View Full Version : Elisabeth Sladen: Sarah Jane Smith

Apr 20, 2011, 7:45 PM
Sarah Jane Smith yesterday passed into the darkness of the Cosmos. I was raised with Sarah Jane, and she was part of my llife before I even knew what she looked like. My dad, more than any other actress or personality adored Sarah Jane with a passion, and I often remember my mum getting ratty with him and his reminiscences. Arguably the most popular of Doctor Who's companions, without doubt she was the most beautiful and enchanting.

Elisabeth Sladen, the actress who played the part of Sarah Jane has died of cancer. Any of us who are Doctor Who fans will mourn her, even me who is not the most personality concious person on the planet, and whose experience of her in the part was couple of latter day performances in the series as a guest, but even in these episodes, with her no longer glam and well past her prime, she exuded a charm and energy in the part which made me wonder just what I had missed. My daughter is a big fan of the children's spin off series on Auntie, "The Sarah Jane Adventures" and she is distraught.

Lis Sladen was not a great actress. But she became the most loved of all the assistants who appeared in Doctor Who, and was, and is beloved by my daughter and millions of children now because of the Sarah Jane Adventures. She is loved by millions of old goats of my dad's generation for the charm and energy she brought to the same role back in the 1970s. A part of the Whoiverse folklore has passed and we are the poorer for it.

A beautiful woman and I do believe a beautiful person.


Apr 21, 2011, 1:00 AM
i also remember her in an episode of 'some mother's do have 'em'. she was the greengrocer that nearly had a nervous breakdown after frank spencer wanted to buy 3 grapes, not the bunch, and wanted to pay for a bit of this, a refund on that, and a little bit more of the other. sounds confusing? well, she and we thought so. hilarious though.

isn't it strange how actors stay forever young in our memories. their passing years later comes with great sadness and shock, as they haven't aged for us.

Apr 21, 2011, 1:24 AM
R.I.P. Sarah Jane Smith.Would you like a Jelly Baby??


Apr 21, 2011, 12:24 PM
She was one of the best companions ever. While not one of the best actresses out there, she really knew how to make the best of every script that was handed over to her. And she also can be considered an early feminist role model for many young people who were raised on the sixties, as she was very strong-willed and independent, which set her apart from most of the earlier and later companions. She was also, according to many people who met her at comic-cons, to be rather sweet and talkative with fans. Yesterday I read a thread on IMDB, one poster said that he would like to think that she, Jon Pertwee (who played the "Third Doctor" and died in 1996), Roger Delgado (who played "The Master" and died on a car crash on 1973) and Nicholas Courtney (who played "The Brigadier" and passed away a couple of months ago, also after a long battle with cancer) are together in heaven, having a pint and cheering on (I always have imagined heaven as a pub, bar or nightclub. Possibly because in those places is where I can get closer to happiness. DonĀ“t ask me why...).

Anyway, Miss Sladen, we will never forget you. You were one of the first characters on Doctor Who that I admired and could relate to. Give the rest of the cast our greetings, and stun all the angels with your beauty.

Apr 21, 2011, 3:42 PM
I met Elisabeth Sladen when I was 7. I dont remember much except for the shock of thick dark hair, light brown eyes and the scent of Jasmine. Not knowing who she was even although a Doctor Who fan even at that young age, I asked my father huffily why everyone was so interested in 'her'. He explained who she was and why she had so many people around her and knowing she had been introduced as Lis Sladen I was confused when he told me she was Sarah Jane Smith. It was the first time I realised that on screen names weren't actually real names.

I have a number of old episodes on DVD and she was an exquisitely beautiful creature who will be sorely missed. My condolences to her family and all those who loved her from afar.
