View Full Version : mmmm what a mouthful

Apr 21, 2011, 2:16 PM
is bigger better?

are huge breasts better than small ones?

are bigger balls tastier than smaller love plums?

is a bigger cock tastier/ more satisfying than a weeny peeney?

Apr 21, 2011, 2:50 PM
hmmm sounds like someone is compensating............

Apr 21, 2011, 3:29 PM
is bigger better?

are huge breasts better than small ones?

are bigger balls tastier than smaller love plums?

is a bigger cock tastier/ more satisfying than a weeny peeney?

I love FIRM breasts and FIRM cocks!:flag3:

Apr 21, 2011, 3:58 PM
hmmm sounds like someone is compensating............

As you dont know me, what makes you qualified to comment...oops forgot you have to comment on all posts!

Apr 21, 2011, 4:42 PM
Actually that was sarcasm which you failed to catch but since you want to be pious about it, I bring the thread you created to your attention.

So it's clear now, the only threads about sex that are not "wrong" are when they are created by you. Thanks for clearing that up :) (more sarcasm in case you missed it again)

Apr 21, 2011, 4:46 PM
To me it would all come down to what each person likes. :bigrin:

Apr 21, 2011, 5:02 PM
I favor big breasts balls and cocks over little ones.
But, average size is fine as well for me.
I have not encountered anything too big.
It might be fun to discover that limit.

Apr 21, 2011, 5:17 PM
As usual you are wrong.

the previous thread's point was aimed at spam and directly attacking members.

Dont go all pius and abuse your so called senior member status to attack other members.

this thread is aimed at promoting discussion, not stifling it because YOU DIDNT start it.

lighten up. If you dont like a thread- ignore it.

Actually that was sarcasm which you failed to catch but since you want to be pious about it, I bring the thread you created to your attention.

So it's clear now, the only threads about sex that are not "wrong" are when they are created by you. Thanks for clearing that up :) (more sarcasm in case you missed it again)

Apr 21, 2011, 6:47 PM
You know max...Ive been on site since not long after it fired up. And before when it was called something else. But ur trivial little punts have made me realise just how purile .com has become. I have friends whose lives are threatened and all u want to know is about balls an breasts and the taste of cock big or little. Fuck off u dickhead and grow up!!! The lives of my friends and anyone who is threatened by their government are far more important to me than this shit...u fucking tit...

Apr 21, 2011, 7:13 PM
Whoa! What the hell did I step into!?? Chil out guys. Its not that big of a deal and DD was only teasing, Max. Relax ya'll. And Fran, big hugs to you too Hon. I dont know where all that came from, but hugs to you anyway...:}
Yer Cat

Apr 21, 2011, 11:17 PM
Whoa! What the hell did I step into!?? Chil out guys. Its not that big of a deal and DD was only teasing, Max. Relax ya'll. And Fran, big hugs to you too Hon. I dont know where all that came from, but hugs to you anyway...:}
Yer Cat

If this thread is not dead,
then it is definitely more toxic than a Japanese Nuclear Power Plant.
Kind of strange for such a whimsical topic.
The underlying dynamics must be really, ........., crazy?

Apr 21, 2011, 11:46 PM

just because I am not a socialist,nor a lesbian nor a fluffy outlook on life person, does mot mean I cant start a thread.

NEVER attack someone because of their views. This site should be and is inclusive.dont be a bigot and turn into something which you are not, you may be misguided but not nasty- take back the insult please or become that which you detest.

Just because others post sex topics on a sex site with which you disagree, dont take your malice out on me.

as far as danger and sacrifice, I HAVE SERVED MY COUNTRY IN A WARZONE, what have you done to protect your rights?

You know max...Ive been on site since not long after it fired up. And before when it was called something else. But ur trivial little punts have made me realise just how purile .com has become. I have friends whose lives are threatened and all u want to know is about balls an breasts and the taste of cock big or little. Fuck off u dickhead and grow up!!! The lives of my friends and anyone who is threatened by their government are far more important to me than this shit...u fucking tit...

