View Full Version : Big wedding in england!

Apr 28, 2011, 11:32 PM
Not too big on following the wedding and all, but must state the obvious and that is that i think Kate Middleton is absolutely gorgeous. I will tune in for a moment just to see her in the dress.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 29, 2011, 12:51 AM
lol not big on weddings, but I think that will and kate are a good couple.....and wish them all the best....

the fact that its a royal wedding or that will is royalty, is something I could not give a rats ass about.... cos they are people just like you and me and should be able to enjoy the ups and downs of matrimony, children and daily jobs and life....

Apr 29, 2011, 3:13 AM
I am looking forward to the wedding, I wish Will and Kate the best and hope the idiots that try to ruin their day will actually have a bit of common sense after all. I read one story about some people who camped out alongside some protestors with their signs waving about this and that. The wife was trying to be polite the husband murmured "there is a time and a place" That is exactly my feeling, this is a time for a light to shine for England, not to try and make the light yours by marring their day. Very few times we actually have something good happening in the world that is shared with so many over so far reaching a distance.

So yes, I'm looking forward to it, and I will enjoy the memory of it just as I enjoy the memory of watching Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer get married in 1981.

Apr 29, 2011, 6:01 AM
Rest assured LDD, the one thing that the happy couple is not, are people just like you and me.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 29, 2011, 6:10 AM
Rest assured LDD, the one thing that the happy couple is not, are people just like you and me.

unless they are aliens from another planet, then they are human too.....

they may be from a different way of life, and a different country, but I have served and so has will, I have been involved in businesses like kate, I live in a flat like harry, will and kate and I am happy living a simple life, in the same way that will and kate have indicated that they want to...... they value friends as I do.... they perfer that you give, not to them, but to those in need, as I do...... and I am willing to bet that they eat, shit, fuck, fart and breath, the same as I do.....

so yes, they are people just like you and me.....

Apr 29, 2011, 6:51 AM
Grabs a kleenex and wipes away tears, that was an incredibly beautiful ceremony for two wonderful people. The dress was so stunning, simple elegance, very classy. William looked every inch the prince in his outfit. I hope and pray they have a long life and plenty of children. Poor Harry, all those hearts that broke the minute William said "I will" are now gonna be focused on trying to catch the other prince.

Many blessings to William and Kate who now has quite a few titles to add to her name :)

Apr 29, 2011, 6:54 AM
unless they are aliens from another planet, then they are human too.....

they may be from a different way of life, and a different country, but I have served and so has will, I have been involved in businesses like kate, I live in a flat like harry, will and kate and I am happy living a simple life, in the same way that will and kate have indicated that they want to...... they value friends as I do.... they perfer that you give, not to them, but to those in need, as I do...... and I am willing to bet that they eat, shit, fuck, fart and breath, the same as I do.....

so yes, they are people just like you and me.....

Human beings with much the same anatomy, but do not delude yourself, they are not as you or me. If they were, monarchy would have long since disappeared.

Apr 29, 2011, 7:29 AM
I didnt tune in, how did Kate look? The more i see her the more stunning I think she is. She comes from a regular family. Her life has been and will be much different now of course

Long Duck Dong
Apr 29, 2011, 7:38 AM
Human beings with much the same anatomy, but do not delude yourself, they are not as you or me. If they were, monarchy would have long since disappeared.

thank god for the monarchy then..... a difference in a world where people want everybody to be the same as everybody else..... and a symbol of the dreams of so many children......

it is the diverse uniqueness of the world that makes it interesting... be it race, religion, culture, belief, sexuality..... and the catch phrase of we are all equal does apply in the fact that we are all human.... but not in respects of aspects of our lives......

the only way we will all be equal... is to take away everything that makes us unique.... and that means taking away the dreams and hopes of so many people.... of children...

we were all children once with dreams and high hopes... then we become adults and realise that the world is a harsh place and a hard reality..... and that not all dreams come true and many of those dreams are shattered.....
but we are being a society so hell bent in changing society to match what we want.... that we are going to destroy the hopes and dreams of the children to come.. and they will end up growing up in a sterile, bland world without things to hope for and dream about.... cos we had to have things our way and remove anything that made the world different and unique......

this is what I hate about todays world... its all about the * my rights * and * we should get rid of this and that, to make the world a better place *... and in doing so, we are destroying cultures, societies and the dreams of young people.....

that is really what we are doing.... not saving the whales or protecting endangered species, but trying to force people to live as we want while fighting to protect our right to live how we want cos others are trying to force us to live their way......

its a sad day, when we seek to destroy everything we can not control, own, harvest or possess......

