View Full Version : Living Miles Away.

Apr 29, 2011, 11:42 AM
Never posted a thread before, but I just came back from vacationing down south and I thought this would be the best place to ask my question.

See I want to move to Tennessee. Badly. And my boyfriend will only be truly happy when he's living in the south. The ONLY thing keeping me here in Michigan is, I'm VERY close to my family. I know my parents will understand if I move, but I HATE to leave my one and only sister behind. I also still have 3 living grandparents who mean the world to me. I'm trying to talk everyone into moving south, somewhat jokingly, bc I know it's probably not possible.

I also worry about my future. I've been with my man for 7 years, so I need to start thinking about children and having a life! So aside from missing my family (I know visiting is always possible), I worry about keeping my kids so far from them. My grandparents are like second parents to me, and I'm also close to my aunt and everyone else. I feel extremely blessed bc of this, and I'd like my kids to have that same experience. We do have family and people we know in Tennessee, so that makes it easier, but it's all HIS family. I guess I'm just torn. I'm a little more family-oriented than most people I know.

So anyway, I know people move away from their families and friends all the time, and I just wonder how they do it, and how their families feel about it. Any thoughts? I won't let anyone decide for me, but I'd still like to know how people feel. I know I'll be really happy living down south, with the better weather and location, but I don't want to get down there and be depressed bc I feel alone or like I've abandoned people.

Any thoughts? Have you managed to maintain a happy life miles away from everything you know?

Apr 29, 2011, 11:52 AM
Aww hon it's tough, I moved all over the place when I managed for Ryan's but Kentucky was always home. My next move is gonna be 9000 miles away and I know it will difficult, if not impossible, to get back here to visit or in case of a medical emergency with my parents. But all you can do is what at heart makes you the happiest. For now you view them as his people but if you choose to do the marriage and kid thing they become your people as well. Skype makes a wonderful tool for connecting with your family and webcam convos can be amazing. You can even set up chat with several family members at once in a voice conference and feel like you never really left home.

Side note....better weather in the South is a dream for most of us right now, but I know what ya mean. Get a lot more snow and ice up your way than we normally get down here. Whatever you decide, just remember it is a decision both you and your partner have to make together. You mentioned he wouldn't be happy living out of the South, has he ever tried?

Apr 29, 2011, 12:11 PM
Actually, he's lived in Michigan all of his life, but he's been down there so many times, he just knows he'd be happier. I'm not doing it all for him though, I REALLY do love it down there. And his family are my family, more or less. They all really seem to like me, and we've gotten to be pretty close. They are amazing people, but I'd still miss my family for sure. He would too, since he's gotten to be close to a lot of them too. I didn't think about all the technological advances though, that would definitely help a lot. Thanks! :-)

Apr 30, 2011, 2:08 AM
Depending on things its just not that far away.

If its less that two whole day drive its close.

Its only Ohio and Kentucky. If your are near major roads whats the big deal?

Tennessee is great place they will be coming to see you to get out of the cold. You can go there to get out of the heat.

Apr 30, 2011, 8:04 PM
I had to move two years ago for a new job. It is tough to move away from family but in todays economy sometimes you are forced to. The 5 hr drive back to family isnt bad but sometimes after a long week at work i am too exhausted to drive to visit family for a weekend, thats what can be tough