Long Duck Dong
Apr 22, 2011, 12:19 AM
max, I am a ex service man.... I have served my country ...... and I have walked in protest lines.....

facing bullets overseas is not the way we got the right for LGBT to marry in NZ..... and we never went overseas to fight for those rights either....
there is different types of fights to be fought and different types of people that fight them.....

just cos fran has not served in the military forces overseas.... doesn't mean the protest battles that she has fought on her own turf, are any less valuable to people like the LGBT that want equal rights

society is a battlefield, not just the warzones with bullets and bombs

Apr 22, 2011, 12:27 AM
I concurr fully. Life is a battlefield but friendly fire is often more deadly than any enemy !

keep smiling

max, I am a ex service man.... I have served my country ...... and I have walked in protest lines.....

facing bullets overseas is not the way we got the right for LGBT to marry in NZ..... and we never went overseas to fight for those rights either....
there is different types of fights to be fought and different types of people that fight them.....

just cos fran has not served in the military forces overseas.... doesn't mean the protest battles that she has fought on her own turf, are any less valuable to people like the LGBT that want equal rights

society is a battlefield, not just the warzones with bullets and bombs

Apr 22, 2011, 12:27 AM
Max, Cat had the right of it, I was joking around cause I was in a great mood today. It was a cheeky comment and I didn't mean to derail the thread. As was pointed out all threads are valid, to me it was like raising a glass in a pub as someone starts a convo like this and making the cheeky observation about hypocrisy. I'm sorry Fran went after you that way, but she is her own person and responsible for her posts as you are for yours and I am for mine.

Now back to thread topic Size don't matter it's how ya use em for the boys, and I have no interest in girls :)

Apr 22, 2011, 5:04 AM
Max, I am sorry Frances felt she had to explode in the way she did. She has been and is under stress, but that is no exuse for how she spoke to you. Whether or not you are a socialist has no bearing on why she wrote as she did. It was not you that she was addressing specifically even although it is you who has borne the brunt of her anger, but what she sees as the trivialisation of the site, the issues which are discussed, the manner of those discussions and the face which we, as bisexual people show to the outside world.

She was quite wrong in addressing you in the way she did and I have told her so and that she should apologise. She is not naturally a rude person but sometimes she can be a bit edgy and a word can set her off. I have told her that she should apologise and I expect that in time she shall do so, but it won't be today I fear.

One thing if I may. Simply because she has not and will never serve in the armed forces, do not make the mistake of thinking she does not do anything to defend what she believes is the right. She does that every day of her life in small and very often large ways. Unlike Frances I am no pacifist, but I do agree with her that there are other ways of defending our rights than the military, and I also agree with her that sometimes the military option is not defending our rights but trampling underfoot those of others.

Please don't think too badly of her. I ask that you try and understand her a little for what she is. A hard toffee with a soft centre, but unfortunately also a bit of a blunt instrument at times.

Apr 22, 2011, 12:50 PM
for what its worth, I bear no ill will.
we are a community and a familly, all familly members argue now and again,and so it is on here.

to err is human, to forgive is divine. Fran is definately a toffee with a sweet but hard exterior and a warm gooey centre.
keep smiling one and all.

Apr 22, 2011, 1:40 PM
second post?????
"hmmm sounds like someone is compensating............"

This is not meant to be a personal attack on the poster of post 2 but I suspect that she will see it that way. It is a comment about interfering where it might have been better to refrain from commenting. Thirty-six minutes after Max starts this thread, this person posts such a comment as the first response!! The first frick'n response is to do a personal attack on the OP? She doesn't respond directly to her sexual preferences but attacks. Later she attempts to pass off her personal attack off as humour because she was in a good mood?? I see such a comment as an insult to max and I think that a lot of men would find such a "contribution" not needed as a first response if not offensive. Max started the thread for a reason other than to be attacked about his own genitals.

