View Full Version : Holy shit; Billion Dollar Babies

Apr 21, 2011, 2:20 PM
"and I laugh to myself at the men and the ladies, who never conceived of us billion dollar babies..."

Perfect place, perfect time.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever want to end up here.
I work for a hundreds of billions $ company.
They just got hit with a 100% justifiable lawsuit.
At risk is a $billion plus company investment.
I'm the only one who, if I told the entire truth to the public/media would reveal the horribly logical correct level of corporate corruption (interstate collusion to commit felonies of core management - RICO - racketeering ), and sway public/judicial opinion to the company's loss.
I work for a totally corrupt company with mostly fantastic, talented, people/worker bees.
Some of you already know my story.
My company advertises (especially on the History Channel) to counter their correct negative image.
I'm realizing I am a dead man walking. I give myself 24 months, outside, as a betting man. I need to estrange myself from Mrs. Blue to protect her.
Fuck. I'm reeling...

Apr 21, 2011, 11:31 PM
Don't destroy your family for those pigs. Don't rock the boat and they will likely leave you alone. I was a first hand observer to that kind of happening in corportate America. Formulated my exit stategy and I was out of there without a problem.