View Full Version : what is beauty?

Apr 27, 2011, 10:33 PM
it's come to my attention that i perceive beauty differently than other people. i feel that if your personality is beautiful, then ultimately i can find beauty in your physical being. other people would beg to differ. i recently talked to a jock, and he said "anyone who is a cheerleader is automatically hott." when i asked why he replied because they can do the splits. do all men think like this? anyways, my real question is what makes a person beautiful? large boods, good figures, big butts? or is it deeper than that? does beauty really come from the inside? or is beauty really in the eyes of the beholder?

Apr 27, 2011, 10:44 PM
I think anyone can be beautiful. For me it's a good heart, kindness, and a sense of humour. I find many attractive that others wouldn't. Ever found someone who was not so attractive at first till you started talking to them, then you were enamoured by them? Likewise, I can be so turned off by someone who is considered beautiful, till they open their mouthes.

Beauty is definitely in the eyes of the beholder.

Apr 27, 2011, 10:50 PM
Its in the eyes of the beholder, Darlin. Beauty comes from within, and its the heart, mind, and soul of a person that matters most. I've seen some of the most beautiful people in the world be the ugliest, and some of the plainest be the most gorgeous people on the planet. Its personality, attitude, heart, and Spirit that makes people beautiful, and I still like the old addage: What makes you different makes you beautiful. ;):bigrin:
Plain ole Cat...:tongue:

Apr 28, 2011, 6:34 AM
I agree with Mikey and Cat.

Oh, I'm attracted to looks; that's usually what attracts me, at first. But it takes more substance to hold my attention.

I once had a lover that I was criticized for. She was much older, retired nurse......but she was one of the most fantastic people I ever knew, brilliant, magnificent lover, bisexual, and accepted me as being bi, too. I loved her and didn't give a shit what anyone else thought. I thought she was beautiful.

Had a short, chubby, male lover when I was in military school. He was teased continuously......physically inept, awkward, but so sweet and loving. Very sensual, intelligent, so willing to please. Again, he wasn't anyone most would give a 2nd look, but to me he was pretty......... a great lover. He was the first person I ever fell in love with.

I've had a few lovers who were pretty/handsome, too. But they had to be more than a pretty face to keep my interest.

Why were they interested in me? Well, it makes you wonder, doesn't it?

A person's character, intelligence, and personality, will win me over every time.

Apr 28, 2011, 6:49 AM
the most beautiful person I have ever seen was a boy (maybe early 20's) who travelled in the same carriage as myself on Lineo B of the Rome metro for about 4 stops.
He had a cream fisherman's ribbed sweater on and was the personification of Michalangelo's "David."
10 years ago - I still remember. He was so beautiful. I just looked, inwardly drooled and said nothing.

Apr 28, 2011, 10:19 AM
Sad to say---but I guess it is "only being human"---at first look of a person--we can either find their exterior appearance to be anywhere from incredibly sexy/hot to barfing ugly----but once we get past that--how often it can be that the person who looks so sexy and hot----their personalities are such that they suddenly are not so attractive and the converse is true for the person that we didn't find very physically attractive--such people have such great personalities and such that you cannot help but like and love them---and when it comes to having sex with them--that really hot person----they may not be so great when it comes to sex--at least giving pleasure to you--since the sex is all about THEM-----but you find that "ugly" person to be the best lover you have ever had because they both greatly enjoy your attentions to them and they are very great at giving you some TLC!!

The point of all of this----and to use a an old saying: "you cannot judge a book by its cover!"

I really do feel sorry for those who will reject a potential partner for sex/love, etc. just because a potential partner might be too heavy, too old, too small of breasts or cock or whatever physical attribute they don't like in a person and not consider the personality of a potential partner.

One thing with such people is for sure---they are rather shallow and they surely have not taken one fact of life into consideration--- that for most people---physical beauty is fleeting---looks are going to go away at some point due to age, disease or an accident.

It is good though that such people do reveal they are like this rather quickly because if you don't meet their standards of perfection---they are not going to have anything to do with you---to such people I say--thank you so much for letting me know beforehand that you are a shallow cad and a total ahole!!!

Apr 28, 2011, 2:15 PM
Oh I agree - definitely in the eye of the beholder, and this beholder sees beauty in all manner of places. As for the aging and loss of looks etc. I'm with Shakespear on this one...."Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds".

Apr 28, 2011, 5:20 PM
You know there is a lot of truth to the saying that "Beauty is only skin deep, ugly runs clear to the bone". At some point in time, no matter how we age gracefully, we will be more about personality than about outward looks. I think some people in this world are almost too beautiful, they are always bothered even when they want to enjoy a quiet time with partner or a friend. There are people in this world that are way on the other end of the scale yet they are happier. Because the partner wants to be with them for who they are not what they look like. Beauty is in a way a curse to some, to others a blessing. But around the world looks are valued differently to different cultures. Some cultures want waif thin females others prefer more rounded figures as a sign of being able to give birth easily. I can pretty much bet anyone with a sibling has been called ugly at least once in your life, seems to be the way it goes with siblings no matter that it's said with a lot of love. But at the end of the day the only person anyone has to please is the one that stares back at you in the mirror. I think a person is truly beautiful when they can look themselves in the eye and say I stayed true to ME.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 28, 2011, 8:49 PM
when I was much younger and * relaxing * in hospital after a serious car accident, I was lucky enuf to meet a young lady that was blind and partly deaf and we formed a friendship that lasted many years...

it was differcult at first, talking to her about how nice things were, how they looked.... like birds in the sky, the sunset, boats in the harbour ( the hospital was on a hill overlooking the ocean ).....

and she taught me how to speak beautiful and attractive in terms she understood......

to a sighted person, I would say " damm that guy / lady is nice looking, their eyes, their face, their body......" but thats cos we can see the person.....

but with my lady friend, she taught me to say it with music, to create music that best expressed how a person made me feel....and to speak in terms of the seasons...

we had sex 4 times later on and she taught me how a touch, a caress, a kiss, could say so much and how we could use it to communicate how we felt and how others made us feel.....

running fingers down her back made her shiver and I could do that to show her that I was uncomfortable with somebody, or rest my hand on her shoulder as a way of saying, a person is somebody that I felt to be a shoulder to lean on, ... a hand under the chin to gently rise her face to mine, became a way to express that a person needed to turn their attention to me and listen to me rather than not pay attention......

beauty is not in the way a person looks or their voices... nor the way they make love..... but in the ways we communicate with people and share our understanding, knowledge and emotions......

sadly I lost my friend to cancer... I was blessed with being by her side when she passed away and we shared simple gestures in her final moments.....

I passed aside her hair, ran my fingers down the side of her face, then down the inside of her forearm and held her hand, and kissed her lips then her forehead....... she touched my elbow, tapped my forehead, then my lips and hummed a soft melody, smiled and turned her head as if she felt the sun on her face, pulled me down and kissed both cheeks then my lips..... and then passed on......

what we had said, without words, was the following

Me: I looked beyond the veil until I could see you, realised that I was drawn to you and attracted to you, and the more I was around you, the more I wanted to be a part of your life.. and I will not let go of what we have shared or the memories I now treasure

She: I have enjoyed our time together and remember to play your * music * ( words, laughter and smiles ) for other people, and they will grow to love you as I have, for making them feel so loved, touched and wanted......

beauty is in the looks for so many people, that have eyes to see...... but for me now.... beauty is in communication beyond words..... its why I find a simple yet overwhelming experience in a sunset.... and just holding the one I love as we watch it, without saying a word......