Once again, this heterosexual poster intereferes where it is probably wiser if she should just back off and wait 24 hours before commenting on any sexuality thread not connected to being a long distance fiance of a bisexual. Although she does do some very good posts, I have mentioned several times that a heterosexual spouse doing so much commenting unrelated to being a spouse doesn't do this site any good.

I suspect that this person will not stop this behaviour because as max states she seems to have this attitude of entitlement. She was banned from this site once as Twyla and doesn't seem to have learned positive behaviour from that experience.
.................................................. ...........................................

My comment to the thread topic.
hmm bigger is not better imo whether it is breasts, balls or dicks. I come from a family of large breasted women and often was more attracted to smaller breasts. I do though love firm round breasts but I won't be involved with them again at my age..lol :rolleyes: ....I've never found the taste of balls, dicks, or breasts to be a factor in whether I enjoy them but with chocolate or whip cream on them...maybe...:bigrin:

Apr 22, 2011, 5:41 PM
second post?????
"hmmm sounds like someone is compensating............"

This is not meant to be a personal attack on the poster of post 2 but I suspect that she will see it that way. It is a comment about interfering where it might have been better to refrain from commenting. Thirty-six minutes after Max starts this thread, this person posts such a comment as the first response!! The first frick'n response is to do a personal attack on the OP? She doesn't respond directly to her sexual preferences but attacks. Later she attempts to pass off her personal attack off as humour because she was in a good mood?? I see such a comment as an insult to max and I think that a lot of men would find such a "contribution" not needed as a first response if not offensive. Max started the thread for a reason other than to be attacked about his own genitals.

Once again, this heterosexual poster intereferes where it is probably wiser if she should just back off and wait 24 hours before commenting on any sexuality thread not connected to being a long distance fiance of a bisexual. Although she does do some very good posts, I have mentioned several times that a heterosexual spouse doing so much commenting unrelated to being a spouse doesn't do this site any good.

I suspect that this person will not stop this behaviour because as max states she seems to have this attitude of entitlement. She was banned from this site once as Twyla and doesn't seem to have learned positive behaviour from that experience.

This may come as a major shock to some people *cue sarcasm there* but I know you don't like me Tenni, and I don't really like you, but I don't let it flavor my responses to your threads. It was genuine humor and it was not meant to be more than a tongue in cheek comment then it was taken otherwise and for that I had to explain. There was a time I posted an anecdote about a grocery store incident. A little girl had been in tears thinking her teacher was being mean to her Democratic grandmother for requiring them to say "I pledge allegience to the flag of the United States of America and to the 'Republicans'" as she misheard the words to the republic for which... Some people got that it was a humourous misheard phrase and the humor behind it. Others didn't, one going so far as to post a link the pledge, and as Fran herself said.. some people need a humour transplant. You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but you can't please all the people all the time, a truism throughout life and certainly in evidence on this site.

As for having a previous account, I have no idea why it was banned and since none of my posts on that account were removed it had nothing to do with posting now did it? I have sat quietly and not responded to your baited comments in threads regarding heteros and monogamy and other things you disagree with, you never named me by name just skirted rule 2 with that and carefully walked the line between implied and direct attacks. You just don't like people that openly disagree with you in a logical way that you can't get around. You don't like when people have experience with things you don't and then are able to comment fully in sexual discussions like anal sex and strapons. You also seem to think that all posters in this site who don't agree with you should just shut up. Ain't gonna happen in this lifetime, that's the power of free speech.

I don't really care for the reasons you don't like me, be they because I'm female, hetero, American or involved with someone you don't like or the fact you just don't like me. They don't matter to me, I don't hide who I am on here, I don't hide what I think on here. I'm the same way here as I am in real life and funny thing I have friends because of it. I recently lost two good ones that I only had email contact with, but the power of honest communication cuts through a lot of the bs you find most places.