Apr 29, 2011, 8:21 AM
I've been watching the wedding---my observations---Kate is a lovely woman---and I don't think that there is any doubt---she and William are very much in love. It is sort of ironic---that as a "commoner" Kate is much more royal in many ways---her bearing, her discretion, poise and other aspects--than most of the blue bloods of recent vintages have been. I think that this marriage will last--they have been together for around nine years and even survived a break-up. I think they are going to be a new sort of royals for a new age.

Kate does have a really awesome smile, that she was flashing all over the place.

I do have to say--the dress she wore was spot on perfect--it was gorgeous--did show off her body in a tasteful way--it was a good blend of both very modern/crisp styling with many elements of traditional dresses.

Even if one is not a big fan of the royals--I do think this was a good day for the British monarchy and for the nation itself.

As far as Queen Elizabeth is concerned--I think it was a good day for her too--people surely did greet she and Phillip rather warmly and she also flashed some very big smiles.

It does seem like everyone out on the streets and heading towards the parks and other venues are having a great time---in this kind of rough time with the bad economy pretty much everywhere, natural disasters, and wars---I say to anyone out partying in celebration of this wedding---enjoy the day and have a great time!!!

PS--I just watched them come on to the balcony of the palace--the crowd sure is amped---and back to the couple--the kiss was great--they do seem really rather comfortable with each other---there does seem to be real affection and warmth between them--unlike--in retrospect--that was lacking with Charles and Diana from the start---I do hope for them and for Merry Olde England---this is going to be a great marriage and they will make a great future King and Queen of England. Loved the flyby of the WWII warbirds and the Tornadoes, too!

Apr 29, 2011, 8:32 AM
LDD, I did not intend and do not wish to enter a debate into the merits and demerits of monarchy. I am not a monarchist to be sure, and refute your claim that they are as are we. They are patently nothing of the kind and I suspect they themselves would agree with me rather than you.

Most British people, royalist and republican alike would also disagree with you, one side because of because of respect and a deference to centuries of tradition and in many, arguably most, a feeling of inferiority to their betters, and others who see and find monarchy and its trappings as both an aberration and an anachronism in the 21st century and a barrier to maturing as a modern society.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 29, 2011, 8:57 AM
will and kate are people that are in love, happy and now married.... thats what I see.... will and kate wanted simple and easy.... and that has been reflected in much of the wedding..... the gown, the ring, the way kate looked, etc......

can't people just be happy for a couple for one day ????? instead of turning it into a issue.....

Apr 29, 2011, 9:04 AM
I am thrilled for them both, (agree DD). Very pleased that nobody ruined it for them (including the weather).

Apr 29, 2011, 9:53 AM
will and kate are people that are in love, happy and now married.... thats what I see.... will and kate wanted simple and easy.... and that has been reflected in much of the wedding..... the gown, the ring, the way kate looked, etc......

can't people just be happy for a couple for one day ????? instead of turning it into a issue.....

Don't misunderstand me LDD, I am as happy for them as two people embarking on a life together as I am for anyone. I too believe it to be a love match and hope it lasts the course. I am not sure I am in agreement they wanted or got it simple and easy, nor do I believe what happened today was simple and easy, but I do wish them well. My business is closed for the day to enable those who wanted to watch and I have no doubt tomorrow they will be full of it. I am no scrooge, and dont like to humbug people's enjoyment, but neither am I under any illusions into why a public holiday is declared for a wedding.

What it gave me is a morning free to enjoy doing what I wanted to do including having a nice long lie in bed and an afternoon's gardening. I am glad people enjoyed it. I did, and saw or heard none of it.

