View Full Version : Weekly sex comedy comic strip - Oglaf - Funny as all Hell!

Apr 30, 2011, 2:33 AM
After reading this I knew I had to share it here. Check it out, it's called Oglaf (http://www.oglaf.com/). A friend introduced me to it and I read every strip on the site in one night.

I'm having trouble thinking of a way to describe it. All I can say is that it's based in a fantasy world, it's turned me on a bit while reading it and I couldn't stop laughing at a lot of the gags :cutelaugh .

Check it out (http://www.oglaf.com/), tell me what you think, and Show Me Your Honor!

Apr 30, 2011, 3:18 AM
LOL I faved that for later viewing, it looks great from the panels I've read so far. Kinda miss the sexy Buck Rogers avatar though :)

Apr 30, 2011, 3:55 AM
LOL I faved that for later viewing, it looks great from the panels I've read so far. Kinda miss the sexy Buck Rogers avatar though :)

Actually, That was Flash Gordon as played by Eric Johnson from the most recent TV series based on the old Comics. Ironically, he was probably Buck Rogers' biggest competition back in the 30s and 40s. I thought He was sexy too, no doubt. But I had that avatar for years and I plan on switching it to another super hero I find totally freakin' hot in a couple days, after this discussion has run it's course. I just couldn't resist, that shot of Kronar is hilarious.