Max, sorry for disrupting the thread with this response to Tenni but I will no longer be silent when attacked. Maybe use this as a response that sometimes bigger dicks aren't better ;)

Apr 22, 2011, 6:03 PM
most threads can diverge as has this one.

one of the previous points is that I am boasting/ compensating... if people read the post all points were questions not comments.

seems like the responses are like bbc complaints- few complaints during the programme yet thousands after the media hype it up.

As stated before, never attack members but question their views and arguments in a reasonable manner.was darkies post reasonable? only drew can moderate that.

Apr 22, 2011, 7:14 PM
When it comes to women.....I like to suck big tits, rub a big ass and lick on a big clit.

When it comes to men.....I like a small to average dick...its easier to suck , but I like sucking a big dick too cause I get realy into it...trying to deep throught, but as for balls I like sucking and licking big ones

Apr 22, 2011, 7:28 PM
I do dislike your behaviour on this site. I can not help you if you are not able to comprehend or you deem yourself as using appropriate behaviour.
Let me try once more to offer you suggestions on improving your behaviour here. Its just my opinion though.

1/ As a heterosexual, comment on sexuality topics that specifically deal with your position as a fiance of a bisexual man.
1b/ As a non bisexual, wait 24 hours on any sexual thread not dealing with your particular situation. Never be the first to comment on such sexual threads.
2/ Reduce the number of your posts as this is a site for bisexuals primarily...not heterosexuals even if they are the long distant fiance of a bisexual member. You have posted over 1 400 posts in less than a year. Imo, that seems excessive for a non bisexual on a bisexual web site. I recently came across a post under your Twyla name. I believe that you had posted over 2, 000 posts between 2008 and June, 2010. That is a total of 3,400 posts by a heterosexual on a bisexual web site. Madam, you really believe that is appropriate and that you are that much of an expert on bisexuality????? You have only been with a bisexual in person for three months.
2b/ You seem to have too much of a perception of ownership of this site for a heterosexual imo. You have sometimes posted using the pronoun "we" as if you represent this site. You don't nor does anyone but Drew.
3/ Stop the personal attacks on bisexual men as this is not the first attack that you have deemed yourself qualified and authorized to attack a bisexual man.
4/ You are not funny and no humour transplant can help if you do not know how to communicate. At least use internet symbols (lol, :) etc.) to show that you intend your words as joking, satire etc. Post 2 has no symbol to indicate that you meant it as a joke and therefore it is understood to be intentionally a serious comment and personal attack on the OP.

Apr 22, 2011, 7:46 PM
I do dislike your behaviour on this site. I can not help you if you are not able to comprehend or you deem yourself as using appropriate behaviour.
Let me try once more to offer you suggestions on improving your behaviour here. Its just my opinion though.

1/ As a heterosexual, comment on sexuality topics that specifically deal with your position as a fiance of a bisexual man.
1b/ As a non bisexual, wait 24 hours on any sexual thread not dealing with your particular situation. Never be the first to comment on such sexual threads.
2/ Reduce the number of your posts as this is a site for bisexuals primarily...not heterosexuals even if they are the long distant fiance of a bisexual member. You have posted over 1 400 posts in less than a year. Imo, that seems excessive for a non bisexual on a bisexual web site. I recently came across a post under your Twyla name. I believe that you had posted over 2, 000 posts between 2008 and June, 2010. That is a total of 3,400 posts by a heterosexual on a bisexual web site. Madam, you really believe that is appropriate and that you are that much of an expert on bisexuality????? You have only been with a bisexual in person for three months.
2b/ You seem to have too much of a perception of ownership of this site for a heterosexual imo. You have sometimes posted using the pronoun "we" as if you represent this site. You don't nor does anyone but Drew.
3/ Stop the personal attacks on bisexual men as this is not the first attack that you have deemed yourself qualified and authorized to attack a bisexual man.
4/ You are not funny and no humour transplant can help if you do not know how to communicate. At least use internet symbols (lol, :) etc.) to show that you intend your words as joking, satire etc. Post 2 has no symbol to indicate that you meant it as a joke and therefore it is understood to be intentionally a serious comment and personal attack on the OP.

