View Full Version : 12 ways to piss off the neighbors....

Apr 27, 2011, 10:43 PM
Stolen off of Face Book and posted here...lol:bigrin:
Bad Cat

1. Bomb their kids with water balloons from the hidden room in the attic next time you see them drawing on your car with white chalk.

2.Put a sign on your lawn that reads: Children are fine...with a little salt, butter, and garlic.

3. Sprinkle Itchy powder all over the front yard for when their dog comes to chit on your lawn. That way it can go home and do the butt crawl all over their beige carpet.

4. Send the Jehovas witness over to Their house when thery come knocking on Your door.

5. Rake up the leaves from their tree from off your car and set them in a big trash sack on top of Their car late late at night.

6. Make snow boobies on the back of their car when it snows hard. Dont forget to spritz it with cold water so it'll freeze that way, and dont forget the pink toilet paper on top either.

7. Put a big bra on the snowman in their front yard. Put small water balloons in the bra so they'll freeze..

8. Make said snowman Anotomically Correct.

9. Tie a bright pink bow to the tail and top of the head of their big, mean, Tom Cat, and paint his nails purple. Tie a ribbon around his neck from Jake's Gay Bar out in town....

10. Take the pin out of their lawn sprinkler so that it swings all the way around when its on.

11. Sprinkle Damiana leaves in with the seeds in their bird feeder so the birdies will go on a mating frenzy in the back yard where their favorite table and BBQ are....

12. Wait til all the neighborhood kids are in the pool then play the theme from Jaws from where they cant see you......;)

Apr 27, 2011, 11:43 PM
Those are funny!

Another way to piss off the neighbors -

When they are playing their gospel music really loud, in the best South Park Voice you can muster scream "All Hail Satan...He Is My Friend".

Apr 28, 2011, 6:06 AM
I'm soooo glad I live in the country!

Apr 28, 2011, 6:29 AM
I'm soooo glad I live in the country!

As do I, and my and my cat's very existence annoys my neighbour. I allow my cat to wander freely and he is extremely fond of the local bird and small animal population. My neighbour accepts that cats hunt, but doesn't like little bird legs, beaks and entrails as well as other animal remains on his doorstep, but most of all dislikes the cat going his business in his vegetable patch and flower beds.

Apr 28, 2011, 6:52 AM
Cats view us as subordinates, a point of amusement, objects to torment, tease, and show disdain for!

I'm sure your cat delights in bringing your neighbor little reminders of his presence!

You never OWN a cat, but they may OWN us!

They allow us to be in their world......tolerate us.

We may be good for a hand-out, now and then, too!

Apr 28, 2011, 7:06 AM
Cats view us as subordinates, a point of amusement, objects to torment, tease, and show disdain for!

I'm sure your cat delights in bringing your neighbor little reminders of his presence!

You never OWN a cat, but they may OWN us!

They allow us to be in their world......tolerate us.

We may be good for a hand-out, now and then, too!

I know that what you say is the standard sort of thing that many people say, those I suspect who don't much care for cats anyway like to say, is the case when it comes to cats--but I have to very strongly disagree. While I do surely love dogs---my lifestyle and owning dogs doesn't exactly go together---meaning that I have to travel for a few days at a time, sometimes on short notice--cats work best for me since I can just fill up their food and water bowls, put out some fresh litter in their boxes and go---I could not do such a thing with a dog since they need to be walked several times a day and cannot be left as cats can.

When it comes to companionship offered by dogs and cats---while dogs surely do make great companion animals--without question----cats can do the same---at least the ones I have had over the course of several decades now. Maybe I have had exceptional cats that don't fit the mold of being standard issue cats--I guess I have been lucky--but the cats that have been part of my life have been wonderful and loving companion animals--certainly on a par and sometimes even surpassing the dogs that have been in my life.

I have been thinking of getting a dog the past few years--I would really love to have a dog--but with the way my life is--a dog just would not fit in since the logistics of having to deal with a dog when I have to travel as I often do---just doesn't work for me.

Apr 28, 2011, 8:59 AM
I know that what you say is the standard sort of thing that many people say, those I suspect who don't much care for cats anyway like to say, is the case when it comes to cats--but I have to very strongly disagree. While I do surely love dogs---my lifestyle and owning dogs doesn't exactly go together---meaning that I have to travel for a few days at a time, sometimes on short notice--cats work best for me since I can just fill up their food and water bowls, put out some fresh litter in their boxes and go---I could not do such a thing with a dog since they need to be walked several times a day and cannot be left as cats can.

When it comes to companionship offered by dogs and cats---while dogs surely do make great companion animals--without question----cats can do the same---at least the ones I have had over the course of several decades now. Maybe I have had exceptional cats that don't fit the mold of being standard issue cats--I guess I have been lucky--but the cats that have been part of my life have been wonderful and loving companion animals--certainly on a par and sometimes even surpassing the dogs that have been in my life.

I have been thinking of getting a dog the past few years--I would really love to have a dog--but with the way my life is--a dog just would not fit in since the logistics of having to deal with a dog when I have to travel as I often do---just doesn't work for me.

There may very well be something in what you say Votlman, but cats are such independent spirits, they will not remain unless things are just so for them. I have known and indeed had cats which were treated with all love and care, and with great affection, yet something wasn't right and so they wandered off never to be seen again. Or in several cases they have moved to where life for them was more to their taste. One such was a ginger tom who came from somewhere an now sleeps on a rocking chair in my home. Another, a young cat, a friend had, upped and moved two miles down the road into the vicarage. No matter how many times he was brought home, within days he was off again and sleeping in what he considered his place in their sitting room alongside the family dog. He resides their to this day.

I love cats, but while it may be too much to claim clain that they own us rather than the other way around, it is probably more accurate to say that they adopt us, or very often our home and surroundings. I know of one cat who made her way home over 4 miles after a friend moved house. The new home wasnt to her taste and she too, twice walked all the way back to what it considered its pad.

Apr 28, 2011, 2:37 PM
When your pissy neighbour comes around to complain - Get your partner to say, in all innocence. "Sorry, she's at work and she's got the keys, I've no idea why she would park like that." after you've parked the cargo carrier a little more than halfway across their drive and gone to work on your pushbike, when they've kept you awake half the night with their stupid music.

Not that I've ever done this ;)