View Full Version : Update to "gesture" post...

Apr 28, 2011, 11:15 PM
Well, for those of you who were so helpful to me with my first post, I am wondering if you could tell me what you think about my latest interaction with Kim? I promise, I will try to quit posting so many questions soon...it is just that this is so new to me.

Anyway...I stopped by her place of work (the only place I know to reach her...she works at a hospital, doing PT work). I was prepared to "ask" for her, but as I walked in, she was walking out, from the back, where all the offices are, to where I was, in the receptionist's area. I said, "Hi...I was just stopping by to see you" (or something like that...boy, was I nervous!) I asked if she could talk for a minute, and she said sure, and led me back to where her office cubicle, was. I sat down in a "visitor's" chair, and she sat in her main chair.

Well, then I said, "I hope this doesn't sound strange, but I liked the way your hair looked so much, last time we met, that I was wondering if you would let me take your picture, so I can have your hairstyle for me to refer to". (that wasn't quite word-for-word, but pretty close). Then she said, "Sure...but, would you give me a bit more time, to have it looking better?" Then, she kind of rubbed her hand through her hair, and said, "today isn't a very good day" (for her hair). I said, "sure...I could come back". She said, "Any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday...around 11:45a, that is when I am getting ready to go to lunch...that would be a good time". I said, okay, and said, "Well, how about next Wednesday, so you don't have to be wondering what day, I will be showing up?" She said "Sounds good".

Then, she brought up that she was all stressed out about her dog, today, because he is kind of sick. We ended up talking about dogs, for a few minutes...she pulled out a picture, from her drawer, to show me the dog she was talking about...she said she had it in the drawer, because one of the three dogs pictured, had just passed away recently, due to an accidental drowning.

I can't remember what else we talked about...finallly, I said, "well, I should go, and let you get back to work". So, I said I would see her next Wednesday, and walked out.

I don't know if it is just my emotions playing with me, but, I felt like there was an "awkward tension", between us...and I didn't feel that it was just coming from my end...like when you are talking "around" something, and not addressing it directly. Again, maybe my emotions are talking.

I will say this...and I believe that your advise here, is already helping me to see this relationship, in a "slow and easy" way...even if nothing intimate develops between us, I was pleased that she invited me back to her office, just to talk. I would like to have her as a friend, first and foremost...anything else, is gravy!

Well, that is it...sorry if this sounds boring to you folks...but, it is just a "newbie's" innocent perspective, coming out. Thanks for listening, and thanks, in advance, for any thoughts on the topic. JinJan.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 29, 2011, 1:13 AM
you have a awesome way of sharing that allows me to * see * what happened and how it played out......

shes reaching out and taking hold of your friendship and running with it.... and it sounds like me that shes finding a person she can share with and talk to, in you

kim has shared a time that is good for you and her to sit down and talk, which indicates that shes not a quick chat and run person, she likes your company and the chance to talk with you, not just a quick hi and bye type conversation

a work time lunch is a safe setting as it limits the time together, with a out * I need to get back to work *... but work time lunches work in another way.... and that is it removes both of you from a more personal / casual setting, such as at her place with a sick dog where her attention will not fully be on the conversation... and it allows you both to talk to each other.....

at this stage, let things flow.....they will ebb and flow as things work thru.... the stress with the dogs is a good indication to me, that she is at odds with events in her life, and your warmth and friendship at this time, is something that can mean so much.....

at this stage also.... I would wait until she is a lil less stressed and more settled in herself, before I would indicate a interest, tho be sensitive to her wants, needs and desires...
the reason I say that, is stress and a saddened heart can lead person to act on spur of the moment decisions... and she may indicate a interest that is fueled by her feelings around her dogs, than feelings between you and her..... and if there is something more to her and you, its better being a more purer interaction than a emotionally fueled one.....

from the way you are talking with kim.... you are coming across as a person that needs a friend too, somebody to talk with... and I think that kim knows that there is something more to you than you express....
ladies can be very sensitive and intuitive... it comes from being parents... the whole * the kids are not being honest with something * ability that mothers have when the kids are acting differently...lol

I love the way you are taking it as it comes and the whole, it may be a friendship and nothing more, or a friendship that develops into more, attitude.... cos that can help you attract people that may be in tune and interested in you as more than just a friend.......