I'll certainly take it under advisement.....writes it down....wads it up....perfect hookshot into the garbage can. Problem solved. Tenni, when your name is Drew, you can decide who posts here, how often they post and in what way they post, til then you can wait til the cows come home before anyone from here follows your "suggestions" on posting.

drugstore cowboy
Apr 22, 2011, 8:10 PM
I do dislike your behaviour on this site. I can not help you if you are not able to comprehend or you deem yourself as using appropriate behaviour.
Let me try once more to offer you suggestions on improving your behaviour here. Its just my opinion though.

1/ As a heterosexual, comment on sexuality topics that specifically deal with your position as a fiance of a bisexual man.
1b/ As a non bisexual, wait 24 hours on any sexual thread not dealing with your particular situation. Never be the first to comment on such sexual threads.
2/ Reduce the number of your posts as this is a site for bisexuals primarily...not heterosexuals even if they are the long distant fiance of a bisexual member. You have posted over 1 400 posts in less than a year. Imo, that seems excessive for a non bisexual on a bisexual web site. I recently came across a post under your Twyla name. I believe that you had posted over 2, 000 posts between 2008 and June, 2010. That is a total of 3,400 posts by a heterosexual on a bisexual web site. Madam, you really believe that is appropriate and that you are that much of an expert on bisexuality????? You have only been with a bisexual in person for three months.
2b/ You seem to have too much of a perception of ownership of this site for a heterosexual imo. You have sometimes posted using the pronoun "we" as if you represent this site. You don't nor does anyone but Drew.
3/ Stop the personal attacks on bisexual men as this is not the first attack that you have deemed yourself qualified and authorized to attack a bisexual man.
4/ You are not funny and no humour transplant can help if you do not know how to communicate. At least use internet symbols (lol, :) etc.) to show that you intend your words as joking, satire etc. Post 2 has no symbol to indicate that you meant it as a joke and therefore it is understood to be intentionally a serious comment and personal attack on the OP.

Excellent points Tenni.

I'm not even sure why they both post on this site? This is a site for bisexuals.

She's not bisexual at all but heterosexual and her wannabe internet boyfriend is not bisexual or pansexual at all; but he's asexual and he has written about this in posts.

This is bisexual.com it's not StraightwomenAndAsexualinternetboyfriends.com

Long Duck Dong
Apr 22, 2011, 8:30 PM
Excellent points Tenni.

I'm not even sure why they both post on this site? This is a site for bisexuals.

She's not bisexual at all but heterosexual and her wannabe internet boyfriend is not bisexual or pansexual at all; but he's asexual and he has written about this in posts.

This is bisexual.com it's not StraightwomenAndAsexualinternetboyfriends.com

may I direct you to www.asexuality.org

sexuality is a attraction... asexuality is a absence of sexual desire.... so I can be attracted to people and have no interest in romantic interaction

I wish that people that feel the need to judge me, understood the difference between sexuality and asexuality, as failure to do so, reveals a lacking in understanding and intelligence.

from the FAQ of the site

I identify as (straight/gay/bi/something else), but I still fit your definition of asexuality. Am I wrong?

No you're not wrong. Many asexuals with 'romance drives' also have an orientation (they only fall for certain types of people). Some asexuals may decide only to form relationships with a certain type of person for some intellectual reason, or it could be a simple preference like preferring chocolate flavour to strawberry. Other asexuals identify as bisexual because their asexual relationships are not based upon gender (chocolate and strawberry both being very tasty). Asexuals might form unconventional relationships and therefore identify as polyamorous or queer.

There is no reason why you have to identify as just one thing. You could decide to identify as a bi asexual or as polyamorous and asexual or as an asexual polyamorous bi person... or you could make up your own entirely new identity. But remember, whether or not you fit the definition of asexuality, you're welcome in the asexual community.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 22, 2011, 8:35 PM
I do dislike your behaviour on this site. I can not help you if you are not able to comprehend or you deem yourself as using appropriate behaviour.
Let me try once more to offer you suggestions on improving your behaviour here. Its just my opinion though.

