View Full Version : Westboro nuts stopped in their tracks!!

Apr 26, 2011, 12:12 PM
In the continuing saga of the Phelps/Westboro Baptist Church story---seems like the folks in one Mississippi town came up with a way to stop this gang from their dumb stuff:


Apr 26, 2011, 12:22 PM
Ye Ha! Ya dont mess with Southern families. They will take care of business properly! Kudo's on them! And its a wonder "Some of them old boys" didnt wind up becoming tree fodder...lol
Miss and Ark Cat.

Apr 26, 2011, 1:41 PM
Hurrah! for Mississipi. I read some of the comments sent into that newspaper, this one made me laugh out loud.

Wolfe says:
April 26, 2011 at 9:27 AM
They should have shot the bastards! They tried this shit in my home State of WV and were ran off the Capital steps by pissed off College students, They should be shot in the head drug out back and dropped in a hole! Christians my ass! Freedom of speach is abused daily like i just did! Suck it you pussy Liberals! I bit a Liberal and it tasted like CHICKEN!

Not exactly Ghandi, but I see his point.lol Does this mean in Kentucky they baste these Liberals before they deep fry them. :rolleyes:

Apr 26, 2011, 3:07 PM
I dont believe that service personnel are treated so bad over the pond.

here EVERY service person who dies in conflict is repatriated and honoured by local people, veterans familly and service personnel in Royal wooton basset.

Every service person is also named and given the respect of the country by parliament and their name is engraved ln the ever growing list at the national arboretum.

Apr 26, 2011, 3:14 PM
I dont believe that service personnel are treated so bad over the pond.

It's highly unusual that they are. However, this group has found that to get their message across, protesting a funeral is the way to get attention.

Apr 26, 2011, 3:26 PM
Her Majesty's forces have sadly lost 179 in Iraq and 364 in the ghan.

rest in peace friends and heroes.

Apr 26, 2011, 6:13 PM
Soldiers here are cared for as well, the Westboro "church" has found a way to leech off of emotional trauma to get airtime. They aren't trying to "convert" anyone, they just figure the louder they scream the more "righteous" they are in the eyes of God. <turns stomach>

Apr 26, 2011, 8:05 PM
Makes me proud to be a Southerner! Finally!

Apr 26, 2011, 8:05 PM
I dont believe that service personnel are treated so bad over the pond.

here EVERY service person who dies in conflict is repatriated and honoured by local people, veterans familly and service personnel in Royal wooton basset.

Every service person is also named and given the respect of the country by parliament and their name is engraved ln the ever growing list at the national arboretum.
thats true, apart from the fact of the muslim nut cases that have tried to disrespect our fallen heroes, and they are the same mind set as the westboro nutters i really want to vent my spleen on this issue but im too polite BUT id like to meet these people in a dark alley?

Apr 26, 2011, 11:49 PM
insert westboro instead of "commies"


Apr 27, 2011, 2:53 AM
I dont believe that service personnel are treated so bad over the pond.

here EVERY service person who dies in conflict is repatriated and honoured by local people, veterans familly and service personnel in Royal wooton basset.

Every service person is also named and given the respect of the country by parliament and their name is engraved ln the ever growing list at the national arboretum.

Its not Every Service Man or Woman, Max. Just the families of the one unlucky enough to have those bastards find out that their loved one was killed in action. They pray on the Families, not so much as the soldier him/her self. Those crazy fucks find out where a soldier's family is having the funeral and they show up, protesting, and yelling horrible things like "Its good your child is dead" "Service personell are all queer and deserve to die" or they spit upon the family of this person who died defending not only This country but the rest of the world too. It is a disgraceful, direspectful, unhonorable thing to do to the families and to the memory of the fallen soldier.
One of these days, they are going to do this to the wrong family member, and someone is going to get their asses royally kicked by towns people, or someone from within the family is going to cause them a harm. They just arent smart enough to think this will happen to them. Religious zealots never think anyway...not past their own twisted, sick reasoning...
Somebody help me down off'n this here soapbox, please..:}