Apr 29, 2011, 10:50 AM
They say that an estimated 2 BILLION people have watched the wedding on television worldwide----I don't think the British monarchy is going to be going away anytime soon!! An event of this sort---this is a PR person's ultimate wet dream!!! The UK--with all of the free media coverage could never have bought this kind of publicity---think of the value of 2 Billion people watching an event of this sort from YOUR country!!!??? There can be no price tag set on that. Here in the states--it has been nearly wall-to-wall coverage of the wedding on all of our major networks and many of our cable only channels. Think of how many people came to England for this event and how many more are going to book trips this summer to come to see the sights in London, the London area and the rest of the British Isles.

Like it or not--I think that it is pretty clear---the British monarchy, if nothing else, serves a major role as part of "The British Brand" and even though it seems that they "cost" the British taxpayers a great deal of money----think of the money that their existence most likely does bring to the UK in the form of tourist and other "dollars."

Apr 29, 2011, 10:59 AM
LDD, I did not intend and do not wish to enter a debate into the merits and demerits of monarchy. I am not a monarchist to be sure, and refute your claim that they are as are we. They are patently nothing of the kind and I suspect they themselves would agree with me rather than you.

Most British people, royalist and republican alike would also disagree with you, one side because of because of respect and a deference to centuries of tradition and in many, arguably most, a feeling of inferiority to their betters, and others who see and find monarchy and its trappings as both an aberration and an anachronism in the 21st century and a barrier to maturing as a modern society.

Well this is one Brit who knows they are just like the rest of us - they have their own dreams and hopes, insecurities, problems, feelings and desires just like everyone else - and I love them all the more for it. I have no feeling of inferiority to them, or any other person, but then, I don't believe myself to be better than anyone else either.

Apr 29, 2011, 11:07 AM
And a recently released poll (http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/weddings/royal-wedding/4924739/Brits-appreciate-the-monarchy) show that 67% of Britains surveyed out of a 1003 like the monarchy and think it's good for Britain.

Apr 29, 2011, 12:39 PM
It does gall when people who are citizens of a republic, especially citizens of a republic which fought a war against the British crown patronise those of us who wish nothing less than the same status for our own country.

I am quite sure that the Windsors will gladly take up residence in the White House as unelected hereditary heads of state of another new commonwealth country. Somehow I doubt that the American people would be quite so ecstatic about the idea.

Apr 29, 2011, 1:58 PM
Well, it has been a beautiful day, the weather was wonderful, they couldn't have asked for better. The bride looked beautiful and elegant, the crowds that thronged the Mall and the route seemed ecstatic.

William's outfit, as you put it, DD, is the uniform of the Colonel in Chief of the Irish Guards. lol An honourary position.

William it seems is inheriting the Windsor's male baldness, whilst Harry seems as yet, unaffected by it. Kate will hopefully bring some genetic good looks to any children they might have.

They seem happy enough and I wish them well, health and happiness to them both and to one and all.

Apr 29, 2011, 3:53 PM
thought kate's dress was stylish and elegant. but have to be honest and say, that's the first time i've thought a bridesmaid dress outdid the bride's. it was really 'wow'. the v neckline with a cowl, the little kick train at the back, short sleeves, the way the material hung, figure hugging. wow! that was really something. the bride's? it didn't make me go 'wow'. and what the heck was on the heads of prince andrew's two daughters? one looked like she was wearing some kind of gazelle antlers. in fact, her 'antlers' were so tall, she couldn't sit up straight in the car.

as for the debate on royalty? i'm not a monarchist, but don't fancy a president either. but royalty are the same as us. they put on their undies exactly the same. prince charles wanting to be camilla's tampon during their affair? not exactly the same as me, but shows they are human and horny at times. the only difference is their unfortunate situation of birth womb. they don't belong to themselves. they are figure heads and belong to the country and it's traditions. i don't believe the monarchy will end in england cos it's what makes england special and different. take that away and england becomes just another country, a lesser power to america with some boring elected figurehead. and all the money people complain about being wasted on the monarchy? it would simply all be wasted on some other crap (how many of us save out increases in wealth for a rainy day or find another outlet to spend?). governments are good at that.

as for the happy couple themselves, i wish them a future free of the dramas that have marred the house of windsor. i wish them healthy babies, and strength to maintain their individual style and natural ease.