1/ As a heterosexual, comment on sexuality topics that specifically deal with your position as a fiance of a bisexual man.
1b/ As a non bisexual, wait 24 hours on any sexual thread not dealing with your particular situation. Never be the first to comment on such sexual threads.
2/ Reduce the number of your posts as this is a site for bisexuals primarily...not heterosexuals even if they are the long distant fiance of a bisexual member. You have posted over 1 400 posts in less than a year. Imo, that seems excessive for a non bisexual on a bisexual web site. I recently came across a post under your Twyla name. I believe that you had posted over 2, 000 posts between 2008 and June, 2010. That is a total of 3,400 posts by a heterosexual on a bisexual web site. Madam, you really believe that is appropriate and that you are that much of an expert on bisexuality????? You have only been with a bisexual in person for three months.
2b/ You seem to have too much of a perception of ownership of this site for a heterosexual imo. You have sometimes posted using the pronoun "we" as if you represent this site. You don't nor does anyone but Drew.
3/ Stop the personal attacks on bisexual men as this is not the first attack that you have deemed yourself qualified and authorized to attack a bisexual man.
4/ You are not funny and no humour transplant can help if you do not know how to communicate. At least use internet symbols (lol, :) etc.) to show that you intend your words as joking, satire etc. Post 2 has no symbol to indicate that you meant it as a joke and therefore it is understood to be intentionally a serious comment and personal attack on the OP.

and you could stay out of the parent threads, the military threads, and the non bisexual male threads, since you are none of them......

sound fair ????????

Apr 22, 2011, 9:25 PM
NO. That does not sound fair to me at all.
I support Tenni in resisting bad behavior and occasional arrogance.
I do not want it banned but, it needs to be rebutted.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 22, 2011, 9:47 PM
NO. That does not sound fair to me at all.
I support Tenni in resisting bad behavior and occasional arrogance.
I do not want it banned but, it needs to be rebutted.

thats fair enough... now who amongst us, has the right to decide what is acceptable in the site...

is it the asexual, celibate bisexual male with a hetero / bi friendly partner that is 9000 miles away

maybe its the bisexual, unmarried, male that is anti heterosexual voices in the site and pro cheating....

could it be the vocal lesbian female that is the partner of a bisexual female....

what about the almost gay male with a bisexual male partner......

who amongst us, is truely the voice of bisexuals and bisexuality, the issues we face and how we deal with them around the world ???

I am willing to lay a bet, that its each of us, every one of us.... the bisexuals and the non bisexuals, that make up the site and the community......and the final say, comes down to drew....

unless we want to have censorship by members, and exclude a aspect of the bisexual community.... while we fight against censorship and silencing by the larger community that is the world.....

its interesting how we can tell others to remain silent, while we state we should not be silenced....

the hetero and gay community of the site, make up a large majority of our partners.... and so should we be telling our own partners that they should take a back seat like the people of colour did for so many years in the USA ???

how quickly we forget how our * foe * silenced us, when we wish to silence others when it suits our own purposes......

just off hand... I did a forum count..... 819 bisexuals have posted this month, 12 heteros, 4 lesbians, 6 trans people..... and most of the personal attacks were by bisexuals.......and involved desires to exclude and silence non bisexuals, personal attacks on members, issues with heterosexuals having opinions........

reminds me of the military days and the warning that your worst enemy is not the one facing you... its the person beside you..and its called friendly fire.......

so yeah.... who amongst us, has the right to say who may have a voice in the site....??????

drugstore cowboy
Apr 22, 2011, 10:57 PM
may I direct you to www.asexuality.org

sexuality is a attraction... asexuality is a absence of sexual desire.... so I can be attracted to people and have no interest in romantic interaction

from the FAQ of the site

I identify as (straight/gay/bi/something else), but I still fit your definition of asexuality. Am I wrong?

