View Full Version : I haven't started a thread in ages.

Apr 24, 2011, 12:38 PM
But, it's Easter and a time of rebirth. And with people complaining about how non-sexual the threads can get Or... how one sided a thread can turn. Or...... How mundane and lack of creativity one can put in their posts. I had a small epiphany. Nothing major and if it becomes polarizing. Then well. That will have nothing to do with me. I mean this thread to be Open and inclusive of all. It will mean something different to everyone.

What kind of lover are you, and how does your sexuality affect it? Are you a squirrel trying to get a nut? Or could you possibly be a worshiper that relishes in the delight of your fellow/lady lover? If you are in an open relationship. Does being with an outside lover make you a better mate and lover to the one in your primary relationship? If you are swingers, How does this enhance you and bring you closer to your loving mate?....These aren't direct questions for any person, just a general direction for self dialogue... Take it as you wish. But think of your strengths and your faults and come to an answer that suits you most.

Petty snipping at another member's response will not earn you points. This is all individual and nothing should be used as an attack. Lets see how mature we can be.. Shall we???? All Respondents welcome.

Apr 24, 2011, 1:26 PM
Hmm very interesting thread, LittleRay and Happy Easter to you, too :)

I tend to delight in my man and I don't think it's because of MY sexuality but more because of his bisexuality. Little things like him making a comment about how no one has ever sucked his cock like I do and how he can tell I'm doing it for me, not him, and completely enjoying it. So being the last in a line of varied sex and sexuality lovers, I'm glad at least one thing stands out clear to him sexually. I've been more adventurous in this relationship, never would I have thought of actually pegging a man, no matter how hot it looks in porn vids, but the way it actually came together for us made me eager to try it more and more. When there is true sharing between partners it makes the intimacy so much deeper and turns sex into lovemaking.

Gee now I need to finish this divorce and get on a plane cause now I want nothing more than to slide my lips...nm I'll finish that in a erotic story for him :)

Long Duck Dong
Apr 24, 2011, 10:10 PM
what type of lover am I.... good question

lol am I a god of love and sex in the bedroom ??? lmao... well I have heard the phrases * omg, oh god and oh god fuck me " a few times lol

I guess I am a curious lover, to me there is always that new position, that new style, that different way of stroking, caressing, holding and loving a person.... but I am only like that with a partner, outside of a relationship I become a asexual and celibate person.

I tend to view myself as a musician / artist style lover..... my passion is in the creating of the * music / paint on the canvas *.. and that I will never be truly happy with any of my * creations * lol.... there is always another way to create the image / music and make it as unique as possible.....

being asexual / celibate, means that I do not get hours of * practice *... so love making is a spur of the moment, intense and moving experience....and yeah.... I need the right * instrument / canvas * and so I wait patiently for DD to return to NZ, so we can create a symphonic art masterpiece... as least 3 times a night :p

Apr 25, 2011, 2:11 PM
Love to me is playtime, I love to play, to share..

I'm a fun loving lover.. laughter should be a part of almost everything we do, especially love!

I'm a curious adventurer, I always want to see what is up around the bend and try a new path (but it is still good to walk a familiar trail and enjoy the known again and again)

I try to be a pleaser, my partner comes (and hopefully cums) first.

I can be a bit of a glutton and if my partner holds back or doesn't join in the spirit of play, I can be a sulker too :-(