View Full Version : So the epic journey ends. Trailer for the final Harry Potter film

Apr 28, 2011, 11:52 AM
All you muggles out there--mark you calendars---the story ends July 15.


Apr 28, 2011, 12:20 PM
I just hope they don't screw over the big fight at the end like they did for 2nd to last movie.

my kids were livid they butchered that ending.

Apr 28, 2011, 4:56 PM
There's a big fight at the end?

Apr 28, 2011, 5:40 PM
Screw it, imho the writer has made enough money off the franchise at this point...:(

Apr 28, 2011, 6:08 PM
Ironically, Njbiguy, I saw an interview with JK Rowling where someone commented on how much she's made. She looked genuinely puzzled and said "Where is it?", she has a lot on paper but like a lot of writers it's not readily available at the drop of a hat. I think it's a marvelous series and I think she deserves every dime she makes from it.

Apr 28, 2011, 6:31 PM
Screw it, imho the writer has made enough money off the franchise at this point...:(

Man---it seems that no matter what you post on these days on here--you find a crank who gets pissy about what you post.

I don't begrudge that JK Roling, or any of those who produced, directed or acted in the films from having made some scratch from these books/movies---it is really rather rare that a writer makes much money at from his or her work and even though it seems like many actors make tons of money--the actual number who really do find financial and other forms of success in that work compared to the large number of those who toil at such work is rather small.

Apr 28, 2011, 7:43 PM
Yep yep. Saw this yesterday. Cant wait to go see it. Its going to be great..:bigrin: I think thats going to be my early Birthday present to myself..lol

Apr 28, 2011, 10:38 PM
Man---it seems that no matter what you post on these days on here--you find a crank who gets pissy about what you post.


Apr 28, 2011, 11:24 PM
I'm a 'Potter' freak and I criticize the movies heavily when they don't follow the books...and Part 1 (although done well) has been no exception. It will be the same with Part 2. I have gone to every movie on opening day, which includes midnight, and I will do so on July 15th. I can tell you anything you wanna know about the series. Lol. 'Potter'--the books and movies--made up my entire childhood/adolescents and I am dreading the end of the epic saga. However, 'Potter' will always live on through other media and in our hearts.

Apr 29, 2011, 9:05 AM
I'm a 'Potter' freak and I criticize the movies heavily when they don't follow the books...and Part 1 (although done well) has been no exception. It will be the same with Part 2. I have gone to every movie on opening day, which includes midnight, and I will do so on July 15th. I can tell you anything you wanna know about the series. Lol. 'Potter'--the books and movies--made up my entire childhood/adolescents and I am dreading the end of the epic saga. However, 'Potter' will always live on through other media and in our hearts.

It is almost always the case that a movie made from a book---especially the case if a book is really great---does not compare with the book---but what you do have to think of when it comes to books and movies---they are two very different animals. With the scope of events that a book can cover---it is simply not possible for most movies to distill that down----you just have to take a book as being one thing and the movie based on the book as something else.

A few years ago I had attended a writer's conference that had a well known book author as the keynote speaker---many of his books were turned into films and the way he talked about that--"well--I sell them the rights to my books and they make movies that have the same names as my books and their stories are somewhat the same!"

It is of course the case that the movie comes to be bigger and more important than the books they came from--The Godfather movies come to mind as a great example of that-at least the first two films--Mario Puzo's books were pretty good and they were bestsellers--but those movies are now among the pantheon of the best films ever made and the movies became much more important than were the books that served as the basis of those films.

I think that overall--they did a great job of transforming "Gone With the Wind" from book to film and to me--the best example of film that captured and followed along with a great book that became an iconic movie was "The Grapes of Wrath."

As far as the Potter books are concerned---I really think that you have to look on the books are being one thing and the movies being an entirely different thing that only bear some common elements.

Actually---I preferred to enjoy the movies and gave up reading the books---just accepting the movies as their own separate entities.

That being the case--I am looking forward to this final installment of the films this summer.

Apr 30, 2011, 4:33 AM

Oh, God! That's me every so often!

But I do the same without anonymity (among my peers, face to face), nor do I need an audience...
To be opinionated is to be...
But I can only do this in honesty and sincerity... otherwise I'm just a dickwad.
LOL, and to challenge social norms LOL ?!?!?!?
Fuck total and unconditional conformity!

I accept the title.

Apr 30, 2011, 5:52 AM
A book can never be trasferred entirely onto the screen. There is simply far too much detail and far too many things going on within a novel for film makers to dramatise the story and make a film of it.

I am a quick reader yet I could not read any Harry Potter story in the anything like the time that story was presented to audiences as a film. The best a film maker can do is retain the spirit of the book and its characters, and make the best fist of it he can without missing the point of the story and its major events.

I am a fan of the Potter books, and also of the films, but that is because film directors have retained the spirit of Rowlings characters and the tales she wrote, and they did not corrupt or destroy the essence of the stories. Far too often film makers make a film of a book and it bears no relation to the novel it claims to be a representation of. Dramatic license can mean all things to screenwriters and directors alike and a film can only be at best a representation of a story of a novel and at its worst a travesty of it and very often a completely different story. Budgets and the personal vanities of screenwriters, film producers and directors all play their part in determining whether a film is true to the spirit of a novel or not.

When going to see an adaptation of a novel I go with no preconceptions, and try to forget I have ever read the book. The best filmed adaptations of books make that easier than the worst.