No you're not wrong. Many asexuals with 'romance drives' also have an orientation (they only fall for certain types of people). Some asexuals may decide only to form relationships with a certain type of person for some intellectual reason, or it could be a simple preference like preferring chocolate flavour to strawberry. Other asexuals identify as bisexual because their asexual relationships are not based upon gender (chocolate and strawberry both being very tasty). Asexuals might form unconventional relationships and therefore identify as polyamorous or queer.

There is no reason why you have to identify as just one thing. You could decide to identify as a bi asexual or as polyamorous and asexual or as an asexual polyamorous bi person... or you could make up your own entirely new identity. But remember, whether or not you fit the definition of asexuality, you're welcome in the asexual community.

That's a complete oxymoron, and makes no sense at all.

If you're asexual then you don't have any sort of sexual orientation at all since you have no sex drive or sexual attraction to anyone at all.

You're bisexual because you have at least a sexual attraction to both genders, and asexual people do not have a sexual attraction to anyone so therefore you can't be asexual and have a sexual orientation, and therefore you can't be both asexual and bisexual.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 22, 2011, 11:13 PM
That's a complete oxymoron, and makes no sense at all.

If you're asexual then you don't have any sort of sexual orientation at all since you have no sex drive or sexual attraction to anyone at all.

You're bisexual because you have at least a sexual attraction to both genders, and asexual people do not have a sexual attraction to anyone so therefore you can't be asexual and have a sexual orientation, and therefore you can't be both asexual and bisexual.

ok, now, take your hand off your cock and open your eyes and I will explain it to you in simple terms

sexuality is the attraction to a gender..... IE heterosexual, homo sexual, bi sexual, that can be romantic / sexual

sexual drive and arrousal is the inclination for sexual / romantic desires and the reaction to attractions and interaction

I have been sexually active in past years with males and females.....

being celibate means that I abstain from sex...
being asexual means that I have no sexual desire or drive

I am not sure if I have dumbed it down enough for you.. or if people like you are incapable of intelligent reasoning..... but I can dumb it down further for you

me not fuck you
me not want to fuck you
me not gonna fuck you
you have to go fuck yourself

drugstore cowboy
Apr 22, 2011, 11:43 PM
ok, now, take your hand off your cock and open your eyes and I will explain it to you in simple terms

sexuality is the attraction to a gender..... IE heterosexual, homo sexual, bi sexual, that can be romantic / sexual

sexual drive and arrousal is the inclination for sexual / romantic desires and the reaction to attractions and interaction

I have been sexually active in past years with males and females.....

being celibate means that I abstain from sex...
being asexual means that I have no sexual desire or drive

I have posted about how I am a asexual and celibate bisexual and yes its a contradiction in times..... I am asexual as I lack a sexual drive.... I do not feel the urges to have sex.

So what? Just because you can perform sexually that does not mean that you're actually sexually attracted to anyone of any gender.

You're asexual since you have no sex drive or sexual attraction to anyone at all.

I don't care if you don't want sex with me I don't want sex with you and it'd be foolish to get into a relationship with an asexual.

Apr 23, 2011, 12:13 AM
Ok then, back to the topic...

I always thought the bigger the balls, the bigger the load. Boy did I get that wrong. My BF has cow's balls. Really. Their freakin' huge and make a great bulge in his jeans. The first time I went down on him I was preparing for a huge mouthful of a load. :( Nope. Jut average, or just slightly less than average.

Now me, with very average size nuts, I nearly drowned him. :bigrin: He thought my precum was the whole shebang. Surprise!!! I have been told that I'm a great cummer, but I never told him. I like to make people work for their just deserts.

It just goes to show you that sometimes, life is fair. :tongue:

Long Duck Dong
Apr 23, 2011, 12:23 AM
So what? Just because you can perform sexually that does not mean that you're actually sexually attracted to anyone of any gender.

You're asexual since you have no sex drive or sexual attraction to anyone at all.

