulnerability that all of us grow up with (even straight people) when i settiled on the message that all of us are a blessing and a gift from the divine I just wanted to share that idea so much. That all people want to be happy and are worthy of dignity and respect. If we could all have such encouragement in our lives, if we knew that SOMEBODY loves us - maybe the world would be a little better place. Sadly, I think not all people know that.

I stumbled onto this song yesterday..


There are so many hurting people in this world, bisexual (pansexual) people can love anyone..

I actually probably have a need for both genders, but I just don't want to admit it..I grew up around women, and most of them I view as sisters. It has been only in the last few years that I have started to think of them in any other way..do you have any idea how awkward it is, thinking of having sex with your sister? When other guys say, "Look at the rack on THAT!" with their tongues hanging out I have the stupidest confused and irritated look on my face. There have only been a few ladies that I have really been attracted to, but the feelings were genuine..sadly it seemed like those ladies needed a friend more than a lover, so I buried my desire and tried to simply be a friend. Most ladies seem to want the man to make the first move, but I am too worried about taking advantage of a good friend.


Bisexual Explorer
Dec 8, 2012, 10:29 AM
I love the round, softness of having sex with a woman, and I love the hard, physicality of having sex with men. Whereas I feel very masculine when I have sex with a woman, I can feel masculine and feminine when I have sex with men (depending on my partner). Being bisexual allows me to be complete.
Bisexual Explorer

Dec 8, 2012, 2:36 PM
As an excommunicated former member because of my sexuality ( not because I'm bi, but then again,yes...), I found this to be insightful with my morning coffee & paper:http://www.mormonsandgays.org/ Yes, I agree it's a powerful dilemma that only the courageous in spirit & strong of mind can grapple with.

Dec 8, 2012, 6:24 PM
Yes I saw that in the news the other day pepper .. "We love you, and it's okay to be gay, as long as you don't really act on it." hmm, well at least it's a step toward the correct direction I suppose..if nothing else, to start a conversation. I would've started another thread for this new topic but that's about all I have to say anyway.

As an excommunicated former member because of my sexuality ( not because I'm bi, but then again,yes...), I found this to be insightful with my morning coffee & paper:http://www.mormonsandgays.org/ Yes, I agree it's a powerful dilemma that only the courageous in spirit & strong of mind can grapple with.

Dec 8, 2012, 9:46 PM
Yes I saw that in the news the other day pepper .. "We love you, and it's okay to be gay, as long as you don't really act on it." hmm, well at least it's a step toward the correct direction I suppose..if nothing else, to start a conversation. I would've started another thread for this new topic but that's about all I have to say anyway.

Please don't pass judgment on the church for I don't. The fault was all mine; I knew what was expected of me when I became a member. I was excommunicated because of adultery but my bisexual nature was the undercurrent driving me...a form of self-sabotage at that time. I loved that church and its people & respect it to this day.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 8, 2012, 10:02 PM
why am I bi ? its cos other people wanted a word to define a interest and attraction to both genders, so they created the term bisexual..... and its a term that other people can relate to when i talk about my interest in their partners and themselves lol.....

I am just a person that finds that I am attracted to people for any one of a number of reasons.... bi is a label I use loosely

Dec 9, 2012, 4:20 AM
I can add that being BI also made me to be more open minded and sexual. I'm able to love above a person above his gender.

Dec 9, 2012, 7:58 AM
Ever since I watched my 1st wife sucking a roommate of mine while we were having a 3some and being drawn into sucking him off with her, I have always loved the feel and experience of sucking a cock. I also feel it has empowered me to be more open sexually in general and feel more secure about myself. It has helped in making me more secure in my sexuality and open to just about anything as long as it feels good and does not hurt anyone.

Dec 9, 2012, 9:20 AM
For me , just pure curious why did the ladies i dated love to suck & swallow ?The only way to find out was to try it & fell in love! Women just about everything!

Dec 9, 2012, 10:01 AM
I'm a lesbian.. bi once, and never str8, but some of us move on, and some don't...we are every one of us different, and our sexuality develops differently... I have never really questioned why I am as I am or why my partner remains as she is; why our daughter is so interested in lads... we just are.. it's how we are, each of us made as we are for the moment, and for each of us it may change or it may not... interesting though it is, the deeper psychological and/or biological reasons are not something that I stress about.. what I know, and the things I may argue about my and other's sexuality are more for self defence and because I have an enquiring mind than out of any great personal interest. But as to why I am, I just am.. end of...and if I may add.. very happy so to be.. partner and kids are as they are and happy for that to be..:)