I don't care if you don't want sex with me I don't want sex with you and it'd be foolish to get into a relationship with an asexual.

asexual means no sex drive or sexual interest...... it doesn't refer to sexual attraction......

my sexuality is based around the fact that I have had sexual partners of both genders in the past.... so there is actually ( gasp ) good reason for me to use the term bisexual..... or do I have to use the term male that has sex with males, or heteroflexible or part time partner or spur of the moment bisexual since I should not be using the term bisexual to refer to myself as a person that has had sex with both genders on more than one occasion.....

my asexuality is based around the fact that I lack a sex drive, I do not have the need or desire to go and hook up or have a sexually active relationship....and also the reason why I am fine in a long term, long distance relationship and not needing or desiring casual hook ups, cyber or a open relationship

your inability to understand that, is a clear example of your lack of understanding of sex and sexuality ......

Apr 23, 2011, 12:32 AM
your inability to understand that, is a clear example of your lack of understanding of sex and sexuality ......

Sorry LDD, but I have to disagree. To purposfully surpress sexual desire and need is not natural. This quasi permanent arangement that you and DD have is very unique, but I'm afraid not very healthy. Don't the two of you ever want to get together in real life and get your relationship off the net? I really hope you two do. No amount of camming and e-chatting can ever replace the human touch.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 23, 2011, 2:14 AM
thats where the misunderstanding comes into it mikey.... I am not suppressing anything, I merely lack any desire or drive....

what it is, is I lack a chemical / hormone reaction in my body, it triggers in people and causes the coupling / sexual arousal response....

so living a celibate lifestyle, doesn't cause me any issues, as I lack the craving and desire that you experience... its why I do not suggest that people are celibate if its not in their nature cos it can cause issues in people....

if I was to try to *push * myself to have sex, it becomes a drawn out physical act for me with no pleasure.... tho I can use a synthetic chemical / hormone treatment in place of the sex hormone ( aphrodisiac )

honestly unless a person is no longer sexually active long term, they would struggle to imagine a world without sex... but think back to your younger days when sex was just a word and you had no desires... and that is what my world is like.....

Apr 23, 2011, 8:53 PM

It might only be this Irishman's opinion, the cows in Ireland don't have any balls, I had assumed this applied to Canada and the rest of the World too. :rolleyes:

Apr 24, 2011, 2:04 PM
like to hear that Long...i gave them 26 years in the army. a lot of people dont have the respect or take us passivly what we had to endure to give them the freedoms they now enjoy....

i had to keep my bi sexuality hidden in the army but had a couple of good experiences but had to tread on thin water to keep things under the cover. there are a lot of bi men and women in the military but keep it hidden even after they are going to repeal the DADT.

max, I am a ex service man.... I have served my country ...... and I have walked in protest lines.....

facing bullets overseas is not the way we got the right for LGBT to marry in NZ..... and we never went overseas to fight for those rights either....
there is different types of fights to be fought and different types of people that fight them.....

just cos fran has not served in the military forces overseas.... doesn't mean the protest battles that she has fought on her own turf, are any less valuable to people like the LGBT that want equal rights

society is a battlefield, not just the warzones with bullets and bombs

Apr 25, 2011, 6:00 PM

It might only be this Irishman's opinion, the cows in Ireland don't have any balls, I had assumed this applied to Canada and the rest of the World too. :rolleyes:

Ok, I've thought long and hard on this one, but I still don't get it. :( Bulls, yes, but cows, no.

Apr 25, 2011, 6:10 PM
being below average I have had few complaints seems both men and woman like
my size as its easier to take all of me in their mouth,and personally I like cocks that are average and woman with small tits:bipride:

Apr 25, 2011, 8:50 PM
Hurrah! for Texas, someone gets it.lol

'My BF has cow's balls. Really. Their freakin' huge and make a great bulge in his jeans.'

Cows don't have balls, they have udders. Do you understand now? He may have balls the size of udders, but that's a whole different ball game. :bigrin:

Apr 25, 2011, 10:02 PM
Doh!!! Got it now. :banghead: